Using only LCD/VFD to control MP? (1 Viewer)


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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    pieroxy said:
    ...Well, that would be the perfect solution. But these screens don't support a high resolution, so you have to switch constantly between 640x480 and 1280x720 (res of the Front Projector) whenever you want to use one or the other. Unless you use them through svideo and you have a card able to output a 1280x720 desktop fullscreen on svideo.

    Not mentionning it's quite pricey and a waste (no need for VGA to choose an album or a radio). 2 lines LCD/VFD are just a few tens of dollars, much more affordable. No need for a big transformer as it can be powered out of USB directly.

    Well, and it's the geeky thing ;)

    If you can combine the LCD/VFD and the following device:

    that has software to support it. And get MP to interface with it - THEN I think you would be considered a totally cool geek. What do you think? Maybe also add a (maybe two) button (for selection) on the front of the case in addition to the knob and the LCD/VFD then your system could be controlled by anyone?

    BTW - The knob can be found here. At

    Mike Zemina


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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    If you wanted to see what the knob and buttons (plus VFD) looks like in a case (wish I had the money to build it out) - look here

    This company sells different versions/sizes - including options to incorporate the VGA touch screen on the larger sizes.

    I've tracked the progress on avs forum and I've not heard anyone that has given them a bad report. You may have to wait for the product because cases are manufactured in batched any only if a firm order (and deposit) is placed.

    NOTE: I do not hold stock or ownership in this company. I just like how it looks and the design/performance/manufacturing built into the products.


    Portal Pro
    December 18, 2004
    Auckland, New Zealand
    Could you be a bit more descriptive - what sort of a VFD are you referring to and how much information is visible? For example, is it possible to scroll through Genres (folders) to find an album and then play that album?

    How does the My Keys plugin relate to this?

    What's the WAF like for this method?

    Is it really a practical solution, or just a barely tolerable one?

    Sorry to be so pedantic, but I am trying to picture how this might work before I part with the folding stuff to try it out....

    I have the Silverstone LC10M case which has the CFD built in it uses the soundgraph imon VFD and remote solution but I use a different remote and USBUIRT to control MP because the iMon remote was very weak.

    WAF factor is a bit err well she'll use it for music but not radio as I said you cannot choose list view for Radio so if you have several stations finding them in 'the dark' is a bit tricky. For music though its easy as list view lets us scroll to an album and then hit OK to play it

    MyKeys allows you to assign a key T for myTV etc so a programmable remote can then mapa key on the remote through to myMusic etc. If you have MCE remote or USBUirt you won't need that.

    It is a real solution I use it most days for music whil I eat breakfast without turning on TV in front of my little boy

    Any more quetsions just ask, feel free to PM me :)


    New Member
    November 24, 2005

    What size of diplay are you using ?
    Is 2 lines enough to navigate or is it better to use 4 lines (typically to be able to choose a music to play in an album)

    2X16 or
    2x20 or


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