videos configuration problem (1 Viewer)


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  • April 18, 2009
    In Hell (I'm Married!)
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    I am using the moving pictures plugin for movies and the mp-tv series for tv shows.

    I want to use the regular 'videos' option to view home movies, and some lecture series that I have.

    I have selected the video folders and gone to the 'video database' tab. When I scan them it goes through all the files but tells me there was a conflict with all of the files, presumably because it can't find any of them on the IMDB...and it's not going to. This would not be an issue if I could edit them manually but when I go to the editor tab none of the files are there.

    Am I going about doing this wrong? Is there a better way to do this?

    Upon running MP and going to 'watch my videos' the files are there to select though. But I would like to have coverart and info as well.


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  • April 18, 2009
    In Hell (I'm Married!)
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    Ok, I'm shouting :) I put one of the files in the database. The problem is that none of the info is coming up. I put coverart in it and that displays but none of the info like description, actor, etc. is showing.
    I did have a couple regular movies that I added just to try it out which it of course found on the IMDB and it displays everything for those files.

    Some other things I was wondering...can I change the main background image for these files like it does with the tv-series plugin?
    I'm also wondering if there might be an easier way to go about doing this. I am talking about 100's of files here. I mean I can browse through them with no artwork or descriptions but if I want all of that then doing these one file at a time seems like it will take quite a bit of time.

    One concern of that is what if I lose my database or want to reinstall windows or for some reason move the files to another drive....can I make an .nfo file for each of these or can a program like movie collector be used to catalog them? I'm sure this will be easy once I get it rolling but not sure exactly how I should go about it yet...


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  • December 17, 2006
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    Did you remember to SAVE after each change? Is the info still there when you look from the Configuration side?

    can I make an .nfo file for each of these
    You can look at this post for a suggestion to put it in xml files, but apparently it does not work for everyone. See my screenshot example here.


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  • April 18, 2009
    In Hell (I'm Married!)
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    Yep, I saved each time and the info is still there in the config program.
    I am going to give the .xml a shot later on...I'll let you know how it goes.

    I'm assuming I just name the .xml file the same as the video file and it automatically sees it?

    Can I have multiple files in the same folder with multiple .xml files or does each file need its own folder?



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  • December 17, 2006
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    For my tests, I also had multiple files in same folder. xml file with same name as video file.

    Now we still sit with your other problem regarding the manual edit that does not show. Will try and simulate over the weekend.


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  • December 17, 2006
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    I just tried the manual editing of the database and it works. As long as you are using one of the database views and not SHARES.

    In other words, inside MP, Videos, Menu, Switch View.


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  • April 18, 2009
    In Hell (I'm Married!)
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    Thanks rekenaar. I didn't get a chance to do anymore with it since my last post but should be able to this weekend. I was actually resolving some issues with music videos last night which I wanted to get out of the way. Now I will get back to this next and post up my results.

    Thanks again.


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  • April 18, 2009
    In Hell (I'm Married!)
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    Here is what I did.
    I made a couple of xml files for a few of the videos.
    I booted up MP and went to videos, then menu, switch view. The 'shares' view was the only way I could find my files.
    It had the folders that I have selected in the 'videos folders' part of the config program. From here I was able to scan through the files in each folder. The ones I created xml files for had the info displayed. I then decided to try for some artwork...I got a few .jpg files and named them like the video files and it displayed those when the file was selected.

    I was happy with this.
    Couple follow up questions.
    There are other items for info such as 'director' 'year' etc. I tried copying some of xml file like:

    <value>Your Movie Title here...</value>

    and simply changing 'TITLE' to 'YEAR' or 'DIRECTOR' but this did not work.
    Could you tell me how I could alter these setting with the xml file?

    Also I would like to be albe to use my own artwork for the background...using a different one for each folder selected...can I do this?

    BTW: When I went to the switch view and tried anything but 'shares' I had nothing to select from???

    :D for you time and help!!!


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  • December 17, 2006
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    I made a couple of xml files for a few of the videos.
    I booted up MP and went to videos, then menu, switch view. The 'shares' view was the only way I could find my files.
    If you want it visible in die database views, you will have to use the editor in stead of the xml files.

    There are other items for info such as 'director' 'year' etc. I tried copying some of xml file like:

    <value>Your Movie Title here...</value>

    and simply changing 'TITLE' to 'YEAR' or 'DIRECTOR' but this did not work.
    Could you tell me how I could alter these setting with the xml file?
    I am not aware of other tags. Again, database solves it for me.

    Also I would like to be albe to use my own artwork for the background...using a different one for each folder selected...can I do this?
    Some skins, like StreamedMP, can give you different backgounds per menu item.
    Some skin-mods, will give you different backgounds per selected item (movies/music) in shares view.
    Not sure if it can work on a directory level though...

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