Visual problems with Turkish Regional settings (1 Viewer)


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • September 19, 2007
    Home Country
    Turkey Turkey
    The screenshot says it all:

    If I change my regional settings to English (United States), everything shows as normal but it tries to (i guess) reimport my movies while in MediaPortal because they start to show up one by one in 5-10 seconds...

    A similar issue with another plugin:
    At least this plugin does the importing of files since MpTvSeries plugin can't import the files at all, although it can parse them with regular expressions.

    P.S: I will be able to provide more information later if needed...


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    I am not sure if you are reporting an issue with the import logic or not. If so can you better describe the problem you are seeing? As for the odd layout I can help but think this is a skin issue. Moving Pictures will toggle the visibility of several GUI controls and it will of course populate the movie list, but size and positioning of controls is completely controlled by MediaPortal and the skin itself.

    Are these layout problems happening in other plugins or other components of MediaPortal?

    EDIT: Actually based on that screenshot it looks like the skin you are using is not properly setting it's visibility tags, so components for several views are being displayed at the same time.


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • September 19, 2007
    Home Country
    Turkey Turkey
    By similar issue I meant just plugins not acting properly with Turkish regional settings. Probably about string conversions which was the case for MP1's skin problems before being fixed (using .ToLowerInvarint() instead of .ToLower() in skin engine code fixed it)

    The problem with Moving-Pictures is only on the skin side. But I don't think it is the skin I'm using because even BlueWide skin which is included in the package shows exactly the same behaviour.


