TV service crashing again (1 Viewer)


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  • February 14, 2005
    void 4tl
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    I have run the TV server for 10 days now, with DVB-EPG grabbing disabled and instead get the EPG through WebEPG now. No crash or other issue happened at all. This is fine by me, though I only miss the better descriptions from the DVB-EPG. Thus, I'll enable EPG grabbing while timeshifting/recording and activate "update existing entries" to get at least the more accurate EPG info from the DVB-EPG, while watching a channel. I'll test if this causes any issues.

    But it would still be nice to know, why the TV service crashes in such a weird way, when using idle DVB-EPG grabbing.

    I spoke too soon: "No PMT received" on all encrypted channels - MediaPortal Forum :(


    Portal Pro
    May 26, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I also encountered this problem yesterday evening. Suddenly I was not able to access the TV server from my client (only the tv part, shares were working). I also was not able to restart the TVService because its status was "wird beendet". I do not know the correct translation but it should be StopPending.
    So I had to restart the server. After a few minutes the service crashed again and this went on and on.

    Then I copied the PowerScheduler++ dlls over again and replaced the ones which were in place as pointed out here and since then there has not been any crash.

    Is it possible that this really solved the problem?


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