to SVN or not to SVN... that is the question (3 Viewers)


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  • August 22, 2006
    I deleted the text as it wasn’t constructive at all – just an outcome of frustration after a “weekend config session”...


    Portal Pro
    August 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    sorry, if I opened a can of worms,

    this MP product is the best by far compared to others.

    what I suggest is change the nightly builds to monthly builds to give time to get everyone on track and have some bug fixed



    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • August 22, 2006

    you are right it's just the best MediaCenter software available !!!
    It runs that pretty cool, that my whole Multi-Media equipment (TV-Server, Clients, LCD’s) is based on the MP solution. That means I do not have any usual SAT-Receiver or TV, nor CD / DVD player, anymore – so the MP-TV3-Server works or I do not have any TV… the whole flat…No FLAC music, no HDTV, no radio....

    Please don’t understand me wrong – hey it’s great work!! But I don't think that you should go so far to call it a product - at least the TV3 is still in a very early state – even when it doesn’t have to.
    It runs very good for a while as it is – if you got the right SVN - OS combi. But maybe after a while you want to change, add a features as provided by a new PlugIn, go for .mpg recording... – and you are lost. Lost in terms of you do not know is it a bug, a config issue, or a matter of your hardware setup - sure just in 10% of the cases but when it happend you are lost….There are that heavily dependencies between MP-SVN, TV3 SVN, Windows as OS. So if you want to change a bit and it dosn't work, you will go for the “big picture” – reinstall all and get it to work ….but you realise an issue here and there and channel scan is not working any more, as it did.…you check the forum and so on…doing this, doing that – after 1 or 2 days frustration you will get it to run…and you are sure never ever change it… least the next month…until a feature has been fixed / add you was waiting for…

    Again, all respect for your great work! But please be that cool and just release a stabile Release combination of MP and TV3 that allows e.g. scanning channels under the same circumstances as before. If so I will talk about MP as a it is a product…- yes I know TV3 is still a beta - since more than a year, even when you announce its great features !! And of course MP2 is comming up.

    Sorry, but I don’t like to dig in a can of worms too – but if so I have to talk about that feeling….and just don't suggest me to get a image before....

    Best regards,


    Portal Pro
    August 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    sooooo...... which SVN should I test ? :D

    same here.. my whole system is based on MP as well (got the best that money can buy, no regrets here)
    I have confidence this will take us where we want it to be and Im not sure what to suggest with regards to new features with MP1 or how to manage the SVNs, but Im thrill with MP 2.30 stable release ( I just thought it was odd that svn was the only way to scan) you re right, about MPII , time is changing with new tech and os stuff that they had might have no choice but start working on this.

    so let us keep testing the svn and give the best log report they can get their hands on guys and gals !

    now where is that guide to provide the bug/log reports to the developers ?

    yours truly (soon to be tester)


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