Vista OS reported as not supported though updates installed (1 Viewer)


New Member
February 23, 2009
Philly area
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United States of America United States of America
Hello, I recently installed a fresh copy of vista and all vista updates and upon installing mediaportal 1 when starting I get a screen that says my OS is not supported. I have all updated drivers for my puter.

I am using:

Motherboard: PCCHIPS goal3+
Processor: 2.4 Ghz
Ram: 500gb
Video: Radeon HD2400 pro
Tuner: Dvico fusion HDTV7 cool

From my understanding I meet all requirements for MediaPortal to run. I can get it installed and can open the configuration tool but when I go to mytv I only see the target PC, not any tuner card choice options or place I can set that up.

I downloaded graphedit and got the pinout and moniker for my card to edit the xml file so I can build my own graph for the card (didn't see it supported yet) and still I can only start mediaportal but with no support for my tuner.

Anyone have any tips? If my graph is working should I see my tuner card in the configuration program?

Microsoft SQL seems to be working fine and I can get other features to work such as the weather and my remote.

Oh, and what is an SVN?

Sorry I'm very very new to this and I think I read the whole forums and website so any help would be appreciated.



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    The TV tab should only show the spot to enter the server. Cards are configured in the TV server config, not MP config.

    SVNs are beta updates/fixes, intended for use by testers, to submit detailed bug reports.


    New Member
    February 23, 2009
    Philly area
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Thanks for the responses guys!

    yes, sp1 and all other windows updates have been installed. Didn't realize that I had to configure my card in the tv server section. Hopefully it works and if so I'll be sending dman the config file with my bda graph for the dvico card.

    Derek Clayton

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