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • September 19, 2007
    Home Country
    Turkey Turkey
    This is the log when using Turkish (Turkey) regional settings:
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:00  Info [     DatabaseManager]: Successfully Opened Database: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database\movingpictures.db3 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:00  Info [     SettingsManager]: SettingsManager Created 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:00  Info [  MovingPicturesCore]: Moving Pictures (0.7.5:681) 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:00  Info [  MovingPicturesCore]: Plugin Launched 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:00  Info [DatabaseMaintenanceM]: Checking for invalid file entries in the database. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:00 Debug [          VolumeInfo]: Querying drive information for 'D:' 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Debug [          VolumeInfo]: Succesfully updated drive information for 'D:' 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01  Info [DatabaseMaintenanceM]: Removed 0 file entries. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01  Info [DatabaseMaintenanceM]: Checking for invalid movie entries in the database. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01  Info [DatabaseMaintenanceM]: Removed 0 movie entries. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01  Info [ DataProviderManager]: DataProviderManager Starting 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01  Info [ DataProviderManager]: Loading existing data sources... 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874903) Version 1.2.0 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874902) Version 1.3.1 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874910) Version 1.1.0 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874920) Version 2.3.0 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [         ScraperNode]: Missing REGEX attribute on: <parse name="resultat" input="${search_imdb}" xpath="//resultat" /> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [         ScraperNode]: Missing REGEX attribute on: <parse name="movies" input="${search_page}" xpath="//eintrag" /> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [   ScriptableScraper]: Error loading action node: <action name="search"><!-- Variables --><set name="site" value="" /><!-- Regular Expressions --><set name="rx_title_clean" value="\[(TV-Mini-Serie|Kurzfilm)\]" /><set name="rx_title" value="(.+?)(?:, (The|A|Ein|Das|Die|Der|Les|Une))?\s*$" /><set name="rx_titles"><![CDATA[
          ]]></set><set name="offset" value="0" /><!-- Retrieve IMDB result if we have an imdb id to search on --><if test="${search.imdb_id}!="><retrieve name="search_imdb" url="${site}imdb2ofdb/${search.imdb_id}" encoding="UTF-8" /><parse name="resultat" input="${search_imdb}" xpath="//resultat" /><if test="${resultat[0]}!="><parse name="title_year" input="${resultat[0].titel}" regex="${rx_titles}" /><replace name="title" input="${title_year[0]:htmldecode}" pattern="${rx_title_clean}" with="" /><replace name="aka" input="${title_year[1]:htmldecode}" pattern="${rx_title_clean}" with="" /><parse name="title" input="${title}" regex="${rx_title}" /><parse name="aka" input="${aka}" regex="${rx_title}" /><set name="movie[0].title" value="${title[0][1]} ${title[0][0]}" /><set name="movie[0].alternate_titles" value="|${aka[0][1]} ${aka[0][0]}|" /><set name="movie[0].year" value="${title_year[2]}" /><set name="movie[0].imdb_id" value="${resultat[0].imdbid}" /><set name="movie[0].site_id" value="${resultat[0].ofdbid}" /><set name="movie[0].popularity" value="100" /><set name="offset" value="1" /></if></if><!-- Retrieve the search results --><retrieve name="search_page" url="${site}search/${search.title:safe}" encoding="UTF-8" /><!-- if we got a search result page, this is used. if not, regex does not match so we dont process the outer loop.--><parse name="movies" input="${search_page}" xpath="//eintrag" /><!-- Loop through every movie result --><loop name="movienode" on="movies"><set name="tvserie" value="" /><parse name="tvserie" input="${movies[${count}].titel}" regex="(TV-Mini-Serie|TV-Serie)" /><if test="${tvserie}!="><subtract name="offset" value1="${offset}" value2="1" /></if><!-- only return non-tvserie types --><if test="${tvserie}="><add name="counter" value1="${count}" value2="${offset}" /><replace name="title" input="${movies[${count}].titel:htmldecode}" pattern="${rx_title_clean}" with="" /><replace name="aka" input="${movies[${count}].titel_orig:htmldecode}" pattern="${rx_title_clean}" with="" /><parse name="title" input="${title}" regex="${rx_title}" /><parse name="aka" input="${aka}" regex="${rx_title}" /><set name="movie[${counter}].title" value="${title[0][1]} ${title[0][0]}" /><set name="movie[${counter}].alternate_titles" value="|${aka[0][1]} ${aka[0][0]}|" /><set name="movie[${counter}].year" value="${movies[${count}].jahr}" /><set name="movie[${counter}].details_url" value="${site}movie/${movies[${count}].id}" /><set name="movie[${counter}].site_id" value="${movies[${count}].id}" /><subtract name="movie[${counter}].popularity" value1="100" value2="${counter}" /></if></loop></action> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [         ScraperNode]: Missing REGEX attribute on: <parse name="resultat" input="${imdb_lookup}" xpath="//resultat" /> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [         ScraperNode]: Missing REGEX attribute on: <parse name="details" input="${details_page}" xpath="//resultat" /> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [         ScraperNode]: Missing REGEX attribute on: <parse name="bewertung" input="${details[0].bewertung}" xpath="*" /> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [         ScraperNode]: Missing REGEX attribute on: <parse name="directors" input="${details[0].regie}" xpath="//name" /> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [         ScraperNode]: Missing REGEX attribute on: <parse name="writers" input="${details[0].drehbuch}" xpath="//name" /> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [         ScraperNode]: Missing REGEX attribute on: <parse name="actors" input="${details[0].besetzung}" xpath="//name" /> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [         ScraperNode]: Missing REGEX attribute on: <parse name="genres" input="${details[0].genre}" xpath="//titel" /> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [   ScriptableScraper]: Error loading action node: <action name="get_details"><set name="site" value="" /><set name="imdb2ofdb" value="" /><!-- If OFDB id is missing --><if test="${movie.site_id}="><if test="${movie.imdb_id}!="><!-- but we have an IMDB id --><retrieve name="imdb_lookup" url="${imdb2ofdb}${movie.imdb_id}" encoding="UTF-8" /><parse name="resultat" input="${imdb_lookup}" xpath="//resultat" /><if test="${resultat[0]}!="><!-- try to lookup the OFDB id --><set name="movie.site_id" value="${resultat[0].ofdbid}" /></if></if></if><!-- Only execute when the OFDB ID is available  --><if test="${movie.site_id}!="><!-- Regular Expressions --><set name="rx_title_clean" value="\[(TV-Mini-Serie|Kurzfilm)\]" /><set name="rx_title" value="(.+?)(?:, (The|A|Ein|Das|Die|Der|Les|Une))?\s*$" /><!-- OFDB Details --><retrieve name="details_page" url="${site}${movie.site_id}" encoding="UTF-8" /><parse name="details" input="${details_page}" xpath="//resultat" /><!-- Titles --><replace name="title" input="${details[0].titel:htmldecode}" pattern="${rx_title_clean}" with="" /><replace name="aka" input="${details[0].alternativ:htmldecode}" pattern="${rx_title_clean}" with="" /><parse name="title" input="${title}" regex="${rx_title}" /><parse name="aka" input="${aka}" regex="${rx_title}" /><set name="movie.alternate_titles" value="|${aka[0][1]} ${aka[0][0]}|" /><set name="movie.title" value="${title[0][1]} ${title[0][0]}" /><!-- IMDB ID --><set name="movie.imdb_id" value="tt${details[0].imdbid}" /><!