Welche IR für newbie (2 Viewers)


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  • December 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    AW: Welche IR für newbie

    Antwort: Gar nicht

    Ich habe dir den Link zu meinem Beitrag gegeben, dort ist der Link zum Bestellen de Sconis.
    Wenn du 2 Beiträge weiter unten gelesen hättest (hier) würdest du auch wissen, das es den Offiziell nicht mehr gibt, sondern das jbmedia auf meine bitte hinauf den wieder Online gestellt hat, aber nur für dieses Forum hier.

    Es sind nur 2 Seiten die dieser Thread hat, du hättest dir also ordendlich wartezeit ersparrt wenn du ihn gelesen hättest.

    Grüße Sascha


    MP Donator
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  • October 14, 2007
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    AW: Welche IR für newbie


    den Thread habe ich gelesen, aber wohl nicht genau genug. Danke für die Aufklärung.

    Nix für Ungut.


    Portal Member
    June 9, 2010
    AW: Welche IR für newbie

    Hi, also ich habe Probleme mit dem Messageplugin, und zwar in der aktuellen Mp Version Kann das jemand bestätigen?


    MP Donator
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  • December 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    AW: Welche IR für newbie

    Entschuldige bitte die Frage aber dar man auch wissen WAS für Probleme?

    Ich kann dir zwar eine Antwort auf deine Frage geben, und zwar habe ich mit der neuesten MP Version auf 2 Systemen keine Probleme aber ich denke das es nicht schlecht gewesen wäre wenn ich dir gleich sagen hätte können was du gegen deine Probleme tun kannst. Oder nicht?

    Ich weis nur das ich auf meinem Client das Xml (glaub das was ne xml) in einen anderen Ordner als normal kopieren habe müssen. Aber wie gesagt. Sag was wann wie passiert und schick doch nen Log.



    Portal Member
    June 9, 2010
    AW: Welche IR für newbie

    Danke für die schnelle Antwort. Also eigentlich ist es ganz einfach. Die FB erzeugt in MP keinerlei Wirkung. Ich habe eine Hama MS Clone und habe diese mit Eventghost eingerichtet. Laut Eventghost funktioniert diese auch. In MP scheint aber nichts anzukommen. Außerdem crasht die Config von MP, wenn ich versuche das messageplugin zu konfigurieren.

    Woher bekommt man denn das messageplugin? Hier liegt es ja nur noch bei einzelnen Usern.

    Als Anleitung bin ich diesem Thread gefolgt:


    Die FB ist eigentlich gut. In Mediacenter von MS funktioniert sie tadellos.

    Kann es auch daran liegen, dass ich Win7 einsetze? Eventghost habe ich ja als Admin ausgeführt


    MP Donator
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  • December 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    AW: Welche IR für newbie

    Ich verwende zwar kein Eventgost aber ich habe so eine Vermutung woran es liegen könnte.

    Aber ehrlich, geb dir doch auch ein wenig Mühe und post doch mal die Logs.
    Oder denen kann ich dir ja nix genaues sagen.



    Portal Member
    June 9, 2010
    AW: Welche IR für newbie

    Ok, wo finde ich die denn? Im MP Verzeichnis?

