I ran MP 1.2.2. But it had an annoying behaviour. When I move to videos and enter a directory with about 150 videos, each within it's own directory, this lasts about 10-20 seconds. I don't know, what MP is doing in this time. My hope was, that MP 1.3 Beta possibly solves the problem. It doesn't ...
Furthermore I'm unable to play a video anymore. I move to one of the videos. But when I want to play it, MP 1.3 Beta either blanks out (black screen), crashes with an error message (kind of application crashed with an error, do you want to debug?), shows an error message (unable to play video) or just doesn't play the video.
I added a set of logs from MP watchdog. Looking at the log it seems, two errors exists. One is related to an SQLiteException. Possibly this error explains, why moving to the video directory takes so much time? The other one is an OutOfMemory exception.
In MP 1.2.2 I was able to play the videos without any problems.
With kind regards,
I ran MP 1.2.2. But it had an annoying behaviour. When I move to videos and enter a directory with about 150 videos, each within it's own directory, this lasts about 10-20 seconds. I don't know, what MP is doing in this time. My hope was, that MP 1.3 Beta possibly solves the problem. It doesn't ...
Furthermore I'm unable to play a video anymore. I move to one of the videos. But when I want to play it, MP 1.3 Beta either blanks out (black screen), crashes with an error message (kind of application crashed with an error, do you want to debug?), shows an error message (unable to play video) or just doesn't play the video.
I added a set of logs from MP watchdog. Looking at the log it seems, two errors exists. One is related to an SQLiteException. Possibly this error explains, why moving to the video directory takes so much time? The other one is an OutOfMemory exception.
In MP 1.2.2 I was able to play the videos without any problems.
With kind regards,