TV Guide still slowwwwww in RC4 (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
December 26, 2006
Maidstone, UK
Home Country
England England
I've just installed a faster CPU and more RAM in my HTPC. Although the TV guide still isn't as snappy as it used to be in RC2 it's a bit better.

As a quick test... compare the performance of the TV guide vs radio guide. Notice that the radio guide doesn't do the red dots/bars.

This message was composed in IE7, under Windows XP. B-)


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 2, 2005
    The problem seems to be that the code does a calculation of ALL schedules for the entire EPG everytime you move through the visable epg field rows or an epg redraw is needed for new colums and/or rows; just for the red dot/highlight.

    It has got to the point that a high end cpu is needed just for the epg.

    If you have NO scedules the epg browsing is fast, the more schedules the worse it gets and if you have 'anytime/anychannel' schedules the epg is almost unusable.

    This realy is a bug more than an implementation problem , hopefully now MP 1 is out it can be dealt with.


    Portal Member
    January 28, 2007
    Home Country
    Greece Greece
    The slow performance is not a problem of mysql. MySQL can handle very large databases with excellent performance. The problem is the use of the developers of a .net DB framework which produces really unoptimized code for mysql.

    People like me who don't want to use MSSQL do that for a reason: While MSSQL express is now free, this doesn't mean it will be free for ever. Mediaportal is bound to MSWindows platform but that doesn't mean it should be dependent to other closed-source licensed products like MSSQL. An opensource project like mediaportal should at least advocate the usage of an opensource DB like MySQL, and try to deliver excellent performance in this DB environment.

    MySQL requires smaller amounts of CPU and RAM, is opensource and can deliver the performance, if done correctly. I can't convince the core programmers to abandon MSSQL as the main DB engine and use MySQL (or other opensource solutions) instead, but since this is an opensource project, a code-fork which promotes MySQL might be ready soon.


    Portal Pro
    December 26, 2006
    Maidstone, UK
    Home Country
    England England
    Code fork? Please no! There's enough trouble ironing out all the little bug-ettes in a single tree.

    I think it's highly unlikely that MS will start charging for SQL Express. It's made specifically to be a free, redistributable database engine.

    All that's needed is a little bit of code/query optimisation and we'll be happy again regardless of whether you use MSSQL or MySQL

    Happy New Year all


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