Hi all,
After trying a while to configure my Pinnacle 110i (anlaog TV-Card with software encoder) I gave up and decided to use Mediaportal to play existing content and keep the Pinnacle-Software for recording.
But now I can not use time-shift (watching in Mediaportal while recording with Pinnacle-Software). I can choose the file, but it won't play. It seems Mediaportal can only play mpeg2-file which are "closed" (is this right?)
Is this a "problem" with the build-in player or with the choosen codec (I took the default Mediaportal codec)?
If codec, which codec can handle this (kind of) "open files"?
Any other suggestions how to solve this?
What I also tried is to use (and configure in Mediaportal) a third party player, I used VLC. With VLC I can play this "time-shift files", but since it starts a new application it is difficult use the remote-control the control the player ...
... so, this would be an option, but maybe (hopefully) not the best.
After trying a while to configure my Pinnacle 110i (anlaog TV-Card with software encoder) I gave up and decided to use Mediaportal to play existing content and keep the Pinnacle-Software for recording.
But now I can not use time-shift (watching in Mediaportal while recording with Pinnacle-Software). I can choose the file, but it won't play. It seems Mediaportal can only play mpeg2-file which are "closed" (is this right?)
Is this a "problem" with the build-in player or with the choosen codec (I took the default Mediaportal codec)?
If codec, which codec can handle this (kind of) "open files"?
Any other suggestions how to solve this?
What I also tried is to use (and configure in Mediaportal) a third party player, I used VLC. With VLC I can play this "time-shift files", but since it starts a new application it is difficult use the remote-control the control the player ...
... so, this would be an option, but maybe (hopefully) not the best.