    2010-11-23 19:26:58.250850 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: MediaPortal v1.1.1.0 is starting up on Windows 7 [6.1.7600.0]
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: RegOpenKeyEx retval=<2>, lastError=<0>
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Last install from WindowsUpdate is dated NEVER !!!
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Disabling process window ghosting
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Using Directories:
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Base - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Log - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Log
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Skin - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Language - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Database - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Plugins - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Thumbs - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Cache - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Weather - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Weather
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: CustomInputDevice - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Config - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: CustomInputDefault - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\defaults
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BurnerSupport - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Burner
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Installer - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Installer
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.266450 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Assembly creation time: 01.10.2010 05:35:54 (UTC)
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.297650 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Set current directory to: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.313250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Waiting 3 second(s) before startup
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.313250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Loading localized Strings - Path: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language Culture: Language: Prefix: False
    2010-11-23 19:26:58.765651 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Loading strings file: strings_de.xml
    2010-11-23 19:26:59.374052 [Debug][SplashScreen(3)]: FullScreenSplash: Splashscreen.xml found: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\splashscreen.xml
    2010-11-23 19:26:59.389652 [Debug][SplashScreen(3)]: FullScreenSplash: Try to load background image value found: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\media\background.png
    2010-11-23 19:26:59.436452 [Debug][SplashScreen(3)]: FullScreenSplash: background image successfully loaded: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\media\background.png
    2010-11-23 19:26:59.436452 [Debug][SplashScreen(3)]: FullScreenSplash: Textsize value found: 36
    2010-11-23 19:26:59.452052 [Debug][SplashScreen(3)]: FullScreenSplash: Textsize successfully set: 36
    2010-11-23 19:26:59.452052 [Debug][SplashScreen(3)]: FullScreenSplash: TextColor value found: Color [A=255, R=255, G=255, B=255]
    2010-11-23 19:26:59.452052 [Debug][SplashScreen(3)]: FullScreenSplash: TextColor successfully set: Color [A=255, R=255, G=255, B=255]
    2010-11-23 19:26:59.452052 [Info.][SplashScreen(3)]: Version: Application
    2010-11-23 19:27:01.801256 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: ExtendedChars = False, StringChars = 255
    2010-11-23 19:27:01.811256 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Loading strings file: strings_en.xml
    2010-11-23 19:27:01.811256 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: ExtendedChars = False, StringChars = 255
    2010-11-23 19:27:01.821256 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: String not found, using English: 107776 : (My ) Tetris
    2010-11-23 19:27:01.821256 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: String not found, using English: 107900 : Dialog Text
    2010-11-23 19:27:04.821260 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Main: Checking prerequisites
    2010-11-23 19:27:04.821260 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Main: Verifying DirectX 9
    2010-11-23 19:27:04.821260 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Main: Verifying Windows Media Player
    2010-11-23 19:27:04.881261 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Windows Media Player version 12.0.7600.16385 installed
    2010-11-23 19:27:04.987262 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Checking for running MediaPortal instance
    2010-11-23 19:27:04.987262 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Deleting old log\capture.log
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.018264 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Checking skin version
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.128270 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: TVHome: Filter check started.
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.155272 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load key mapping from C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\keymap.xml
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.192274 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Init playlist player
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.192274 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Creating the REDEYE device
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.206275 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Creating the RedEye device done
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.207275 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Init players
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.257278 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Thumbs: MediaPortal is using high quality thumbnails
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.279279 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Main: Initializing DirectX
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.679302 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: D3D: Starting fullscreen
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.681302 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: D3D: Client size: 1920x1080 - Screen: 1920x1080
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.685302 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: d3dapp: Graphic adapter 'ATI Radeon HD 4290' is using driver version ''
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.686302 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: d3dapp: Pixel shaders supported: 512 (Version: 3.0), Vertex shaders supported: 32 (Version: 3.0)
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.689302 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Creating DirectX9 Ex device
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.795308 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Windowmanager: closing current window
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.832310 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: Dispose()
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.834311 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker:Dispose()
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.851312 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load key mapping from C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\keymap.xml
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.876313 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Loading localized Strings - Path: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language Culture: de Language: German Prefix: False
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.877313 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Loading strings file: strings_de.xml
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.882313 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: ExtendedChars = False, StringChars = 255
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.882313 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Loading strings file: strings_en.xml
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.886314 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: ExtendedChars = False, StringChars = 255
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.900314 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: String not found, using English: 107776 : (My ) Tetris
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.900314 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: String not found, using English: 107900 : Dialog Text
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.923316 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Skin Folder : C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.923316 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Cache Folder: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Blue3
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.942317 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GraphicContext: NO screen calibration file found for resolution 1920x1080!
    2010-11-23 19:27:05.943317 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: GraphicContext: MP will render at 50 FPS, use animations = True
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.086325 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: fonts.SafeDispose()
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.088325 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load fonts from C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\fonts.xml
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.140328 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.221333 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-255] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.245334 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:font10 height:18 texture:512x256 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.305338 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:font11 height:20 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.337339 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:font12 height:22 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.368341 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:font13 height:24 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.406343 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:font14 height:26 texture:1024x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.436345 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:font15 height:28 texture:1024x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.698360 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:font16 height:30 texture:1024x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.761364 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:font17 height:31 texture:1024x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.801366 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:font18 height:33 texture:1024x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.862369 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:dingbats height:45 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.909372 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:font32 height:60 texture:512x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.934374 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:font48 height:90 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:06.964375 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:font60 height:112 texture:1024x512 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.077382 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loaded font:fontSVT height:24 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.090382 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Loading Blue3 skin
