If you want to use thumbs for your videos and all your files are in one folder call the thumb <videoname>.tbn. just use .tbn instead of .jpg. frodo posted this tip some time ago. it works!
I got this part to work and you are right it's great, but it's just the folder part
that is throwing me. Is folder.jpg the only file that can be in that folder???
I just want A thumb on the Spongebob video folder, one of the Snorks on the Snorks Folder, one on the transformers Folder and so on.
It's cool it going to support Jpg and png soon saves a lot of renaming
I'm having a bit of a problem with this too.
I get a thumbnail on each folder alright but after going into one folder, adding a couple of video-tracks to the playlist and returning back to the root video share, the thumbnails will not display correctly for dome reason.
I can't even get the thumbnails to work once.
I have no idea why this does not work.
It seems simple. But it just plain does not work.
Even on the new versions. folder.jpg is in ever folder.
Still nothing.
windows ain't hiding your extensions?
When windows does that and you give the filename folder.jpg and it's a jpg then the real filename will be folder.jpg.jpg.
It's not working in the first folder with me. (Huh...? Try to explain
In the config I have are 3 shares. Dvd J:\), CD-RW (K:\) and my movies (E:Movies\). Can't create a thumb in this level for my movies.
"E:Movies\folder.JPG" does not work
When I make a folder in my movies (E:Movies\Test\), I can make a thumb for this folder
"E:Movies\Test\folder.jpg" does work
Hope this will help. Would be nice if it works in the first folder of your shares as well.
zendur! You did it! That was the problem. It Does not work with Top Level Folders. I have it set up with a "TV Shows" Folder and each show has it's own Folder in the "TV Shows" Folder. If I added the Folder Direct in MP. It does not work. But If I added the "TV Shows" folder then all the folders work. I guess you could just Pick a Default folder to start with and put all the Sub folders in there to get around it.