Trouble with 2x Nova-S Plus (1 Viewer)


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  • April 6, 2005
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Area: Media Portal Program

    MP Version: 0.2/0.13
    Skin: MCE
    Windows Version: XP SP2 all updates
    CPU Type: Intel P4 2.8GHz
    Memory: 512 MB DDR
    Motherboard Chipset:Intel i865
    Video Card: ATI 9600
    Video Card Driver: Omega 2.6.71
    Video Card Resolution: y800x600
    Video Render Type: VMR9
    Video Codec Type & Version: MPEG2
    Audio Codec Type & Version: MPEG2/AC3/DTS
    TV Card: Hauppauge Nova-S Plus (2x)
    TV Card Type: DVB
    TV Card Driver: 2.3.237 (latest)

    Synopsis: I have 2 Hauppauge Nova-S Plus in my HTPC. MP is recognizing both cards, all channels are assigned to both cards and the prority is set to 10 for card1 and 1 for card 2.
    But it's only possible to record with one. If the seconds cards starts recording it creates a file ~ 6kb and thats it.
    Channel switching while one card records is possible, but TV stays black.

    This behaviour is depending on whitch card is recording. Is card 1 recording and I switch tv-channel the recording continues but the tv stays black. Is card2 recording and I switch channels the recording stops immediately.

    1. Watching TV with card1, recording with card2 ->file ~ 6kb
    2. Watching and recording with card1 and changing channel -> recording continues, tv is black
    3. Watching TV with card2, recodring with card1 -> recording the show, but now live tv
    4. Watching and recording with card2 and changing channel -> recording stops, tv is black
    5. Scheduled recording card1 first, card2 second at the same time -> card1 is recording the show, card2 creates a file ~6kb
    6. Scheduled recording card2 first, card1 second at the same time -> no recording at all.

    This happens with MP 0.13 and with 0.2RC1

    There are no usefull entries in the logs. Considering the log everything works, but it doesn't.

    A) I wrote the image of XP back(with all Fixes but no drivers), installed the drivers for the 2 Nova and installed 0.2RC1. MP was only finding one Nova after the insallation. I had to add the other manual.
    B) Same again, but with 2 Nova and a Twinhan 1022 DVB-S. . After the installation of 0.2RC1, MP was finding the Twinhan and one Nova. I had to add the other Nova again manual.

    Could this be a problem with the Nova-S Plus drivers?

    PS: I've test both cards with MS MCE2005 on the same PC, same driver etc., only another HDD to exclude any tv card does not work proberly. But everything was working fine.[/b]


    Portal Member
    January 18, 2006
    Munich, Germany
    I also have 2 Nova-S Plus connected to a Multiswitch (Astra / Hotbird)
    I have a brand new XP Prof installation with all the latest Hauppauge drivers, but I MP Setup only detects 1 Nova-S Plus.
    Even worse: When I start autotune no channels are found.
    Then I tried removing one Nova-S and autotune finally found arround 480 channels. But when I try to watch them only part of them work and channel switching is very slow (5-10 sec). Didn't even try recording since obviously something is wrong.
    It would be interesting whats the problem here. So far I didn't manage to set up a working system. I also suspect having Problems with Diseqc since every time i autotune i get very different number of channels...
    I was trying MediaCenter before, it had no Problems with 2 card, but had so many other quirks that I tried MediaPortal.

    The only tip I can give you is Hotfix KB896626.
    Do you have the Nova-S working now?
    If so:
    I'm currently in Stuttgart, maybe we can meet and you can share some experiences?

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