Thanks! (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 11, 2009
Beauharnois, Quebec, Canada
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Canada Canada
Just a big thank you from a fan!

I have to say, of all the media frontend available today, MP has the most complete configuration tool. It may look a bit scary for a total neophyte at first, but with the help of the Wiki setting up is a breeze. All in all, it took me about 30 minutes to set it up and have it running.

There is however a few thing that could be improved :)

  • Have you ever considered moving the extension manager into the configuration tool? Having a unified interface would streamline the process even more.
  • Not all plugins available on the site are available in the extension manager. For example, the Avalon skin that I use wasn't there but was available from the site. Is that a bug?
  • Have you considered applying some naming standard? Sometime we read about Plugins, other time it's extensions... Again, this isn't a problem for me, but for someone new it may be a bit confusing.
  • In the Plugins section of the configuration tool, have you considered using a "click to select" instead of a "hover to select" action? For people who have some physical handicap and trouble using a mouse the "hover" method may be hard to use effectively since they may "pause" over another icon before reaching the buttons they want to use.
But all in all, I'm really grateful for this program and I intend to make a donation as soon as I'm able to.

Thanks again.



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    Hi Alain

    Thanks for the feedback, plugin vs extension, we have changed things slightly and need to play catchup with the wiki regarding naming.

    Glad you like MP's configerability, we know it can be daunting at first, so we really are looking at ways to make initial setup easy as possible, then let people tweak away to there hearts content :D

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