[WebService] General Media Access Webservice (2 Viewers)

Mike Lowrey

Portal Pro
February 4, 2009
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Germany Germany
Maybe rather than worrying about documentation
Well that would be easy, but you seem to forget that an installer can't predict each configuration.

We can only add firewall rules for the Windows Firewall, then anyone with a 3rd party firewall has a problem.
What about user with another location for the database, they need to configure there services different
and so on.

I think as long as the whole stuff relies heavily on network features the configuration will never be as easy as it should be.


Portal Pro
January 3, 2008
Home Country
Germany Germany
AW: [WebService] General Media Access Webservice

I have a problem with streaming Videos to my Android-Phone. I have three Pc with Mediaportal and one two Pc it works but one of that don't work.

I have disabled the Firewall and have installed the same on each PC. I get no Error Messaage on the Phone but the Video don't starts.

I have attached the Log files form the PC that don't work


  • GmaWebservice.rar
    5.8 KB


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  • September 11, 2007
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    Re: AW: [WebService] General Media Access Webservice

    I have a problem with streaming Videos to my Android-Phone. I have three Pc with Mediaportal and one two Pc it works but one of that don't work.

    I have disabled the Firewall and have installed the same on each PC. I get no Error Messaage on the Phone but the Video don't starts.

    I have attached the Log files form the PC that don't work

    Can you download the file to the phone? The file is on a network share, so make sure the service has access rights, otherwise -> Troubleshooting - MediaPortal Wiki -> Streaming/Downloading doesn't work (all files have 0 Kb)


    Portal Pro
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: Re: AW: [WebService] General Media Access Webservice

    I have a problem with streaming Videos to my Android-Phone. I have three Pc with Mediaportal and one two Pc it works but one of that don't work.

    I have disabled the Firewall and have installed the same on each PC. I get no Error Messaage on the Phone but the Video don't starts.

    I have attached the Log files form the PC that don't work

    Can you download the file to the phone? The file is on a network share, so make sure the service has access rights, otherwise -> Troubleshooting - MediaPortal Wiki -> Streaming/Downloading doesn't work (all files have 0 Kb)

    Yes downloading works and I had changed the rights,on all pc.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 11, 2007
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Re: AW: Re: AW: [WebService] General Media Access Webservice

    I have a problem with streaming Videos to my Android-Phone. I have three Pc with Mediaportal and one two Pc it works but one of that don't work.

    I have disabled the Firewall and have installed the same on each PC. I get no Error Messaage on the Phone but the Video don't starts.

    I have attached the Log files form the PC that don't work

    Can you download the file to the phone? The file is on a network share, so make sure the service has access rights, otherwise -> Troubleshooting - MediaPortal Wiki -> Streaming/Downloading doesn't work (all files have 0 Kb)

    Yes downloading works and I had changed the rights,on all pc.

    Ok, please change the debug level to trace and post the new logs... -> Troubleshooting - MediaPortal Wiki


    Portal Pro
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: [WebService] General Media Access Webservice

    So hear are the new log Files, but I think this Log-File has not more Information. I'm not sure that I have changed the Log Lewel correctly.

    I don't understand your Wiki, "Edit the log config (C:\ProgramData\GmaWebservice\GmaWebservice.log)" I think you mean edit "C:\Program Files\GmaWebService\NLog.config" ? Is that right ?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 11, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    Re: AW: [WebService] General Media Access Webservice

    So hear are the new log Files, but I think this Log-File has not more Information. I'm not sure that I have changed the Log Lewel correctly.

    I don't understand your Wiki, "Edit the log config (C:\ProgramData\GmaWebservice\GmaWebservice.log)" I think you mean edit "C:\Program Files\GmaWebService\NLog.config" ? Is that right ?

    Yeah, I updated the wiki page...

    The log file seems to be missing a lot of information, are you sure you have installed the latest version of GmaWebservice?

    Your nlog.config should look like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <section name="nlog" type="NLog.Config.ConfigSectionHandler, NLog"/>

    <nlog xmlns="http://www.nlog-project.org/schemas/NLog.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <variable name="appTitle" value="GmaWebservice"/>
    <variable name="logFilePath" value="${specialfolder:CommonApplicationData}/GmaWebservice/${appTitle}.log"/>

    <targets async="true">
    <target name="fileExtendedInfo" xsi:type="File" fileName="${logFilePath}" layout="${longdate} ${level:upperCase=true}: ${message}${newline}(${stacktrace}) ${exception:format=ToString}"/>

    <target name="fileBasicInfo" xsi:type="File" fileName="${logFilePath}" layout="${longdate} ${level:upperCase=true}: ${message} ${exception:format=ToString}"/>

    <target xsi:type="EventLog" name="eventLog" source="${appTitle}" layout="${message}${newline}${exception:format=tostring}"/>

    <logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="fileBasicInfo"/>
    <logger name="*" minlevel="Warn" writeTo="fileExtendedInfo"/>
    <logger name="*" minlevel="Warn" writeTo="eventLog"/>

    Also you need to restart the service for these changes to take affect...


    Portal Pro
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: [WebService] General Media Access Webservice

    Yes I have the new Version on the PC. I have installed it again, and change the Log-Level again, and restart the Service. It looks like that ypu have posted.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 11, 2007
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Re: AW: [WebService] General Media Access Webservice

    Yes I have the new Version on the PC. I have installed it again, and change the Log-Level again, and restart the Service. It looks like that ypu have posted.

    Ok, so how does the log file look now? Can you delete the log, then try to start the movie and post that log file again. It should log the ffmpeg output...


    Portal Pro
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: Re: AW: [WebService] General Media Access Webservice

    Yes I have the new Version on the PC. I have installed it again, and change the Log-Level again, and restart the Service. It looks like that ypu have posted.

    Ok, so how does the log file look now? Can you delete the log, then try to start the movie and post that log file again. It should log the ffmpeg output...

    Okay, I have attached the log file.

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