TV-Server nimmt nur eine Aufnahme pro Tag auf (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 23, 2009
TV-Server Version:
MediaPortal Version: 1.0.2
MediaPortal Skin: xface/streamedMP/BlueWide
Windows Version: Vista/Windows Home Server
CPU Type: AMD 64 X2 3800+
HDD: Several
Memory: 2 GB Corsair
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA74GM-S2H
Video Card: onboard
Video Card Driver:
Sound Card: onboard
Sound Card AC3: onboard
Sound Card Driver:
1. TV Card: Cinergy T USB XS
1. TV Card Type: DVB-T
1. TV Card Driver:
2. TV Card: Win TV NOVA 500
2. TV Card Type: DVB-T


ich hoffe, daß mir jemand helfen kann. Ich versuche verzweifelt meinen TV-Server, auf WHS-Basis, zu Aufnahmen zu überreden. So halbwegs funktioniert das dann auch. Wenn ich mehrere Aufnahmen für einen Tag programmieren, so nimmt er die erste auf und schläft dann ein. Die nachfolgenden Aufnahmen funktioneren dafür aber nicht. Der Rechner wacht zwar auf, versucht wohl auch aufzunehmen, scheitert aber m. E. an der Erstellung des Graphen. (Vorausgesetzt, ich verstehe das Log-file richtig.)

Leider hat mir der Server wwohl die 3 Tage alten Logs gefressen. Ich hänge morgen neue mit rein. :oops:

Hat vielleicht jemand aus der hohlen Hand schon mal einen Schnellschuß den ich versuchen könnte?

Ansonsten gibts morgen die Log-Files...

Danke schon mal!



Portal Pro
January 5, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
ich würde mal raten, die tv-karte(n) werden nach dem standby nicht wieder richtig initialisiert.
da würde ich mal versuchen den tvserver, nach dem standby, über einen batch zu beenden und
neu zu starten.

net stop tvservice
ping -n 10 localhost > nul
net start tvservice

ping ist für 10sek warten, den batch im power scheduler eintragen ( run.....after wakeup).
hoffe der funktioniert da, hab es so noch nicht ausprobiert.:rolleyes:


Portal Member
July 23, 2009

Diskeepers tipp habe ich versucht - aber leider ohne Erfolg.

Dafür habe ich endlich ein paar Logs am Start:

