[Test] Plugin voice remote controle (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 1, 2006
FlipGer said:

I would love to have this implemented! :)

I also considered to make such a plugin, but (as always) no time...

Any progress here?


Hi Flip,

Patience, I've joined to MP comunity today , have sources downloaded :D ..... DirectX rendering...... Respect! but problematic for multilanguage support, isn't it? Well, it's offtopic.... It'll take me a while to understand what happens inside and how to develop plugins. I'll do my best.

I have to admit that I still haven't installed MP on my HTPC (will do it right now).

It would be great to get additional ideas about what do you want from MP VUI from the people who have good knowledge in MP functionality and existing plugins.
Again, I'll gather this information by myself, but "Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment." I'd like to pass the first stage as quick as possible :lol:




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  • April 22, 2004
    Re: Voice Remote control vs. Voice User Interface

    kwazi said:
    Imagine that you, based on your database, can say something like "Find me all my Jazz music" or play Mozart, or ask "what's the weather in New York tomorrow",
    or "Record all Start Trek movies on Sci-Fi channel today" without even being in the relevant screen.

    I never payed much attention to voice control because I thought it was complicated, unconvenient and unreliable.
    But your examples are very tempting :)
    If I could play "Meat Loaf" just by asking for it, wow!

    You can always look for developer support on irc channel, but might be a problem with time zone.



    Portal Member
    April 2, 2006
    i've a look on sphinx

    Free MS Speech Rec engine is .... free and it is the only good word I can say about it. It will not work well in even slightly noisy environment and it's functionality is highly limited. Thus it will probably be much better choice to integrate this plugin with Sphinx http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/html/cmusphinx.php. There are several other options.

    I can say that Free MS Speech Rec engine is too easy to use because it's not easy to understand how use sphinx but if you have already use it....

    I have some questions :
    Is Sphinx implement or plan to implement multi language recognition ?
    Is a way to easily install Sphinx ? ( Lot of user without big experience on MP) ?


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2005
    Question - multiple users. The thing with voice recognition I have used is the teaching aspect, and getting the software to understand how you speak. So what happens when your MP box is used by the family, how do you plan to get this plugin working for me, the wife, the kids, the dog etc.


    Portal Member
    May 1, 2006
    fathead said:
    Question - multiple users. The thing with voice recognition I have used is the teaching aspect, and getting the software to understand how you speak. So what happens when your MP box is used by the family, how do you plan to get this plugin working for me, the wife, the kids, the dog etc.

    There are several Speech Rec (SR) technologies today on the market, but I'll emphasize two differentiating factors: Speaker Dependant vs. Speaker Independent SR Engines. So to answer your question there are engines that do not require training and will understand your whole family (statistically men are understood better then women :D and especially children under 11). The second difference is between unlimited vocabularies (aka dictation systems) vs. CFG (Context Free Grammars) or Stochastic Grammars based SR Engines. Without making it completely boring, in the first case you can say whatever you want to (but you pay very high price – high error rate and high environment requirements – silence, high quality mic etc. ); in the second case you have to define grammars, that will tell SR Engine what can be expected. I’m thinking about using Speaker independent, grammar based SR Engine and consider Sphinx as a serious candidate for the job. I used it before. Of course I would prefer to use commercial engine, such as Nuance 8.5, but I doubt anyone would spend 800$ for excellent SR Engine even if it supports 40+ languages :). What is interesting in Sphinx is that you can relatively easy add any language. Easy because the set of the sentences and commands is well defined and relatively, cause we’ll have problems with names recognition.

    I’ve installed MP on my HTPC. I haven’t succeeded to configure TV Card, but this problem I’ll try to solve in appropriate topic. I am a little bit concerned about the resources MP consumes, cause Speech Rec Engine by itself might have relatively high requirements. I’ll do some experiments this weekend and keep you posted


    Portal Member
    May 1, 2006
    chili said:
    Has anyone seen this software? http://www.voiceflux.net/info.vx

    I had played with it in XP a while back, but I think I will load it up on my HTPC this weekend and see what it will do. It works pretty well in the standard OS enviornment and it's very customizable using scripting... and it's freeware.

    I've checked it. It is based on the same Microsoft engine. It's just a utility for system control.


    Portal Pro
    December 6, 2005
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    Canada Canada
    I had started working on something like this already several months ago, but got sidetracked with real life. Anyways, as guilhem is finding/found out, sendkeys doesn't always work. There's a file called keymap.xml that contains all the remote keys, windows etc and their corresponding ID's. I was working building a C&C grammar from a similarly structured file with the addition of a word or short phrase (basically adding a <voice> tag to it). If I remember correctly, once you have the ID you can send something like:

    GUIMessage msg = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_GOTO_WINDOW, 0, 0, 0, ID, 0, null);

    I'm just in the process of getting my dev environment setup again, but would certainly like to collaborate on this as others seem interested.

    To johnbobjamesson: you don't need a bluetooth set. I was using something like this that's not as slick as the bluetooth versions but ok for testing purposes.


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  • April 27, 2004
    Leipzig, Germany
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    I would like to have StarTrek like control. "Earl Grey, hot." ;)

    Ok, in the first step, basic control. Let the user define a keyword like "htpc", "tv", "computer" or "baby". :)
    And give him basic movement:
    - htpc up
    - htpc down
    - htpc left
    - htpc right
    - htpc enter
    - htpc exit

    Second step, build a grammar based on the button labels (if possible). So its multilingual and the user can jump directly into desired menus.

    Third step (future dreams :)). Simple commands like:
    - htpc play video <name>
    - htpc play music album <name>


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