Tv Picture Freezes (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 4, 2007
Home Country
Ireland Ireland
I am getting intermittent picture freezing when watching tv. I mean picture freezes completely and stays that way untill I do something. Error occurs somewhere at 21.49. Killed the tvservice by 21.50. Oh tvservice does not seem to completely crash as when error occurs am still able to navigate guide and tune to another channel. On version 1.3.x
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Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    There are continuity errors in the TsWriter log file at that time, indicating stream corruption.
    This most often indicates:
    • signal quality issues
    • decryption issues
    • HDD loading
    I suspect the signal corruption is causing the video codec in XBMC/MP to trip up and stop decoding video.
    You need to fix the problem at the source by addressing each of the 3 points above.


    Portal Member
    December 4, 2007
    Home Country
    Ireland Ireland
    Okay well I'm surprised if it's signal quality as most software reports it as high. I was watching an unscrambled channel at the time so that leaved point 3 - HDD loading . What does that mean exactly ? Timeshift drive pushed to it's limits by other processes ?
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    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • September 1, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Okay well I'm surprised if it's signal quality as most software reports it as high.
    The readings are not necessarily meaningful.

    I was watching an unscrambled channel at the time...
    The plugin that you're using is involved regardless of whether the channel is unscrambled or not, so do not disregard this test. Please rename the plugins folder, restart the service, and test again. that leaved point 3 - HDD loading . What does that mean exactly ? Timeshift drive pushed to it's limits by other processes ?
    Yep, pretty much. It means that the HDD is being asked to do too much at once. This can happen if you have anti-virus or anti-spyware software that is constantly trying to scan the MP/TV Server timeshift/recording and/or program folders. Windows Defender and MS Security Essentials are very well known for doing this.


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