2009-09-09 00:37:14.734375 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler: stop record RTL Television 08.09.2009 23:53:10-09.09.2009 00:27:00 RTL Nachtjournal
2009-09-09 00:37:14.750000 [14]: card: StopRecording card=4, user=scheduler19
2009-09-09 00:37:14.750000 [14]: card: StopRecording for card:4
2009-09-09 00:37:14.750000 [14]: tvdvbchannel.OnStopRecording subch=0, subch index=0
2009-09-09 00:37:14.750000 [14]: tvdvbchannel.OnStopRecording subch:0-0 tswriter StopRecording...
2009-09-09 00:37:14.765625 [14]: tvdvbchannel.OnStopRecording - not recording
2009-09-09 00:37:14.765625 [14]: tvcard:FreeSubChannel: subchannels count 1 subch#0 keep graph=False
2009-09-09 00:37:14.765625 [14]: DVB subch:0 Decompose()
2009-09-09 00:37:14.781250 [14]: FreeSubChannel CA: freeing sub channel : 0
2009-09-09 00:37:14.781250 [14]: tvcard:FreeSubChannel : no subchannels present, stopping graph
2009-09-09 00:37:14.781250 [14]: dvb:StopGraph called
2009-09-09 00:37:14.781250 [14]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels:
2009-09-09 00:37:14.781250 [14]: dvb:StopGraph
2009-09-09 00:37:14.828125 [14]: user:scheduler19 remove
2009-09-09 00:37:14.843750 [14]: dvb:StopGraph called
2009-09-09 00:37:14.843750 [14]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels:
2009-09-09 00:37:14.843750 [14]: dvb:StopGraph filterstate already stopped, returning.
2009-09-09 00:38:44.703125 [PowerEventThread]: OnPowerEvent: PowerStatus: QuerySuspend
2009-09-09 00:38:44.703125 [PowerEventThread]: OnPowerEventHandler: PowerStatus: QuerySuspend
2009-09-09 00:38:44.718750 [PowerEventThread]: OnPowerEvent: PowerStatus: Suspend
2009-09-09 00:38:44.718750 [PowerEventThread]: OnPowerEventHandler: PowerStatus: Suspend
2009-09-09 01:08:12.625000 [PowerEventThread]: OnPowerEvent: PowerStatus: ResumeAutomatic
2009-09-09 01:08:12.625000 [PowerEventThread]: OnPowerEventHandler: PowerStatus: ResumeAutomatic
2009-09-09 01:08:12.625000 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 30
2009-09-09 01:08:12.625000 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 30
2009-09-09 01:08:21.437500 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-09-09 01:08:21.453125 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-09-09 01:08:21.453125 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-09-09 01:08:21.453125 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-09-09 01:08:21.453125 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-09-09 01:13:03.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Recording Die Luder-Lehrer!  added in _recordingsInProgressList
2009-09-09 01:13:03.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : time to record TvDatabase.Channel 09.09.2009 01:13:03-09.09.2009 02:15:00 Die Luder-Lehrer!
2009-09-09 01:13:03.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Controller: find free card for channel RTL2
2009-09-09 01:13:03.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:   got 1 tuning details for RTL2
2009-09-09 01:13:03.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:   channel #1 DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8 
2009-09-09 01:13:03.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:1 type:DvbT is available priority:4 #users:0 same transponder:False
2009-09-09 01:13:03.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:4 type:DvbT is available priority:6 #users:0 same transponder:False
2009-09-09 01:13:03.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:5 type:DvbT is available priority:5 #users:0 same transponder:False
2009-09-09 01:13:03.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:6 type:RadioWebStream cannot tune to channel
2009-09-09 01:13:03.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Controller: found 3 available
2009-09-09 01:13:03.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : record on free card:4 priority:6
2009-09-09 01:13:03.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : record, first tune to channel
2009-09-09 01:13:03.515625 [12]: card: Tune 4 to RTL2
2009-09-09 01:13:03.515625 [12]: card: user: scheduler20:4:-1 tune DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:03.531250 [12]: dvbt:  Tune:DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:03.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: Assigning oldChannel
2009-09-09 01:13:03.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: Current channel is null
2009-09-09 01:13:03.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: Graph is tunning
2009-09-09 01:13:03.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: Getting default locator
2009-09-09 01:13:03.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: Putting bandwidth 8
2009-09-09 01:13:03.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: put_ONID 8468
