Swedish TV3, TV6, TV8 and Viasat sport script (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
September 3, 2005

Thanks for a really good plugin, my wife loves it.

I found this code from a python script for XBMC, is this something you can use and att this channels to OnlineVideos?

Thanks in advance!

from uriopener import UriHandler
from cgi import logfile
import uriopener
import xbmc, xbmcgui
import sys, re, urllib, math, urlparse, types, string
# Make global object available
import common
import mediaitem
import config
import controls
import contextmenu
import chn_class

logFile = sys.modules['__main__'].globalLogFile
uriHandler = sys.modules['__main__'].globalUriHandler
# register the channels
if (sys.modules.has_key('progwindow')):
register = sys.modules['progwindow']
elif (sys.modules.has_key('plugin')):
register = sys.modules['plugin']
register.channelRegister.append('chn_tvse.Channel("uzg-channelwindow.xml", config.rootDir, config.skinFolder, channelCode="se6")')
register.channelRegister.append('chn_tvse.Channel("uzg-channelwindow.xml", config.rootDir, config.skinFolder, channelCode="se3")')
register.channelRegister.append('chn_tvse.Channel("uzg-channelwindow.xml", config.rootDir, config.skinFolder, channelCode="se8")')
register.channelRegister.append('chn_tvse.Channel("uzg-channelwindow.xml", config.rootDir, config.skinFolder, channelCode="sesport")')

# main Channel Class
class Channel(chn_class.Channel):
# define class variables
def InitialiseVariables(self):
Used for the initialisation of user defined parameters. All should be
present, but can be adjusted
# call base function first to ensure all variables are there

self.baseUrl = "http://viastream.player.mtgnewmedia.se/"
self.maxXotVersion = "3.2.0"
self.requiresLogon = False
self.moduleName = "chn_tvse.py"

if self.channelCode == "se3":
self.guid = "9EC8F612-2EA4-11DE-867C-B84656D89593"
#self.mainListUri = "http://viastream.player.mtgnewmedia.se/xml/xmltoplayer.php?type=siteMapData&channel=2se&country=se&category=0"
self.mainListUri = "http://viastream.viasat.tv/siteMapData/se/2se/0"
self.icon = "tv3seicon.png"
self.iconLarge = "tv3selarge.png"
self.noImage = "tv3seimage.png"
self.channelName = "TV3"
self.channelDescription = u'Sända från TV3.se'
elif self.channelCode =="se6":
self.guid = "FB34E1F0-2930-11DE-A339-255856D89593"
#self.mainListUri = "http://viastream.player.mtgnewmedia.se/xml/xmltoplayer.php?type=siteMapData&channel=3se&country=se&category=0"
self.mainListUri = "http://viastream.viasat.tv/siteMapData/se/3se/0"
self.icon = "tv6seicon.png"
self.iconLarge = "tv6selarge.png"
self.noImage = "tv6seimage.png"
self.channelName = "TV6"
self.channelDescription = u'Sända från TV6.se'
elif self.channelCode =="se8":
self.guid = "BDC1A5C5-2777-4D05-BB5B-742A88B89CC5"
#self.mainListUri = "http://viastream.player.mtgnewmedia.se/xml/xmltoplayer.php?type=siteMapData&channel=4se&country=se&category=0"
self.mainListUri = "http://viastream.viasat.tv/siteMapData/se/4se/0"
self.icon = "tv8seicon.png"
self.iconLarge = "tv8selarge.png"
self.noImage = "tv8seimage.png"
self.channelName = "TV8"
self.channelDescription = u'Sända från TV8.se'
elif self.channelCode == "sesport":
self.guid = "87533F2C-B759-11DE-A4E3-146355D89593"
self.mainListUri = "http://viastream.player.mtgnewmedia.se/xml/xmltoplayer.php?type=siteMapData&channel=1se&country=se&category=0"
self.icon = "sesporticon.png"
self.iconLarge = "sesportlarge.png"
self.noImage = "sesportimage.png"
self.channelName = "Viasat Sport"
self.channelDescription = u'Sända från viasatsport.se'
self.contextMenuItems = []
self.contextMenuItems.append(contextmenu.ContextMenuItem("Play using Mplayer", "CtMnPlayMplayer", itemTypes="video", completeStatus=True))
self.contextMenuItems.append(contextmenu.ContextMenuItem("Play using DVDPlayer", "CtMnPlayDVDPlayer", itemTypes="video", completeStatus=True))

self.episodeItemRegex = '<siteMapNode title="([^"]+)" id="([^"]+)" children="true"'
self.videoItemRegex = '<ProductId>([^<]+)</ProductId>\W+<Title><!\[CDATA\[([^>]+)\]\]></Title>'
self.folderItemRegex = '<siteMapNode title="([^"]+)" id="([^"]+)" children="([^"]+)" articles="[123456789]\d*"'
self.mediaUrlRegex = '<param name="flashvars" value="pathflv\W*=\W*([^"]+)_definst_/([^"]+)\$start'