-- Year, Score and Votes--><set name="movie.year" value="${details[0].jahr}" /><parse name="bewertung" input="${details[0].bewertung}" xpath="*" /><set name="movie.score" value="${bewertung[0].note}" /><set name="movie.popularity" value="${bewertung[0].stimmen}" /><!-- Summary --><set name="movie.summary" value="${details[0].beschreibung}" /><!-- Directors --><parse name="directors" input="${details[0].regie}" xpath="//name" /><set name="movie.directors" value="" /><loop name="director" on="directors"><set name="movie.directors" value="${movie.directors}|${director:htmldecode}" /></loop><!-- Writers --><parse name="writers" input="${details[0].drehbuch}" xpath="//name" /><set name="movie.writers" value="" /><loop name="writer" on="writers"><set name="movie.writers" value="${movie.writers}|${writer:htmldecode}" /></loop><!-- Actors --><parse name="actors" input="${details[0].besetzung}" xpath="//name" /><set name="movie.actors" value="" /><loop name="actor" on="actors"><set name="movie.actors" value="${movie.actors}|${actor:htmldecode}" /></loop><!-- Genres --><parse name="genres" input="${details[0].genre}" xpath="//titel" /><set name="movie.genres" value="" /><loop name="genre" on="genres"><set name="movie.genres" value="${movie.genres}|${genre:htmldecode}" /></loop><!-- Runtime (IMDB) --><retrieve name="imdb_details" url="${movie.imdb_id}" /><parse name="runtime" input="${imdb_details}" regex="&lt;h5&gt;Runtime:&lt;/h5&gt;.*?(\d+) min\s+" /><set name="movie.runtime" value="${runtime[0][0]:htmldecode}" /><!-- Tagline (IMDB) --><parse name="tagline" input="${imdb_details}" regex="&lt;h5&gt;Tagline:&lt;/h5&gt;\s+([^\n\r]+?)(?:\s+)?&lt;" /><set name="movie.tagline" value="${tagline[0][0]:htmldecode}" /><!-- Certification (IMDB) --><retrieve name="imdb_details" url="${movie.imdb_id}" /><parse name="certification" input="${imdb_details}" regex="&gt;\s+Germany:((?:12)|(?:16)|(?:18)|(?:6)|(?:o.Al.))&lt;/a&gt;" /><set name="movie.certification" value="${certification[0][0]:htmldecode}" /><!-- Set Sortby for German Articles --><replace name="movie.sortby" input="${movie.title}" pattern="(^The\s+)|(^An?\s+)|(^De[rsmn]\s+)|(^Die\s+)|(^Das\s+)|(^Ein(e[srmn]?)?\s+)" with="" /><!-- OFDB Movie Details Page --><set name="movie.details_url" value="${movie.site_id}," /></if></action> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [         ScraperNode]: Missing REGEX attribute on: <parse name="resultat" input="${imdb_lookup}" xpath="//resultat" /> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:01 Error [   ScriptableScraper]: Error loading action node: <action name="get_cover_art"><set name="imdb2ofdb" value="" /><if test="${movie.site_id}="><!-- If OFDB id is missing --><if test="${movie.imdb_id}!="><!-- but we have an IMDB id --><retrieve name="imdb_lookup" url="${imdb2ofdb}${movie.imdb_id}" encoding="UTF-8" /><parse name="resultat" input="${imdb_lookup}" xpath="//resultat" /><if test="${resultat[0]}!="><!-- try to lookup the OFDB id --><set name="movie.site_id" value="${resultat[0].ofdbid}" /></if></if></if><!-- Get the covers using the OFDB id --><if test="${movie.site_id}!="><set name="rx_coverid"><![CDATA[thumbnail\.php\?cover=images%2Ffassung%2F(\d+)%2F(\d+)]]></set><retrieve name="ofdb_results" url="${movie.site_id}," /><parse name="coverids" input="${ofdb_results}" regex="${rx_coverid}" /><loop name="coverid" on="coverids"><set name="cover_art[${count}].url" value="${coverid[0]}/${coverid[1]}_f.jpg" /></loop></if></action> 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Autoplay/details is now listening for movie additions 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.general.totalmoviecount = "11" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.general.filteredmoviecount = "11" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06  Info [GUIListItemMovieComp]: Sort Field: Title Sort Direction: Ascending 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Listening for device changes. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: Alien 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.title = "Alien" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.alternate_titles = "Alien - El octavo pasajero, ?????, Alien, Alien - Das unheimliche Wesen aus einer fremden Welt, Alien - Den 8. passager" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternate_titles.1 = "Alien - El octavo pasajero" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternate_titles.2 = "?????" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternate_titles.3 = "Alien" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternate_titles.4 = "Alien - Das unheimliche Wesen aus einer fremden Welt" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternate_titles.5 = "Alien - Den 8. passager" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.sortby = "Alien" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.directors = "Ridley Scott" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.directors.1 = "Ridley Scott" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.writers = "Dan O'Bannon, Ronald Shusett" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.writers.1 = "Dan O'Bannon" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.writers.2 = "Ronald Shusett" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.actors = "Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hurt" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.actors.1 = "Tom Skerritt" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.actors.2 = "Sigourney Weaver" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.actors.3 = "Veronica Cartwright" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.actors.4 = "Harry Dean Stanton" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.actors.5 = "John Hurt" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.year = "1979" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.genres = "Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.genres.1 = "Horror" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.genres.2 = "Sci-Fi" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.genres.3 = "Thriller" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.certification = "R" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.language = "English" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.tagline = "In space no one can hear you scream." 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.summary = "When a mining ship lands on a planet to investigate upon a suspected SOS, the entire crew are unaware of the terror which they would unleash upon their ship. When a alien life-form attach's itself to the face of a crew member, the rest of the team act fast to try and separate the two organisms. Unbeknownst to everyone, this is the start of the terror which would affect every member of the seven person crew." 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.score = "8" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.popularity = "100" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.date_added = "20.10.2009 12:23:24" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.runtime = "117" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.movie_xml_id = "0" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.imdb_id = "tt0078748" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.alternatecovers = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1138908590].jpg, C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1484296216].jpg, C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1350406168].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternatecovers.1 = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1138908590].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternatecovers.2 = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1484296216].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternatecovers.3 = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1350406168].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.coverfullpath = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1138908590].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.coverthumbfullpath = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\Thumbs\{Alien} [-1138908590].