tv server Troubles! (1 Viewer)


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  • February 1, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Suddenly and unexpectantly today I have scores of problems but I don't know whether it is hardware, systems software or Media Portal 1.4 which has up to now been quite stable I have posted some log files which I hope will give some clues
    Today I noticed that my HTPC was still powered up and had not automatically gone to sleep yesterday (11th). I had not used the HTPC yesterday but it had started up to record various programmes. In the end I had to pull the power cord to switch off as I could not get even the HTPC to turn on its display. I also found the TV programmes recorded yesterday onto the NAS drive (all from satellite) are unplayable by any program - they are badly distorted
    I started MP which was very slow to start. The default channel BBC1 (could be either Satellite or Terrestrial) had no picture but after a long delay had sound
    I started TV server but was unable to get a preview of a channel. To test the satellite tuner I had it scan one of the transponders that had new channels on and it did find them and reported good signal. But I could not preview them as it kept saying 'all cards busy'. Even after putting the PC to sleep and rewakening, it still said "all cards busy"
    After various rebootings I can now not display the TV Server. Each time it says "TV Service is not running - start?" but then nothing. I have checked the system and it reports the Win7 TV Service is running. Also MP will hang when I try to start it.
    Other programmes on the HTPC appear to run normally
    So doctors - is my HTPC dying? Is there any hope of a cure?


    • Log Files (3).zip
      2.3 MB
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    Portal Pro
    October 22, 2009
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    Belgium Belgium
    There was an error in your tv-database. Please try first to repair the database:

    On the TV-Server open a command box and type:
    net stop tvservice
    cd \program files\mysql\mysql server 5.1\bin
    mysqlcheck mptvdb --auto-repair -e -u root -p --password=MediaPortal
    net start tvservice

    Then look if your Problem persist.


    MP Donator
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  • February 1, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Djamgo.edwards you are a star for replying so positively so quickly

    It was very difficult to actually stop the TV Service. Its status would become "stopping.." but would not stop. In the end I changed the TV Service status to "disabled" and rebooted.

    I was then able to paste in your command which made repairs to the sql detabase

    I then restarted MP but the TV picture would be blank and the sound would have a very delayed start. I don't know how to tell if it has chosen a satellite or terrestrial tuner as most are linked but it should prioritise satellite

    I brought up TV Server and tried to preview a station that I knew was only available on terrestrial. It worked. I then tried to preview of a station I new was only available on Satellite. After a very, very long delay, a blank preview screen was displayed

    I am not sure if this indicates a hardware problem. I enclose the latest log file if that should help

    Thanks again



      488.8 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello Tom

    Two things:
    1. Can you please supply the tv.log (or TVService.log if you've upgraded to MP 1.4). The TsWriter log suggests you may have a few things going on but it only gives half the picture.
    2. Please can you specify the times and channels that you're referring to. It makes attempts to help you much easier.

    I am not sure if this indicates a hardware problem.
    From what I can see in your log file, more likely a signal (have you had lots of wind recently?) or real-time scanner problem. Lots of stream discontinuities...



    MP Donator
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  • February 1, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Please choose a meaningful topic name.
    Spragleknas, of course you are absolutely right and I appologise. But I really did not know how to categorise the problem
    Two things:
    1. Can you please supply the tv.log (or TVService.log if you've upgraded to MP 1.4). The TsWriter log suggests you may have a few things going on but it only gives half the picture.
    2. Please can you specify the times and channels that you're referring to. It makes attempts to help you much easier.​
    Thanks MM1352000 for your ongoing support. I didn't directly use MP last night. A warm night, and I caught up with some recorded programmes using a smart TV in a conservatory. But I noticed that MP did record programmes last night as scheduled and the HTPC started up and powered down to schedule. I then checked the NAS drive and the 2 programmes recorded from satellite appeared to be OK (to my surprise)​
    This morning, I first ran again the SQL fix and it did appear to show a couple of errors being corrected (something like processes not closed). I then started MP and it all seems to be working correctly. I don't want to give you any extra work unneccesarily, so I haven't posted the files as I hope the problem (thanks to yoursleves) may be fixed​


    Portal Pro
    October 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    Hi Tom, glad to hear that it seems to work. (y)
    But as mm already mentionned, there are several errors in you tswriter file. So if you experience Problems, don't hesitate to ask for help. You're always welcome!
    But then please provide full logs. You can do this if you start Mepo over the Start-Button->Mediaportal debug-Mode.

    And now..... enjoy Mepo. ;)

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