2009-09-09 01:13:03.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: put_SID 16406
2009-09-09 01:13:03.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: put_TSID 12801
2009-09-09 01:13:03.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: Carrier frequency 578000
2009-09-09 01:13:03.546875 [12]: dvbt: tune: put_Locator
2009-09-09 01:13:03.546875 [12]: dvbt: tune: Submitting tune request: SubId -1, channel DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:03.546875 [12]: dvbt: tune: Submitting tune request: System.__ComObject
2009-09-09 01:13:03.546875 [12]: dvb:Submiting tunerequest Channel:RTL2 subChannel:-1 
2009-09-09 01:13:03.546875 [12]: dvb:Getting new subchannel
2009-09-09 01:13:03.546875 [12]: dvb:GetNewSubChannel:0 #0
2009-09-09 01:13:03.546875 [12]: TvDvbChannel ctor new subchIndex:0
2009-09-09 01:13:03.546875 [12]: dvb:Submit tunerequest size:1 new:0
2009-09-09 01:13:03.546875 [12]: subch:0 OnBeforeTune
2009-09-09 01:13:03.546875 [12]: dvb:Submit tunerequest calling put_TuneRequest
2009-09-09 01:13:03.546875 [12]: dvb:Submit tunerequest done calling put_TuneRequest
2009-09-09 01:13:03.562500 [12]: subch:0 OnAfterTune
2009-09-09 01:13:03.562500 [12]: dvbt: tune: Running graph for channel TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvDvbChannel
2009-09-09 01:13:03.562500 [12]: dvbt: tune: SubChannel 0
2009-09-09 01:13:03.562500 [12]: subch:0 OnGraphStart
2009-09-09 01:13:03.562500 [12]: subch:0 Graph already running - skip WaitForPMT
2009-09-09 01:13:03.562500 [12]: dvb:  RunGraph
2009-09-09 01:13:04.656250 [12]: dvb:  RunGraph returns: 0x8007001F
2009-09-09 01:13:20.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Recording Die Luder-Lehrer!  added in _recordingsInProgressList
2009-09-09 01:13:20.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : time to record TvDatabase.Channel 09.09.2009 01:13:20-09.09.2009 02:15:00 Die Luder-Lehrer!
2009-09-09 01:13:20.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Controller: find free card for channel RTL2
2009-09-09 01:13:20.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:   got 1 tuning details for RTL2
2009-09-09 01:13:20.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:   channel #1 DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8 
2009-09-09 01:13:20.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:1 type:DvbT is available priority:4 #users:0 same transponder:False
2009-09-09 01:13:20.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:4 type:DvbT is tuned to same transponder no CA present
2009-09-09 01:13:20.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:4 type:DvbT is available priority:6 #users:0 same transponder:True
2009-09-09 01:13:20.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:5 type:DvbT is available priority:5 #users:0 same transponder:False
2009-09-09 01:13:20.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:6 type:RadioWebStream cannot tune to channel
2009-09-09 01:13:20.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Controller: found 3 available
2009-09-09 01:13:20.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : record on free card:4 priority:6
2009-09-09 01:13:20.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : record, first tune to channel
2009-09-09 01:13:20.515625 [12]: card: Tune 4 to RTL2
2009-09-09 01:13:20.531250 [12]: card: user: scheduler20:4:-1 tune DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:20.531250 [12]: dvbt:  Tune:DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:20.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: Assigning oldChannel
2009-09-09 01:13:20.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: Current Channel != null DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:20.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: Graph is tunning
2009-09-09 01:13:20.531250 [12]: dvbt: tune: Getting default locator
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvbt: tune: Putting bandwidth 8
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvbt: tune: put_ONID 8468
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvbt: tune: put_SID 16406
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvbt: tune: put_TSID 12801
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvbt: tune: Carrier frequency 578000
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvbt: tune: put_Locator
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvbt: tune: Submitting tune request: SubId -1, channel DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvbt: tune: Submitting tune request: System.__ComObject
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvb:Submiting tunerequest Channel:RTL2 subChannel:-1 
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvb:Getting new subchannel