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.backdropfullpath = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Backdrops\FullSize\{Alien} [-895466604].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.details_url = "" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.runtime.hour = "1" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.runtime.minute = "57" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.runtime.short = "1:57" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:06 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.runtime.en.pretty = "1 hour, 57 minutes" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:11 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: Transformers 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:13 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: Alien 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:21 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: The Terminator 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:27  Info [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Re-enabling native autoplay. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:29  Info [       DeviceManager]: Clearing all drives from Disk Watcher 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:29  Info [     SettingsManager]: SettingsManager Shutting Down 
    23-Oct-2009 16:12:29  Info [  MovingPicturesCore]: Plugin Closed
    This is the log when using English (United States) regional settings:
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [     DatabaseManager]: Successfully Opened Database: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database\movingpictures.db3 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [     SettingsManager]: SettingsManager Created 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [  MovingPicturesCore]: Moving Pictures (0.7.5:681) 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [  MovingPicturesCore]: Plugin Launched 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [DatabaseMaintenanceM]: Checking for invalid file entries in the database. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04 Debug [          VolumeInfo]: Querying drive information for 'D:' 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04 Debug [          VolumeInfo]: Succesfully updated drive information for 'D:' 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [DatabaseMaintenanceM]: Removed 0 file entries. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [DatabaseMaintenanceM]: Checking for invalid movie entries in the database. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [DatabaseMaintenanceM]: Removed 0 movie entries. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [ DataProviderManager]: DataProviderManager Starting 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [ DataProviderManager]: Loading existing data sources... 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874903) Version 1.2.0 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874902) Version 1.1.6 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874910) Version 1.1.0 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874920) Version 1.2.0 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874930) Version 1.1.1 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874909) Version 0.2.3 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (141516) Version 1.0.0 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (141521) Version 1.2.7 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (141517) Version 1.0.1 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [ DataProviderManager]: Checking internal scripts for updates... 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874903) Version 1.2.0 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [ DataProviderManager]: Script already loaded. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874902) Version 1.1.6 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [ DataProviderManager]: Script already loaded. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874910) Version 1.1.0 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [ DataProviderManager]: Script already loaded. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874920) Version 1.2.0 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [ DataProviderManager]: Script already loaded. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874930) Version 1.1.1 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [ DataProviderManager]: Script already loaded. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (874909) Version 0.2.3 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [ DataProviderManager]: Script already loaded. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (141516) Version 1.0.0 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [ DataProviderManager]: Script already loaded. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (141521) Version 1.2.7 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [ DataProviderManager]: Script already loaded. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:04  Info [   ScriptableScraper]: Loading scriptable scraper: (141517) Version 1.0.1 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05  Info [ DataProviderManager]: Script already loaded. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05  Info [       DeviceManager]: Starting Disk Watcher 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05  Info [       DeviceManager]: Added D: to DiskWatcher 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05  Info [       DeviceManager]: Added V: to DiskWatcher 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05  Info [       DeviceManager]: Added Z: to DiskWatcher 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [          VolumeInfo]: Drive 'V:' is not ready. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [          VolumeInfo]: Drive 'Z:' is not ready. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05  Info [       MovieImporter]: Started MovieImporter 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05  Info [       MovieImporter]: Initiating full scan on watch folders. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05  Info [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Loading defines from skin. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Loaded define from skin: #header.label: Moving Pictures 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Loaded define from skin: #largeicons.available: true 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Loaded define from skin: #largeicons.backdrop.used: true 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Loaded define from skin: #smallicons.available: true 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Loaded define from skin: #smallicons.backdrop.used: true 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Loaded define from skin: #list.available: true 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Loaded define from skin: #list.backdrop.used: true 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Loaded define from skin: #filmstrip.available: true 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Loaded define from skin: #filmstrip.backdrop.used: true 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Loaded define from skin: #details.backdrop.used: true 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05  Info [   MovingPicturesGUI]: GUI Initialization Complete 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05  Info [       MovieImporter]: Started watching 'D:\Videos\Movies' (Fixed) - Path is now being monitored for changes. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [        DBImportPath]: Starting scan for import path: D:\Videos\Movies 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [        DBImportPath]: Volume: D:\, Type= Fixed, Serial=3263B421 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [        DBImportPath]: Starting scan for import path: V:\ 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05  Info [        DBImportPath]: Scanning of removable import path 'V:\' was skipped because it is not available. