Text alignment problem in Main menu (1 Viewer)




I have a problem with the main menu.
For example:

Editing a mce XML file (that show MyTV my Music, myVideos, Settings etc) properties.

I need align the text to right.

I add the line:


but does not work.

How can i align the text of main menu to right??

If i edit the source code(C#) all menu skins are displayed to right, and only need show the mce skin text to right.

Plase help me :)


Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 23, 2008
    South Central Wisconsin
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    United States of America United States of America
    If all else fails, you can create your menu buttons without a label, then place the label separately over the button (2 copies for each focused and unfocused conditions, with appropriate visibility). I don't think this will work for animated/scrolling menu's (facade and MyHome menu) but works great for static menus.


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