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvb:GetNewSubChannel:1 #1
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: TvDvbChannel ctor new subchIndex:1
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvb:Submit tunerequest size:2 new:1
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: subch:1 OnBeforeTune
2009-09-09 01:13:20.546875 [12]: dvb:Submit tunerequest calling put_TuneRequest
2009-09-09 01:13:20.562500 [12]: dvb:Submit tunerequest done calling put_TuneRequest
2009-09-09 01:13:20.562500 [12]: subch:1 OnAfterTune
2009-09-09 01:13:20.562500 [12]: dvbt: tune: Running graph for channel TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvDvbChannel
2009-09-09 01:13:20.562500 [12]: dvbt: tune: SubChannel 1
2009-09-09 01:13:20.562500 [12]: subch:1 OnGraphStart
2009-09-09 01:13:20.562500 [12]: subch:1 Graph already running - skip WaitForPMT
2009-09-09 01:13:20.562500 [12]: dvb:  RunGraph
2009-09-09 01:13:21.671875 [12]: dvb:  RunGraph returns: 0x8007001F
2009-09-09 01:13:37.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Recording Die Luder-Lehrer!  added in _recordingsInProgressList
2009-09-09 01:13:37.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : time to record TvDatabase.Channel 09.09.2009 01:13:37-09.09.2009 02:15:00 Die Luder-Lehrer!
2009-09-09 01:13:37.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Controller: find free card for channel RTL2
2009-09-09 01:13:37.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:   got 1 tuning details for RTL2
2009-09-09 01:13:37.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:   channel #1 DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8 
2009-09-09 01:13:37.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:1 type:DvbT is available priority:4 #users:0 same transponder:False
2009-09-09 01:13:37.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:4 type:DvbT is tuned to same transponder no CA present
2009-09-09 01:13:37.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:4 type:DvbT is available priority:6 #users:0 same transponder:True
2009-09-09 01:13:37.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:5 type:DvbT is available priority:5 #users:0 same transponder:False
2009-09-09 01:13:37.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:6 type:RadioWebStream cannot tune to channel
2009-09-09 01:13:37.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Controller: found 3 available
2009-09-09 01:13:37.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : record on free card:4 priority:6
2009-09-09 01:13:37.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : record, first tune to channel
2009-09-09 01:13:37.515625 [17]: card: Tune 4 to RTL2
2009-09-09 01:13:37.515625 [17]: card: user: scheduler20:4:-1 tune DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:37.531250 [17]: dvbt:  Tune:DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:37.531250 [17]: dvbt: tune: Assigning oldChannel
2009-09-09 01:13:37.531250 [17]: dvbt: tune: Current Channel != null DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:37.531250 [17]: dvbt: tune: Graph is tunning
2009-09-09 01:13:37.531250 [17]: dvbt: tune: Getting default locator
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: Putting bandwidth 8
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: put_ONID 8468
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: put_SID 16406
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: put_TSID 12801
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: Carrier frequency 578000
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: put_Locator
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: Submitting tune request: SubId -1, channel DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: Submitting tune request: System.__ComObject
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: dvb:Submiting tunerequest Channel:RTL2 subChannel:-1 
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: dvb:Getting new subchannel
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: dvb:GetNewSubChannel:2 #2
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: TvDvbChannel ctor new subchIndex:2
2009-09-09 01:13:37.546875 [17]: dvb:Submit tunerequest size:3 new:2
2009-09-09 01:13:37.562500 [17]: subch:2 OnBeforeTune
2009-09-09 01:13:37.562500 [17]: dvb:Submit tunerequest calling put_TuneRequest
2009-09-09 01:13:37.562500 [17]: dvb:Submit tunerequest done calling put_TuneRequest
2009-09-09 01:13:37.562500 [17]: subch:2 OnAfterTune
2009-09-09 01:13:37.562500 [17]: dvbt: tune: Running graph for channel TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvDvbChannel
2009-09-09 01:13:37.562500 [17]: dvbt: tune: SubChannel 2
2009-09-09 01:13:37.562500 [17]: subch:2 OnGraphStart
2009-09-09 01:13:37.562500 [17]: subch:2 Graph already running - skip WaitForPMT