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05 Debug [        DBImportPath]: Starting scan for import path: Z:\ 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:05  Info [        DBImportPath]: Scanning of removable import path 'Z:\' was skipped because it is not available. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Autoplay/details is now listening for movie additions 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.general.totalmoviecount = "11" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.general.filteredmoviecount = "11" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08  Info [GUIListItemMovieComp]: Sort Field: Title Sort Direction: Ascending 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Listening for device changes. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: Alien 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.title = "Alien" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.alternate_titles = "Alien - El octavo pasajero, ?????, Alien, Alien - Das unheimliche Wesen aus einer fremden Welt, Alien - Den 8. passager" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternate_titles.1 = "Alien - El octavo pasajero" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternate_titles.2 = "?????" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternate_titles.3 = "Alien" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternate_titles.4 = "Alien - Das unheimliche Wesen aus einer fremden Welt" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternate_titles.5 = "Alien - Den 8. passager" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.sortby = "Alien" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.directors = "Ridley Scott" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.directors.1 = "Ridley Scott" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.writers = "Dan O'Bannon, Ronald Shusett" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.writers.1 = "Dan O'Bannon" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.writers.2 = "Ronald Shusett" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.actors = "Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hurt" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.actors.1 = "Tom Skerritt" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.actors.2 = "Sigourney Weaver" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.actors.3 = "Veronica Cartwright" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.actors.4 = "Harry Dean Stanton" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.actors.5 = "John Hurt" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.year = "1979" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.genres = "Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.genres.1 = "Horror" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.genres.2 = "Sci-Fi" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.genres.3 = "Thriller" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.certification = "R" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.language = "English" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.tagline = "In space no one can hear you scream." 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.summary = "When a mining ship lands on a planet to investigate upon a suspected SOS, the entire crew are unaware of the terror which they would unleash upon their ship. When a alien life-form attach's itself to the face of a crew member, the rest of the team act fast to try and separate the two organisms. Unbeknownst to everyone, this is the start of the terror which would affect every member of the seven person crew." 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.score = "8" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.popularity = "100" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.date_added = "10/20/2009 12:23:24 PM" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.runtime = "117" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.movie_xml_id = "0" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.imdb_id = "tt0078748" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.alternatecovers = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1138908590].jpg, C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1484296216].jpg, C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1350406168].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternatecovers.1 = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1138908590].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternatecovers.2 = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1484296216].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternatecovers.3 = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1350406168].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.coverfullpath = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Alien} [-1138908590].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.coverthumbfullpath = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\Thumbs\{Alien} [-1138908590].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.backdropfullpath = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Backdrops\FullSize\{Alien} [-895466604].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.details_url = "" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.runtime.hour = "1" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.runtime.minute = "57" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.runtime.short = "1:57" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.runtime.en.pretty = "1 hour, 57 minutes" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:08  Info [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Disabling native autoplay. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:11 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: Alien: Resurrection 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:11 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.genres.4 = "Thriller" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:11 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: Alien 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:12 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: Alien: Resurrection 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:13 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: Alien³ 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:14 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: Aliens 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:14 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.genres.5 = "Thriller" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:14 Debug [   MovingPicturesGUI]: #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.extra.alternatecovers.4 = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{Aliens} [1937318490].jpg" 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:16 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: Alien³ 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:16 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: Alien: Resurrection 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:16 Debug [        MovieBrowser]: SelectedMovie changed: Alien 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:27  Info [   MovingPicturesGUI]: Re-enabling native autoplay. 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:29  Info [       DeviceManager]: Stopping Disk Watcher 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:29  Info [       DeviceManager]: Clearing all drives from Disk Watcher 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:29  Info [       MovieImporter]: Shutting Down Media Scanner Threads... 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:29  Info [       MovieImporter]: Shutting Down Path Scanner Thread... 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:29  Info [       MovieImporter]: Stopped MovieImporter 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:29  Info [     SettingsManager]: SettingsManager Shutting Down 
    23-Oct-2009 16:19:29  Info [  MovingPicturesCore]: Plugin Closed
    Strangely the version number of imdb scrapper is different!?!?

