no, i'm using TV2, the built-in engine of MP. Same procedure as mentioned: watching a channel, selecting EPG, activating same channel -> stuck on Screen, even if pressing Escape several times....
Add exact how you can reproduce it & attach your mediaportal.log to your post, i'll test & check here after that, maybe something else it's fooling us around here
The fix in svn only solved it partialy. i.e. when you changed channel via the OSD EPG.
To reproduce.
1. I'm watching Channel A
2. Opening the menu, choosing "Program"
3. Selecting the show, I'm already watching
4. In context menu, select comming episodes. -> New window, but OSD is still on.
Mr Hipp, if you can reproduce it please try to fix it, i have tested several times, but it doesn't happen here(that doesn't mean it don't happen, but something it's different)