2009-09-09 01:13:37.562500 [17]: dvb:  RunGraph
2009-09-09 01:13:38.687500 [17]: dvb:  RunGraph returns: 0x8007001F
2009-09-09 01:13:54.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Recording Die Luder-Lehrer!  added in _recordingsInProgressList
2009-09-09 01:13:54.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : time to record TvDatabase.Channel 09.09.2009 01:13:54-09.09.2009 02:15:00 Die Luder-Lehrer!
2009-09-09 01:13:54.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Controller: find free card for channel RTL2
2009-09-09 01:13:54.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:   got 1 tuning details for RTL2
2009-09-09 01:13:54.484375 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:   channel #1 DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8 
2009-09-09 01:13:54.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:1 type:DvbT is available priority:4 #users:0 same transponder:False
2009-09-09 01:13:54.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:4 type:DvbT is tuned to same transponder no CA present
2009-09-09 01:13:54.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:4 type:DvbT is available priority:6 #users:0 same transponder:True
2009-09-09 01:13:54.500000 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:5 type:DvbT is available priority:5 #users:0 same transponder:False
2009-09-09 01:13:54.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Controller:    card:6 type:RadioWebStream cannot tune to channel
2009-09-09 01:13:54.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Controller: found 3 available
2009-09-09 01:13:54.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : record on free card:4 priority:6
2009-09-09 01:13:54.515625 [Scheduler timer]: Scheduler : record, first tune to channel
2009-09-09 01:13:54.515625 [17]: card: Tune 4 to RTL2
2009-09-09 01:13:54.515625 [17]: card: user: scheduler20:4:-1 tune DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:54.531250 [17]: dvbt:  Tune:DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:54.531250 [17]: dvbt: tune: Assigning oldChannel
2009-09-09 01:13:54.531250 [17]: dvbt: tune: Current Channel != null DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:54.531250 [17]: dvbt: tune: Graph is tunning
2009-09-09 01:13:54.531250 [17]: dvbt: tune: Getting default locator
2009-09-09 01:13:54.531250 [17]: dvbt: tune: Putting bandwidth 8
2009-09-09 01:13:54.531250 [17]: dvbt: tune: put_ONID 8468
2009-09-09 01:13:54.531250 [17]: dvbt: tune: put_SID 16406
2009-09-09 01:13:54.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: put_TSID 12801
2009-09-09 01:13:54.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: Carrier frequency 578000
2009-09-09 01:13:54.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: put_Locator
2009-09-09 01:13:54.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: Submitting tune request: SubId -1, channel DVBT:tv:RTL World RTL2 Freq:578000 ONID:8468 TSID:12801 SID:16406 PMT:0x160 FTA:True LCN:10000 BandWidth:8
2009-09-09 01:13:54.546875 [17]: dvbt: tune: Submitting tune request: System.__ComObject
2009-09-09 01:13:54.546875 [17]: dvb:Submiting tunerequest Channel:RTL2 subChannel:-1 
2009-09-09 01:13:54.546875 [17]: dvb:Getting new subchannel
2009-09-09 01:13:54.546875 [17]: dvb:GetNewSubChannel:3 #3
2009-09-09 01:13:54.546875 [17]: TvDvbChannel ctor new subchIndex:3
2009-09-09 01:13:54.546875 [17]: dvb:Submit tunerequest size:4 new:3
2009-09-09 01:13:54.546875 [17]: subch:3 OnBeforeTune
2009-09-09 01:13:54.546875 [17]: dvb:Submit tunerequest calling put_TuneRequest
2009-09-09 01:13:54.562500 [17]: dvb:Submit tunerequest done calling put_TuneRequest
2009-09-09 01:13:54.562500 [17]: subch:3 OnAfterTune
2009-09-09 01:13:54.562500 [17]: dvbt: tune: Running graph for channel TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvDvbChannel
2009-09-09 01:13:54.562500 [17]: dvbt: tune: SubChannel 3
2009-09-09 01:13:54.562500 [17]: subch:3 OnGraphStart
2009-09-09 01:13:54.562500 [17]: subch:3 Graph already running - skip WaitForPMT
2009-09-09 01:13:54.562500 [17]: dvb:  RunGraph
2009-09-09 01:13:55.703125 [17]: dvb:  RunGraph returns: 0x8007001F

Das Log lässt ssich so noch bis Ende der Aufnahmezeit fortsetzen. Diesmal hat mir der Server aber zur Vorsicht gleich gar keine Aufnahme aufgenommen.... Aufwachen tut er aber anscheinend richitg.

Wird jemand von euch aus den Logs schlau und kann mir helfen?

Vielen Dank schon mal...



Portal Pro
September 12, 2009

sorry, wenn ich den Thread kurz missbrauche - will nicht extra einen neuen aufmachen.
Wie funktioniert das mit dem Aufwachen überhaupt?
Einfach etwas einprogrammieren und in Standby fahren?
Oder muss man noch irgendwas konfigurieren?


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