TVGemist plugin (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 17, 2006
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
A new version is available! Only the plugin dll has changed, skin files are the same. I've decided to not commit the source into the plugins SVN in a (probably futile) attempt to make it a little harder for some people to break the plugin :) However, I can send it on request.


Portal Pro
June 30, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
A new version is available! Only the plugin dll has changed, skin files are the same. I've decided to not commit the source into the plugins SVN in a (probably futile) attempt to make it a little harder for some people to break the plugin :) However, I can send it on request.

Could you give me the variable names I can use with the skin?
Like #plot, #description, etc. So I can fix the layout for Aeon Wide, including all features. :D


Portal Pro
March 17, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Hey do you think it is possible to add the tmf stream and videos?

TMF Dance Live TV Stream | TMF

I Think this'll be a nice feature too!

Might be a bit hard with all the silverlight going on...

MTV brand new (not working for me atm)

just to name a few... but this is more like a plugin on itself :) Musicvideos, which is out there but doesn't work...


Found that wwiTV plugin already has lots of music channels like tmf and slamtv


Portal Pro
November 17, 2006
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Could you give me the variable names I can use with the skin?
Like #plot, #description, etc. So I can fix the layout for Aeon Wide, including all features. :D

Great, I already noticed the skin files were broken in Aeon. A bit strange though, since the xml is very simple and uses the built in facade XML file. The variables differ per part of the plugin (so, NLGemist, RTLGemist and SBSgemist).

tvgemist_main.xml (first page): none
tvgemist_rtlgemist.xml (rtlgemist main page): #navpath
tvgemist_sbsgemist.xml (sbsgemist main page): none
tvgemist_sbsgemist_info.xml (page that shows series info): #emissionTitle, #description
tvgemist_uitzendinggemist.xml (main uitzendinggemist page): #rating (percentage), #plot, #votes
tvgemist_uitzendinggemist_info.xml (page that shows series info): #title, #rating, #genre, #credits (like 'KRO', 'NCRV',..), #plot, #plotoutline


Portal Pro
June 30, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Could you give me the variable names I can use with the skin?
Like #plot, #description, etc. So I can fix the layout for Aeon Wide, including all features. :D

Great, I already noticed the skin files were broken in Aeon. A bit strange though, since the xml is very simple and uses the built in facade XML file. The variables differ per part of the plugin (so, NLGemist, RTLGemist and SBSgemist).

tvgemist_main.xml (first page): none
tvgemist_rtlgemist.xml (rtlgemist main page): #navpath
tvgemist_sbsgemist.xml (sbsgemist main page): none
tvgemist_sbsgemist_info.xml (page that shows series info): #emissionTitle, #description
tvgemist_uitzendinggemist.xml (main uitzendinggemist page): #rating (percentage), #plot, #votes
tvgemist_uitzendinggemist_info.xml (page that shows series info): #title, #rating, #genre, #credits (like 'KRO', 'NCRV',..), #plot, #plotoutline

Thanks moiristo :)
Gonna look into it. I believe I didn't use #votes and #credits.
And I didn't use #plotoutline on purpose, cause I thought it was overkill. I also removed some views (filmstrip, etc) since they're not used.

Did you look at these files. Are those the ones that are broken according to you?



Portal Pro
November 17, 2006
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
I don't think so, I just downloaded the version that was located in the download section. Those screenshots look amazing :) I'll try them asap.


Portal Pro
June 30, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
OK. Great :)

Will try to add #credits and #votes etc next week or so.. When I got some more time on my hands..


Portal Pro
September 30, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
I'm having problems with the listcontrol in tvgemist_uitzendinggemist_info.xml
Have a look at the attached picture and error.log

MP Version: 1 RC2
Plugin version: 2.1.1
Skin: BlueTwo

This is my second system with this error.

Any suggestions?


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