Theme: BasicHome goes Classic with Backdrops | NEW: Editor available (1 Viewer)


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  • July 12, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    I created a theme for myself which resembles the Classic Home screen but with features of Basic Home like FanArt and latest media.

    Main features:
    • Horizontal Menu (taken from StreamedMP)
    • Optional: Small submenu with up to 5 buttons
    • Optional: LatestMedia for MovingPictures, MyMovies, TVSeries, Music, mvCentral and Recordings (LatestMediaHandler required)
    • Optional: TV-Highlights from ClickfinderPG PlugIn (ClickfinderPG required)
    • Optional: FanArt-backgrounds (FanArtHandler required)
    • Optional: Weather Overlay (WorldWeather required)
    • FadeOut of LatestMedia and Clickfinder after 30s to show fullscreen FanArt
    • Removed the PowerOff graphic, but pressing down will still open exit-menu
    NEW: An Editor is provided to easily change all labels, overlays and backgounds

    1.) Just extract the archive into the themes folder of Titan skin (e.g. C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Titan\Themes\).
    2.) Start the editor (Baackdropped-HomeEditor.exe)

    Still using MP 1.3 beta? Please note following:
    2a.) Important: If you like FanArt shown you will have to add the following code block in the original BasicHome.xml of Titan skin. Put it right in the beginning after <window>
    otherwise FanArt won't be loaded! This will not work if this code is written in the BasicHome.xml of my theme and I don't know why because of a limitation of FanArtHandler. Remember that this will have to be done everytime Titan skin gets an update!

    Have fun!

    UPDATES (Change log)
    Uploaded an updated version (V2) of the theme.
    New Features:
    • It should be now much easier to add/delete/change in BasicHome.submenus.xml
    • missing navigation controls added in BasicHome.xml
    New Version with fixed IDs. SubMenus should really work now...

    Added: Two new graphics for submenu background. Will fit now number of items in submenu.
    Fixed: Visibility of LatestMedia for movies and series when submenu is visible
    Fixed: Navigation in submenu won't focus invisible items anymore
    Minor fixes

    only minor changes:
    Added: variables for hyperlinkparameters in BasicHome.xml
    Changed: names of variables in BasicHome.xml for easier understanding
    Fixed: #LABELx.has.fanart in BasicHome.backgrounds.xml

    • Added: BasicHome.UpcomingRecordings.xml: Overlay for upcoming recordings (requires latest version of LatestMediaHandler)
    • Added: BasicHome.ActiveRecordings.xml: Overlay for active recordings (requires LatestMediaHandler and TV-Notifications enabled)
    • Changed: BasicHome.backgrounds.xml: Enabling/Disabling/Changing Backgrounds and FanArt for each label is much easier now
    • Changed: BasicHome.xml: Added imports for upcoming and active recordings xml files
    Added: BasicHome.CONFIG.xml - All settings in one file (except <defaultcontrol>)
    Added: 5-day weather forecast overlay (requires WorldWeather plugin)
    Added: Overlays can now easily be asigned to any label
    Changed: Transfered all definitions from all other xml files to BasciHome.CONFIG.xml

    Fixed: Main menu font: from fontB22 to fontB20 to meet recent changes in Titan skin
    Changed: Alignment of submenu labels: changed from left to center

    Added: Overlay for mvCentral
    Added: Option to show overlays only with focus on certain sub-menu items

    • Added: Overlay for MyVideos
    • Changed: Same FanArt can now be used for multiple labels (Note: this required a change in BasicHome.CONFIG.xml. But only FanArt background section is affected. Everything else can be used from former versions.)
    • Fixed: Visibility condition of "upcoming records" label
    • Fixed: Visibility condition of "active recordings" label
    This version works fine with MP 1.4 PreRelease

    • Minor fix: added compatibility for MP 1.4 Final (fixed theme.xml)
    • Added: New Editor
    • Changed: increased to 5 submenu items
    • Fixed: minor visibility conditions
    Note: There were some major changes in file structure. You can keep your existing BasicHome.CONFIG.xml but you will have to start the editor, correct the overlays and save a new config file!


    • BasicHome.jpg
      322.6 KB
    • BasicHome2.jpg
      345.3 KB
    • BasicHome3.jpg
      409.6 KB
    • BasicHome4.jpg
      240 KB
    • Backdropped-Editor.PNG
      45.2 KB
      3.1 MB
      3.1 MB
      3.7 MB
    Last edited:


    Extension Developer
    February 8, 2007
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Tried to add my submenu to the FILM section without luck, seems some index are totally messed up.



    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    2.) Important: You will have to add the following code block in the original BasicHome.xml of Titan skin otherwise FanArt won't be loaded!
    Put it right in the beginning after <window>
    This will not work if this code is written in the BasicHome.xml of my theme and I don't know why.

    @Developers is this a bug?
    Last edited:


    MP Donator
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  • July 12, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    Tried to add my submenu to the FILM section without luck, seems some index are totally messed up.
    Ah, I see I forgot to add <onup> conditions in BasicHome. Will see what I can do...

    Beautiful! Would be even greater with localized labels for the menu items
    I can change it, although there is no label for "Latest Recordings" (I think), and all other labels can easily be changed in the upper part of BasicHome. I have an idea how to make changes in submenus more easy, if so I will change the template to localized labels.

    @Developers is this a bug?
    Maybe this is a problem of FanArtHandler (@Cul8er), as all other definitions are loaded from the theme BasicHome.xml. (I'm using Version 3.0.9)?


    MP Donator
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  • July 12, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    updated version uploaded :)
    New Features:
    • It should be now much easier to add/delete/change in BasicHome.submenus.xml
    • missing navigation controls added in BasicHome.xml
    I haven't included localized labels as they wouldn't be in capital letters and doesn't look nice. You can still easily change the labels in BasicHome.xml. The only other label is "Neueste Aufnahmen" (latest recordings) located in BasicHome.LatestRecordings.xml.

    When I find some more time, I will have a look, how it could be easier to enable/change/disable FanArt for the different labels.
    And if I find A LOT more time I think it would be feasible to implement a simple editor in MP settings GUI (and I wouldn't be sad if anyone else is doing some work in that direction ;) )

    Have fun!


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Hi, I downloaded this latest version and tried to add a submenu for MyVideos above the Movies (Moving Pictures) and changed it like this:

    <define property="true">#submenu4.label1.hastext:True</define>
    <define property="true">#submenu4.label1:FOR KIDS</define>
    The link works, but there's no visible label when I go to the menu item and the default background is shown. Do I have to change something other than in the basichomesubmenus.xml?


    MP Donator
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  • July 12, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    Hm, seems like I forgot some other visibility conditions. Will have a look this evening...
    Thanks for your input :)


    MP Donator
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  • July 12, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    The link works, but there's no visible label when I go to the menu item and the default background is shown.
    Fixed (Version 2.1 uploaded)! I messed up some IDs with copy/paste. Quick check showed no more flaws...

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