TV-SERVER configuration problem (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
June 9, 2006
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
MediaPortal Version: 1.0.1 TVSERVER
Windows Version: XP SP3
CPU Type: Athlon 64 X2 5050ee
HDD: 80GB WD Scorpio Blue & 2TB WD Green Power
Memory: 2 GB Kingston ValueRAM
Motherboard: Jetway NC62K
Motherboard Chipset: Geforce 8200
Motherboard Bios: Phoenix
Video Card: Geforce 8200
Video Card Driver:
Sound Card: Integrated in MB / Realtek ALC888
1. TV Card: Hauppauge WinTV MiniStick SMS1000
1. TV Card Type: USB
1. TV Card Driver:
Video-Audio Codec: (Codecs supplied with Hauppauge Ministick - wintv7_cd_1.0c) + XVID 1.2.1

Installation worked flawlessly - used already installed SQL, and connected to that when first entering tv-server configuration.
In configuration i scan for channels, and the server finds the channels i expect, and they appear as they should (signal level at approx 50%, signal quality at approx 95%).
Problem is: when entering manual control i cannot start timeshift ("No video/audio detected"). I can update EPG with no error msgs appearing.

My client is installed with MP-Client 1.0.0 and configured to connect to the server.
When opening the client i cannot watch tv - the client retrieves the EPG from the server without difficulty, but attempts to watch tv fails with error msg stating that "No picture/sound detected".
Even though the client must be connected to the server (it retrieves EPG from the server), the client doesn't appear in "Streaming Server" client list.

My firewall is Sygate free edition - this does not block the server (as is apparent: EPG data is transmitted to client)

Before installing server 1.0.1, server 1.0.0 was installed - same thing happened then.

I'm confused - any help would be appreciated...


Portal Pro
June 9, 2006
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Tried starting timeshifting last night - and apparently it worked; a .ts file with the correct name is in the "Recordings" folder...
I installed 1.0.1 on client - after configuration it's the same: I cannot watch tv on the MP client - but EPG works... Also by entering EPG i can start recordings on the TV server...
The timeshifting i made last night appears when "Recorded TV" is selected - and i can watch this without any problems...
This is VERY odd...

Also - as i'm writing this the time is 2200: When entering the EPG on the client i can scroll through the days to come, but it won't allow me to see EPG entries of these days if the ending time of the entries is before 2200...

Paranoid Delusion

Moderation Manager
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  • June 13, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    First off, can you preview channels in TVServer, second need logs to see where this might be failing for both tvserver and mediaportal.

    Not sure if the hauppauge supplied codecs will work, try downloading and using the powerdvd trials codecs (do not activate).


    Portal Pro
    June 9, 2006
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    1: No - cannot preview channels (It's in manual control, right??)
    2: Logs attached
    3: Evidently the hauppauge codecs are sufficient - i recorded using the manual control of the tv server, and this recording played on client without a problem.

    To add to the confusion: Even though i cant see tv on the client i can start recordings - but when i attempt to watch them on the client theres not recorded anything (and when i look into the recording folder on server the file sizes are nowhere near the size they should be) - recordings initiated from server-maual control works fine, recordings initiated from client don't work.


    Portal Pro
    June 9, 2006
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Attached screendump of manual control window - doesn't resemble the one shown in the wiki, but that could be because its from a previous version of TV-SERVER...
    At the time the dump was taken, client was off, and server was idle - note the greying out of "Record"... The recording i mentioned earlier was made by activating "Timeshift"

    This is the window where i'm supposed to be able to preview, right???


    • TV-Server Manual Control.jpg
      TV-Server Manual Control.jpg
      42.1 KB


    Portal Pro
    June 9, 2006
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Whoa - strange... Browsing through the server sonfig i stumbled upon the Preview button in a very unexpected place - and could preview all channels...
    I then started the client - and everything worked...

    Paranoid Delusion - sorry i wasted your time, and thx!!!


    Portal Pro
    June 9, 2006
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Strange x 2...
    Was bragging to GF today about the awesomeness of the MP setup - and of course it doesn't work... In client i get an error stating that there is no free tv card. So i restart the server and upon reboot everything is as it was from the start: when trying to preview i get an error stating there is no video/audío - ditto when trying to view TV in client...
    Server and client logs included...


    Portal Pro
    June 9, 2006
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Ok - I'm embarassed... TsWriter.log said it all - no more disk space... Relocated timeshifting and recording folders to other disk with plenty of free space - and now all works again...

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