Support for Ares Skin (2 Viewers)


New Member
March 25, 2024
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Post here if you need support for Ares or are unsure of how to get something to work.

This skin is very modular in design as in the home tiles can be edited directly by pressing info/f9 on the tile and selecting the relevant button ( plugin selection or name editing ). The plugins supported so far are the ones in the plugin list.
You can access quick settings and main settings by navigating to the bottom left corner power icon and choosing which one you need.

Hello new to media portal, is it possible to to have multiple "my video" plugins across the pages? for example I'm trying to create multiple video folders with an image as the front end as shown in the image above. when it comes to adding a plugin to other unlisted plugins the options for "my video" plugin isnt available for me to add the plugin, could you please advise me on how i can add say multiple "my video" plugins across the GUI please? also how do i use custom images on the front end?
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