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.092383 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: LoadWindowPlugins()
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.094383 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load plugins from : C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.138385 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: File Version :
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.422401 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Initialize BASS environment ...
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.513407 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Visualization Window: Loading skin settings...
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.514407 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Creating visualization...
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.516407 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Visualization Manager: Closing current visualization plugin...
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.517407 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Visualization Manager: Visualization plugin close not required - nothing loaded
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.517407 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Create visualization failed
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.521407 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Loading audio decoder add-ins...
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.523407 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basscd.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.526407 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bassflac.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.528407 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bassmidi.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.529408 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basswma.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.531408 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basswv.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.554409 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_aac.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.556409 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_ac3.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.557409 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_alac.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.560409 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_ape.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.561409 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_mpc.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.561409 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Loaded 10 Audio Decoders.
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.567410 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Loading DSP plugins ...
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.741420 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Finished loading DSP plugins ...
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.830425 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Initializing BASS environment done.
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.831425 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIMusicPlayingNow: Viz disabled - ShowViz False, VizName None
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.849426 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Loading references from C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\references.xml
    2010-11-23 19:27:07.851426 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: original skin size:720x576
    2010-11-23 19:27:09.070496 [Info.][FilterChecker(5)]: FilterChecker: Found quartz.dll from 19.12.2009 located at C:\Windows\system32\quartz.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:09.071496 [Info.][FilterChecker(5)]: FilterChecker: Version of installed quartz.dll: 6.6.7600.16385
    2010-11-23 19:27:09.465518 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MusicDatabase: Opening database
    2010-11-23 19:27:10.930602 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: using sqlite
    2010-11-23 19:27:10.933602 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MusicDatabase: Database opened
    2010-11-23 19:27:10.946603 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Playlist: Loading default playlist default.m3u
    2010-11-23 19:27:11.123613 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\topbar.xml image id:1 width:0 height:0 gfx:empty.png
    2010-11-23 19:27:11.872656 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    2010-11-23 19:27:11.948660 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load plugins from : C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\Cornerstone.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:11.952661 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: File Version :
    2010-11-23 19:27:12.005664 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load plugins from : C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\Cornerstone.MP.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:12.007664 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: File Version :
    2010-11-23 19:27:12.076668 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load plugins from : C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\Dialogs.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:12.077668 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: File Version :
    2010-11-23 19:27:12.093669 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load plugins from : C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\GUIGlobalSearch.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:12.097669 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: File Version : 1.7.0
    2010-11-23 19:27:12.110670 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load plugins from : C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\MovingPictures.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:12.156672 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: File Version :
    2010-11-23 19:27:13.115727 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load plugins from : C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\MP-TVSeries.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:13.138728 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: File Version :
    2010-11-23 19:27:13.675759 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Loading windowmanager
    2010-11-23 19:27:13.675759 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Resizing windowmanager
    2010-11-23 19:27:13.675759 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GraphicContext: NO screen calibration file found for resolution 1920x1080!
    2010-11-23 19:27:13.675759 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: GraphicContext: MP will render at 50 FPS, use animations = True
    2010-11-23 19:27:13.688760 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIWaitCursor: init at position 912:492
    2010-11-23 19:27:13.901772 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Blue3\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:13.902772 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:1999
    2010-11-23 19:27:13.903772 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Initializing windowmanager
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.070782 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Blue3\packedgfx22.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.070782 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:1998
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.073782 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\topbar.xml image id:1 width:0 height:0 gfx:empty.png
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.087783 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Activating windowmanager
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.348798 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Blue3\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.348798 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:1997
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.373799 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Home.GUIHome init
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.375799 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Initialized skin
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.375799 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: DX9 size: 1920x1080
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.390800 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Video memory left: 2018 MB
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.405801 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: DirectInput: not enabled
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.430802 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: X10 debug: Could not get interface
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.443803 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MAP: using custom mappings for General HID
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.452804 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Running
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.455804 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Starting up
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.455804 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PlugInManager.Load()
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.457804 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load plugins from : C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\process\BDHandler.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.461804 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: File Version :
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.464804 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load plugins from : C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\process\IntelligentFrameCorrection.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.467804 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: File Version :
