Using FFDShow in MyTV (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 8, 2005
Zurich, Siwtzerland
ffdshow working, aspect completly off

great, thx

now i have a new problem ;-), my picture coming out of ffd is like it would be cut of on the sides or the apsect ratio is somehow crooked. In MP i have set the output in mp to normal. The ffd osd shows normal in and out of 720x576...
(everything execpt osd is deactivated in ffd)


Portal Pro
April 26, 2006
Home Country
Greece Greece
MrMartin said:
@xxxomxxx, you have to enter the "FFDShow RAW video Configuration".
Usually there is no link created to this menu, so the easiest way is to edit the startmenu shortcut "Video Decoder Configuration" in START -> Programs -> FFDshow.

Rightclick on the shortcut and choose "Properties". Then u see this Target:

Now change it to:

And execute the shortcut.
Under "codecs -> raw video" set it to "all supported". Then Click OK.
Now FFDshow should work in MyTV!

will this mess with the way MP and ffdshow handles other video?

I mean I have set ffdshow to post process videos (and decode them all except MPEG2) and I worry if setting to process raw also, calls the filter twice...

(or three times if you see this thread: - does anybody know the answer btw?)


Portal Member
January 8, 2005
Zurich, Siwtzerland
dont know that, but i was able to correct the problem with the aspect ratio with using inter video decoder. Since i got a small processor, i am using MP to stretch the Picture and using FFDshow to give me more color.

Does anyone know of good settings for bringing analog tv to live ? At the moment i have pale colors and bad overall color quality (like dull colors)?

i have now kinda figured it out and ill post my findigs on how to tweak analog tv colors, but please post your settings for TV enhancement

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