    Also an error.log file is being created with Turkish (Turkey) regional settings:
    2009-10-23 16:12:01.326649 [ERROR][MPMain]: Error initializing window:MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesGUI Object reference not set to an instance of an object. MovingPictures    at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.DataProviders.DataProviderManager.addToLists(DBSourceInfo newSource)
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.DataProviders.DataProviderManager.loadProvidersFromDatabase()
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.DataProviders.DataProviderManager..ctor()
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.DataProviders.DataProviderManager.GetInstance()
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.DataProviders.DataProviderManager.Initialize()
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesCore.Initialize()
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesGUI.Init()
       at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.LoadWindowPlugin(String strFile)
    2009-10-23 16:12:06.731649 [ERROR][MPMain]: OnMessage exception:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesGUI.SetBackdropVisibility()
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesGUI.set_CurrentView(ViewMode value)
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesGUI.OnPageLoad()
       at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnMessage(GUIMessage message)2009-10-23 16:12:01.326649 [ERROR][MPMain]: Error initializing window:MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesGUI Object reference not set to an instance of an object. MovingPictures    at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.DataProviders.DataProviderManager.addToLists(DBSourceInfo newSource)
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.DataProviders.DataProviderManager.loadProvidersFromDatabase()
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.DataProviders.DataProviderManager..ctor()
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.DataProviders.DataProviderManager.GetInstance()
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.DataProviders.DataProviderManager.Initialize()
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesCore.Initialize()
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesGUI.Init()
       at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.LoadWindowPlugin(String strFile)
    2009-10-23 16:12:06.731649 [ERROR][MPMain]: OnMessage exception:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesGUI.SetBackdropVisibility()
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesGUI.set_CurrentView(ViewMode value)
       at MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesGUI.OnPageLoad()
       at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnMessage(GUIMessage message)


    New Member
    October 23, 2009
    Thanks UNOPARATOR, you've nailed it. Changing regional settings from Turkish to US fixed the issue in both Moving Pictures visual problem and MpTvSeries import problem.

    For the record, I had the exact same issues. When regional settings is set to Turkish, the screen was all garbled. I have tried different skins including Blue with the same results. After changing regional settings to US its all fine now. While I can live with this workaround, I'd love to see it working even in Turkish settings.



    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • September 19, 2007
    Home Country
    Turkey Turkey
    fforde, any progress? Anything I can do?

    I found a temporary fix:
    Replacing all (maybe just changing IsVisible to isvisible would work too) capital letter I's with lowercase i fixed the problem for me!!!

    I checked several XML files of MP1's skins since I have no problems with its skins in Turkish regional settings and they used all lowercase attribute values (like isenable instead of IsEnable).

    I couldn't locate the code necessary for dealing with these so I'm not sure if it is a MP1 skin engine or moving-pictures related bug.

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