TV-out on ATI cards (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 13, 2005
Until yesterday I've only had NVidia-cards and had no problems with tv-out (they both have 7-pins s-video connectors which I had connected to a composite converter (came with the cards)).

For my new htpc I bought a Radeon 9550 (from MSI) - it came with a 4 pins s-video connector (instead of 7) which I've got plugged into a SCART-converter (I could not get a composite signal to work - I don't think the 4 pins connector has that).

Anyway - I'm gettting a really crappy picture - *a lot* of color flickering. Going to black&white the picture is good, but unusable in color mode. I've tried 2 different cables and two different tv-sets - same result.

Am I missing something vital here or is the tv-out signal of the MSI-card just plain crap?
gives a good walktrough but did not help me.


Portal Member
March 13, 2005
I finally got a composite signal out of it (I think my old cable was damaged). The picture has no color-flickering like the S-Video has but seems less clear.

I still would like to know if anybody has an idea what causes the massive color-problems when using S-Video -> Scart.


The 4 pin converter is outputing an SVIDEO signal so your TV needs to be switch to SVIDEO mode otherwise you will get no colour.

You can buy an SVIDEO to Composite converter lead this is probably what you are using. As this is converting an SVIDEO signal to Composite it will probably not be as good using the Composite signal directly.

To get proper composite output from your ATI card you need a 7 pin converter plug. This uses the composite signal outputted from the graphics card on one of the middle pins.

It comes with the higher end ATI cards but I have no idea where you buy them separately in the UK as I need one myself. If you find where to buy one for a reasonable price please post to this thread.

You could probably make one yourself but the trouble is finding a 7 pin plug with the ofset pins.

For pin outs see this site: (scroll down a bit to section 2 for explanation confirming above)

ATI Shop -> Accessories
This looks like the one I used to have but can't be 100% sure. As the card broke it has been RMA'd.



Portal Member
March 13, 2005
Since my card only has a 4-pins S-Video I can not get the composite signal directly (as far as I understand the diagrams).
My two nvidia-cards did come with a S-Video->Composite converter but since they only connect to a 7-pins S-Video I can not use them. The quality I'm getting now is the same as with the nvidia's, though.

What I still don't understand is the fact that I'm getting the wild color-flicker when using S-Video -> Scart. What are my options if I want to use S-Video directly and my TV does not have an S-Video input?


Portal Member
February 23, 2005
ATI Cable in the UK

Same problem with cable. I ordered one from in the US. No problem with shipment, etc. About 10 pounds

BTW, with the AIW 7500 I had problems until the newest CVS version. Seems that it was broken in .10 version



Sorry I do not know of any other method of converting from SVIDEO to Composite without loosing some quality. It may be a problem with MP I guess - does it affect your Windows desktop if not then it must be MP otherwise I do not know what to suggest.

My mate uses one of these and he says the picture is okay (probably no different than an converter cable however) but when he borrowed my proper 7 pin adapter he commented on how much better the picture was.
If you do not have a 7 pin connector the only option is stick with what you have or see if there is some powered device that can do the conversion and some electronic wizardry to improve the picture. This will probably cost as much as a new GFX card with Composite output anyway.


Here´s a solution that i´m using. i have the same Ati Card and my TV doesn´t support S-Video input.everyone who konws to work with a solder iron can rebuild that cable who needed in 20minutes.....the best is the low cost its about 20Cent if you have an old Scart to miniDin cable.Else you need is a condensator with 680pf to 2,2nf the right value of the condensator must be testet..its various from tv 2 tv...everyone needs to find its best working for best quality of the picture...

here is the link(german) um den PC/SVHS-FBAS-Konverter/

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