Trust Wireless Vista Remote Control RC-2400 on windows XP with MP (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 10, 2009
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Hello everybody,

I have bought the Trust rc2400 yesterday, and tried to let it work with mediaportal on Windows xp pro sp3.
After following the description at the first page, it seemed to work..
(The microsoft update didn't want to install, it said I had a newer version. So I passed this, and during the install, i did select manually -> microsoft -> eHome infrared receiver and it worked)

But, here is the problem. I think I haven't installed or configurated HIP the right way I think.
By installing it, I also installed the MCE plugin, but i cannot select this one, because it says I'm missing a .exe file (can't remeber the name, begun with eh****.exe (*I only can remeber the first two letters, when I am home I will seek for it).

When starting mediaportal, some keys do work, (left,right.up,down,enter) but most don't (play,pauze,stop). I can teach HIP these buttons, but stil mediaportal doesn't recognize them? Why is that? Do I have to enable/disable something in the mediaportal configuration?

I'm sorry for all my questions, I try to get the right way to set mediaportal ans hip.
When I know all the answers I will put the right way to install everything in a (this) topic including the right hip files etc. I hope someone can help me with this.


When I go to import configuration and choose MCEIR.hip, I get the error: cannot find the application C:\WINDOWS\EHome|ehShell.exe


Portal Member
March 10, 2009
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
I have solved the problem for myself!

When you want to install the remote, please try this when you've got Windows XP SP3:

1. Insert the USB-stick, windows asks you to install it, you have to chosse the option to search mannually. Then choose the latest option so you can choose "microsoft" in the left list. Then in the right list you can choose for eHome infrared receiver, then install this (if this doesn't work, try the microsoft fix mentioned earlier in this topic).
After installed, the buttons left/right/up/down should work.

2. Then go to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal" and open "eHome Infrared Transceiver List XP.xml" with notepad. Edit the following line:
<transceiver deviceid="#vid_147a&amp;pid_e017" name="Trust RC-2400" />

3. Now, enable windows MCE in MP Configuration and the remote should work:D

No need of HIP etc..


New Member
March 17, 2007
The above has worked perfectly for my 'Aim Media Centre' remote - it appears in Device manager as 'Snowflake Emulation' and now works flawlessly on Windows XP with the latest build of Mediaportal.

I cannot thank you enough, the HIP program was driving me crazy...

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