The ProcessPageNavigation method will parse the current data using the pageNavigationRegex. It will
create a pageItem using the CreatePageItem method. If no CreatePageItem method is in the channel,
a default one will be created with the number present in the resultset location specified in the
pageNavigationRegexIndex and the url from the combined resultset. If that url does not contain http://
the self.baseUrl will be added.
# remove the &amp; from the url
self.pageNavigationRegex = 'link button-->\W+<li class="[^"]*"><a href="([^"]+)"[^>]+>(\d+)'
self.pageNavigationRegexIndex = 1

# non standard items
self.categoryName = ""
self.currentUrlPart = ""

return True

def CreateEpisodeItem(self, resultSet):
Accepts an arraylist of results. It returns an item.
if self.channelCode == "se8":
url = "http://viastream.viasat.tv/siteMapData/se/4se/%s" % (resultSet[1],)
elif self.channelCode == "se6":
url = "http://viastream.viasat.tv/siteMapData/se/3se/%s" % (resultSet[1],)
elif self.channelCode == "se3":
url = "http://viastream.viasat.tv/siteMapData/se/2se/%s" % (resultSet[1],)
elif self.channelCode == "sesport":
url = "http://viastream.player.mtgnewmedia.se/xml/xmltoplayer.php?type=siteMapData&channel=1se&country=se&category=%s" %(resultSet[1],)

item = mediaitem.MediaItem(resultSet[0], url)
item.description = resultSet[0]
item.icon = self.icon
return item

def CreateFolderItem(self, resultSet):
if self.channelCode == "se8" or self.channelCode == "se6" or self.channelCode == "se3":
url = "http://viastream.viasat.tv/Products/Category/%s" % (resultSet[1],)
if resultSet[2] == "false":
url = "http://viastream.player.mtgnewmedia.se/xml/xmltoplayer.php?type=Products&category=%s" % (resultSet[1],)
url = "http://viastream.player.mtgnewmedia.se/xml/xmltoplayer.php?type=siteMapData&channel=3se&country=se&category=%s" % (resultSet[1],)

item = mediaitem.MediaItem(resultSet[0], url)
item.thumb = self.noImage
item.type = "folder"
item.complete = True
item.icon = self.folderIcon
return item

def CreateVideoItem(self, resultSet):
Accepts an arraylist of results. It returns an item.
logFile.debug('starting FormatVideoItem for %s', self.channelName)

if (self.channelCode == "sesport"):
url = "http://viastream.player.mtgnewmedia.se/xml/xmltoplayer.php?type=Products&clipid=%s" % (resultSet[0],)
url = "http://viastream.viasat.tv/Products/%s" % (resultSet[0],) #223950

item = mediaitem.MediaItem(resultSet[1], url)
item.type = "video"
item.complete = False
item.icon = self.icon
return item

def UpdateVideoItem(self, item):
Accepts an item. It returns an updated item.
logFile.debug('starting UpdateVideoItem for %s (%s)', item.name, self.channelName)
data = uriHandler.Open(item.url, pb=False)

for description in common.DoRegexFindAll("<LongDescription><!\[CDATA\[([^<]+)\]\]", data):
item.description = description

for image in common.DoRegexFindAll("<Url>([^<]+)</Url>\W+</ImageMedia>", data):
item.thumbUrl = image
item.thumb = self.CacheThumb(item.thumbUrl)

for url in common.DoRegexFindAll("<Url>([^<]+)</Url>\W+</Video>", data):

item.complete = True
logFile.debug("Found mediaurl: %s", item)
return item

# ContextMenu functions
def CtMnPlayMplayer(self, selectedIndex):
item = self.listItems[selectedIndex]
self.PlayVideoItem(item, "mplayer")

def CtMnPlayDVDPlayer(self, selectedIndex):
item = self.listItems[selectedIndex]
self.PlayVideoItem(item, "dvdplayer")


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I'm not a python expert, but this can be converted to OnlineVideos (unfortunately not automatically, but by hand). Same goes for all the other XBMC scripts. If I get the time I'll have a beat at it.


    Portal Member
    July 10, 2009
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I'm not a python expert, but this can be converted to OnlineVideos (unfortunately not automatically, but by hand). Same goes for all the other XBMC scripts. If I get the time I'll have a beat at it.

    will be great if you fix it :)

    if you need a swedish ip(vpn) PM and i buy you one!


    Portal Member
    September 3, 2005
    Would be very nice to get this online play channels, I can also assist with vpn connection if you need, and i am willing to test your scripts :)
    My wife would love if this would work :p


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Test Version

    I got something to test. Here is is preview version of 0.16
    I added a site Viasat with Sport,TV3,TV6,TV8. I was only able to test the non geo blocked content. I'd ask you to test the other stuff and report back.


    Portal Member
    September 3, 2005
    Hi offbyone,

    it works really good :)

    Just two small things that doesn´t work, getting pictures for the programs, and getting the descriptions for the shows, not really a big problem but a nice to have feature :)

    Thanks for a great work!


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Yeah I know, the files they give don't really have much information :( I'll try to get some once it's confirmed that the util works.


    Portal Member
    July 10, 2009
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Really nice work :)

    All video source tested so far has worked.

    have some name problem

    example: tv3/45 Minuter/Säsong 6/(episode name)

    some episode have same name (45 minuter)
    some have right name? (45 minuter - {date})
    and 1 whith name.ext (45 minuter - 2006-03-06.wmv)

    is it possible to have them all with name - date?

    Thanks again and a really nice work :D

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