TV Server Isn't recording to right folder (1 Viewer)


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  • June 21, 2010
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi I set the folder path in TV Server configation to E:/Public/Videos/TVShows But when I record anything it goes to the defualt folder in C:/ProgrameData/TeamMediaPortal/TVServer/Recordings. The recordings in the E drive are not visible from MP, But when Comskip is run it's searching in the E drive and not finding the file, so the settings are right. So how do I make the TV Server use the folder it should be? Or is this a bug? using 1.3 Beta on w7
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  • June 21, 2010
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    Just in case you haven't:
    - You have to set the folder for every tuner individually unless you click the button to "same recording folder for all cards"

    also are you sure you changed recording folder and not timeshifting folder?

    if you've done this then sounds like a bug, so please post tvserver logs.

    Yeah clicked the "same recording for all cards" button. even checked if the card had the right folder.
    will post a bug report in the morning


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  • February 2, 2005
    Did the dialog pop up to restart service? when you changed the paths ?

    It is a requirement that should be picked up by the internal restart routine.

    If not restart service, check the paths again and change if necessary, restart service if required.


    MP Donator
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  • June 21, 2010
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Did the dialog pop up to restart service? when you changed the paths ?

    It is a requirement that should be picked up by the internal restart routine.

    If not restart service, check the paths again and change if necessary, restart service if required.

    I have it working now. It did ask to restart, But only once this was before I posted.
    what I did in the end was I selected the card and browsed to the folder again, then there was some programs to import.

    So the button to make the folder the same card may not work and selecting a new card doesn't update the folder textBox text to what folder its set to. wasn't any TV Server restart on this, But it worked.

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