Watched indicator (1 Viewer)


New Member
June 7, 2022
Home Country
Australia Australia
Hi I am new to Media Portal and it looks great. Just a question.. I want to use it to watch a lot of tv series and movies that I have already got on hard drives. Some I have watched already. These are in different folders to the ones I haven't watched. Is there any way I can add the movies I have already watched to Media portal and have them marked as watched. Or is there some way I can bulk label movies as watched. Ta for any help you can give.


Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi I am new to Media Portal and it looks great. Just a question.. I want to use it to watch a lot of tv series and movies that I have already got on hard drives. Some I have watched already. These are in different folders to the ones I haven't watched. Is there any way I can add the movies I have already watched to Media portal and have them marked as watched. Or is there some way I can bulk label movies as watched. Ta for any help you can give.
    That is unfortunately not possible. I fear you have to mark them as watched manually.
    Maybe there is also a change with an data base editor (SQLite Editor), but it will be not easy and I can’t provide a manual, because I didn’t try yet.

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