Toggle Layer command in remote control (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 6, 2007
Home Country
Israel Israel
Hello all,

In the MCE remote setup, I'm having problem setting more than one command within a specific layer. I want a button to perform a specific action AND to toggle the current layer, so I set two actions for that button. This doesn't work - the command is performed but the layer is not toggled. Is this a bug, a feature or am I missing something?

View attachment 5195


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  • March 7, 2005
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    The Input Handler (which is the same in MCE Replacement plugin as it is in MediaPortal) only processes the first command it finds in that layer.

    If that was changed to process every matching command in a layer it would break a lot of the other mappings that are in place. I will look at adding a Macro command to the MCE Replacement plugin to do the layer switch so you can get around this.

    I'll post back when I come up with something.



    Portal Pro
    January 26, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    That's not true. e.g. the 34-button Hauppauge remote default mapping makes use of this layer feature.

    You define a toggle layer button to access the different layers of a button you defined for various layers. This way buttons can be used at least twice for different commands. No idea why Aaron thinks it only uses the first layer.

    If you want some examples, see the mapping for 34-button Hauppauges.

    No need for a 3rd party driver, the Microsoft driver is enough for this feature. (Completely independant to be more precise.)


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 7, 2005
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    No, you misunderstand me mPod.

    hrox has multiple actions inside the one layer. I'm saying that it will only process the first action it finds.


    Portal Pro
    January 26, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    Ok, that has nothing to do with layers. (Didn't watch the pic, /me hits himself with a stick or sth)

    You cannot assign two commands with the condition "No Condition" to the same button. Then only the first command gets executed cause the first condition (top down processing) is ALWAYS true already.

    Solution: Put a reasonable condition to the first entry and you should be ok. Then the first command gets executed if the first condition is true, in all other cases the first condition would be false and the second condition is true, thus the second command gets executed.

    But I'd reserve one button for toggling only, I wouldn't put sth else on it. But it's possible, of course.


    Portal Member
    March 6, 2007
    Home Country
    Israel Israel
    Thanks for the reply guys.

    I understood your solution and I will try it this evening.

    Having a "toggle layer" command in a macro would be very usefull for me. BTW, great plugin! It took me no-time to configure everything I wanted.
    I think there is a bug in the latest version of the plugin. Only one IR learning is possible after entering the plugin configuration. When trying to learn the next command it immediately fails. I had to re-enter the plugin configuration for every IR learning.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 7, 2005
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    Thanks hrox,

    I'm working on adding a few more macro commands right now. Keep an eye on the MCE Replacement Plugin sub-forum to see when a new test version is released.

    Learning IR commands has always been problematic. I am always trying to improve it, but I've never gotten very far. I have a side project to create a new MceIrApi entirely in C# and I hope it will solve a lot of the problems. Again, keep an eye on the replacement plugin sub-forum.



    Portal Member
    March 6, 2007
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    Israel Israel
    The buttom line of what you are saying is that only one command can be executed for a specific remote key press. In other words, as soon as a command is found (whether conditioned or not) processing is done for that keypress. Is that correct?

    If it is correct, would it cause problems to keep on processing whithin the same layer where the first command was found?



    Portal Pro
    January 26, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    Well, the "current" layer gets evaluated completely top down until a condition is true. So it is keeping on processing until it finds a true condition. You would like to have it processing the complete "stack", executing all true conditions? This wouldn't work with the current way the mapping works.


    You wanna have the red button on your remote do "teletext red" when there is teletext and "toggle fullscreen" for every other circumstance. So you're putting the stuff into the mapper in the following order:

    - if teletext then do RED
    - otherwise do always TOGGLE fullscreen

    If we'd continue processing after the first command is true already, a fullscreen toggle would take place all the time, although you just wanted to use the "red teletext button". Some buttons have even more settings on them, I smell a bunch of conflicts if we'd follow your suggestion, rendering the condition evaluater nearly impossible. Of cause you could put in defined conditions for the fullscreen toggle (instead of the "no condition"). But I guess you wouldn't wanna do that for every screen you can press "toggle fullscreen". Also you wouldn't cover future plugins & even ordinary plugins you can download from our repository either.


    Portal Member
    March 6, 2007
    Home Country
    Israel Israel
    I see.

    Being a developer myself, I understand the problems that such a change might cause. If the philosophy was that processing stops when the first condition is met then changing it now might have unexpected outcomes...

    On the other hand, maybee adding an option to perform more than one command within a specific condition is possible. It can add more functionality and flexibility, for me at least :), and as far as I see it, it would not cause any problems.

    Anyway, :D for the reply and keep on the good work.

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