Terratec 2400i DT Tuner / Capture no definitions found (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 11, 2006

Using RC2 with mediaportal-cvs-02-10-2006--01-05.rar.

anybody any ideas why if the CaptureCardDefinitions.xml contains the correct entries (checked and double checked with GraphEdit) that the setup application states "Unable to create graph for this device.

Log file reckons the card cannot be found:

13/02/2006 14:05:37 video device moniker :mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3451002&rev_00#4&13699180&0&3848#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bc187864-4183-4dc5-9fe0-679a7a039975}
13/02/2006 14:05:37 captureDeviceDeviceName:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3451002&rev_00#4&13699180&0&3848
13/02/2006 14:05:37 Using card#0
13/02/2006 14:05:37 filter tvtuner='ATI AVStream Analog Tuner' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:37 filter tvaudio='ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:37 filter crossbar='ATI AVStream Analog Xbar' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:37 filter capture='ATI AVStream Analog Capture' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:37 filter mux='ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:37 CaptureCard Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 1 NOT supported, no definitions found
13/02/2006 14:05:37 CaptureCard Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 2 NOT supported, no definitions found
13/02/2006 14:05:38 video device moniker :mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3451002&rev_00#4&13699180&0&3848#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bc187864-4183-4dc5-9fe0-679a7a039975}
13/02/2006 14:05:38 captureDeviceDeviceName:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3451002&rev_00#4&13699180&0&3848
13/02/2006 14:05:38 Using card#0
13/02/2006 14:05:38 filter tvtuner='ATI AVStream Analog Tuner' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:38 filter tvaudio='ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:38 filter crossbar='ATI AVStream Analog Xbar' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:38 filter capture='ATI AVStream Analog Capture' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:38 filter mux='ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:38 CaptureCard Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 1 NOT supported, no definitions found
13/02/2006 14:05:38 CaptureCard Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 2 NOT supported, no definitions found
13/02/2006 14:05:56 video device moniker :mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3451002&rev_00#4&13699180&0&3848#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bc187864-4183-4dc5-9fe0-679a7a039975}
13/02/2006 14:05:56 captureDeviceDeviceName:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3451002&rev_00#4&13699180&0&3848
13/02/2006 14:05:56 Using card#0
13/02/2006 14:05:56 filter tvtuner='ATI AVStream Analog Tuner' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:56 filter tvaudio='ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:56 filter crossbar='ATI AVStream Analog Xbar' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:56 filter capture='ATI AVStream Analog Capture' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:56 filter mux='ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer' check:True
13/02/2006 14:05:56 CaptureCard Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 1 NOT supported, no definitions found
13/02/2006 14:05:56 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:2
13/02/2006 14:05:56 DVBGraphBDA:CreateGraph().
13/02/2006 14:05:56 CaptureCard Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 1 NOT supported, no definitions found
13/02/2006 14:05:56 DVBGraphBDA: Loading card definitions for card Terratec Cinergy 2400i DT Tuner 1 failed
13/02/2006 14:05:57 CaptureCard Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 2 NOT supported, no definitions found
13/02/2006 14:05:57 CaptureCard Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 1 NOT supported, no definitions found
13/02/2006 14:05:57 CaptureCard Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 1 NOT supported, no definitions found

Thanks - would be nice to get this going ...


Portal Pro
February 11, 2006
Ah, I see Mantis bug: 0000621

Would be useful to resolve this (for me anyway :wink:).

Should have Visual Studio 2005 soon (when I get back to work next week) if that's any help?


Hi amnw14545
got the same message. And I've also check'd with GraphEdit.
That's my captureCardDefinition.xml:

<capturecard commercialname="Terratec Cinergy 2400i DT Tuner 1" capturename="Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 1" devid="ven_18c3&amp;dev_0720&amp;subsys_1167153b&amp;rev_00">
<capabilities tv="true" radio="false" mpeg2="true" mce="false" sw="false" bda="true"></capabilities>
<interface cat="capture" video="2" audio="3" mpeg2="1" sectionsandtables="5"></interface>
<filter cat="networkprovider" name="Microsoft DVBT Network Provider" checkdevice="false"/>
<filter cat="tunerdevice" name="Cinergy 2400i DT Tuner 1" checkdevice="true"/>
<filter cat="capture" name="Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 1" checkdevice="true"/>
<connection sourcefilter="networkprovider" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="tunerdevice" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="tunerdevice" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="capture" sinkpin="0"></connection>

<capturecard commercialname="Terratec Cinergy 2400i DT Tuner 2" capturename="Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 2" devid="ven_18c3&amp;dev_0720&amp;subsys_1167153b&amp;rev_00">
<capabilities tv="true" radio="false" mpeg2="true" mce="false" sw="false" bda="true"></capabilities>
<interface cat="capture" video="2" audio="3" mpeg2="1" sectionsandtables="5"></interface>
<filter cat="networkprovider" name="Microsoft DVBT Network Provider" checkdevice="false"/>
<filter cat="tunerdevice" name="Cinergy 2400i DT Tuner 2" checkdevice="true"/>
<filter cat="capture" name="Cinergy 2400i DT Capture 2" checkdevice="true"/>
<connection sourcefilter="networkprovider" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="tunerdevice" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="tunerdevice" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="capture" sinkpin="0"></connection>

Source: CVS from 2006-02-13 from this German forum:

My Problem: In setup wizzard both tuners will be shown on screen "TV-Setup", but the "next" button doesn't take any effect.
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Regards, Harry.

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