So I've got my movies all in the database, all 780 of them, with the proper pictures, proper titles, and mostly custom genres. Unfortunately the files are spread across 8 hard drives on my file server. In the near future I'll be getting some Terabyte hard drives and moving everything over as I upgrade to MP 1.0. Currently it looks like I'll be losing all my hard work and have to spend months slowly matching up files, pictures and names.
I have read that in such cases there can be a helper file that can be read that contains the data for the tag(like current subtitle files), and as long as it is in the same directory as the avi file a program(like MediaPortal) can be made to read that first to get all the needed tag info. Same with a picture, if it's the same name as the avi it will be picked up.
I have read that in such cases there can be a helper file that can be read that contains the data for the tag(like current subtitle files), and as long as it is in the same directory as the avi file a program(like MediaPortal) can be made to read that first to get all the needed tag info. Same with a picture, if it's the same name as the avi it will be picked up.