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.478805 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: I.F.C.: Config loaded!
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.480805 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Load plugins from : C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.530808 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: File Version :
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.540809 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PlugInManager.Start()
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.542809 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [BDHandler] Detected 'MPC - Mpeg Source (Gabest)' (1.2.920.0)
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.542809 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [BDHandler] Plugin is disabled because no suitable splitter was detected.
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.558810 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MiniDisplay.Start(): called
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.559810 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MiniDisplay.Start(): MiniDisplay Plugin v06_03_2009
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.559810 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MiniDisplay.Start(): plugin starting...
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.559810 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MiniDisplay.Start(): plugin not configured... Unable to start
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.559810 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MusicShareWatcher Plugin 0.3 starting.
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.591811 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MusicShareWatcher Plugin now monitoring the shares.
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.617813 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: d3dapp: ShowLastActiveModule active : False
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.643814 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: opening video database
    2010-11-23 19:27:14.651815 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: video database opened
    2010-11-23 19:27:40.642301 [Info.][MediaScanner(16)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:27:41.792367 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:27:44.430518 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:27:46.880658 [Info.][MediaScanner(15)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:27:47.408689 [Info.][MediaScanner(18)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:27:47.412689 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:27:50.594871 [Info.][MediaScanner(16)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:27:50.887887 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:27:51.696934 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:27:52.074955 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:27:54.744108 [Info.][MediaScanner(14)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:27:56.224193 [Info.][MediaScanner(18)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:01.882516 [Info.][MediaScanner(18)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:03.007581 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:13.217165 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:13.709193 [Info.][MediaScanner(15)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:16.729366 [Info.][MediaScanner(18)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:17.337400 [Info.][MediaScanner(16)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:17.352401 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:17.986437 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:18.373460 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:19.414519 [Info.][MediaScanner(15)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:22.049670 [Info.][MediaScanner(18)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:23.579757 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:24.169791 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:25.267854 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Home.GUIHome deinit
    2010-11-23 19:28:25.278855 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
    2010-11-23 19:28:25.396861 [Info.][MediaScanner(16)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:25.569871 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Blue3\packedgfx23.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    2010-11-23 19:28:25.570871 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:1996
    2010-11-23 19:28:25.771883 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles init
    2010-11-23 19:28:25.779883 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIVideoFiles: Resetting virtual directory
    2010-11-23 19:28:25.780883 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: open folderdatabase
    2010-11-23 19:28:26.246910 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIVideoFiles: SelectCurrentItem - nothing to do for item -1
    2010-11-23 19:28:29.426092 [Info.][MediaScanner(14)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:30.465151 [Info.][MediaScanner(15)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:30.830172 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:30.989181 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:31.258197 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:34.802399 [Info.][MediaScanner(15)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:37.201536 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIVideoFiles: SelectCurrentItem - nothing to do for item -1
    2010-11-23 19:28:38.306600 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:38.669620 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:40.303714 [Info.][MediaScanner(16)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:41.574787 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:41.758797 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:42.229824 [Info.][MediaScanner(15)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:42.720852 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:42.935864 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIVideoFiles: SelectCurrentItem - nothing to do for item -1
    2010-11-23 19:28:43.173878 [Info.][MediaScanner(18)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:44.643962 [Info.][MediaScanner(14)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:45.423007 [Info.][MediaScanner(15)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:45.446008 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:48.450180 [Info.][MediaScanner(16)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:48.720195 [Info.][MediaScanner(18)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:48.807200 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:50.227282 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:50.306286 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:50.997326 [Info.][MediaScanner(14)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:51.011326 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:51.013326 [Info.][MediaScanner(16)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:51.571358 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:53.472467 [Info.][MediaScanner(18)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:53.529470 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:53.537471 [Info.][MediaScanner(15)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:53.560472 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:54.881548 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:54.949552 [Info.][MediaScanner(16)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:54.952552 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:58.170736 [Info.][MediaScanner(14)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:58.200738 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:28:58.944780 [Info.][MediaScanner(15)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:00.950895 [Info.][MediaScanner(18)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:01.175908 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIVideoFiles: DVD folder detected - C:\Ungesehen\Filme\Predator2_DVD1\VIDEO_TS
    2010-11-23 19:29:01.182908 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIVideoFiles: SelectCurrentItem - nothing to do for item -1
    2010-11-23 19:29:02.726996 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:09.935409 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:18.604905 [Info.][MediaScanner(14)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:18.931923 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:22.162108 [Info.][MediaScanner(16)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:22.240113 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:23.070160 [Info.][MediaScanner(18)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:23.611191 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:30.984613 [Info.][MediaScanner(18)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:31.225626 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:32.463697 [Info.][MediaScanner(17)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:32.475698 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:32.523701 [Info.][MediaScanner(14)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:32.925724 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:34.934839 [Info.][MediaScanner(15)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:35.027844 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:38.637050 [Info.][MediaScanner(16)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:29:38.985070 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 19:30:51.117196 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIVideoFiles: SelectCurrentItem - nothing to do for item -1
    2010-11-23 19:30:53.567336 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VirtualDirectory: this file is not remote
    2010-11-23 19:30:53.644341 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: WindowManager: route MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles:6->MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu:2012
    2010-11-23 19:30:53.647341 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: DialogWindow: MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu init
    2010-11-23 19:30:56.694515 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: WindowManager: unroute to MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu:2012->MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles:6
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.133540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: DLL Version : MediaInfoLib - v0.7.35
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.134540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Inspecting media : C:\Ungesehen\Filme\Max Payne Line Dubbed Germ\vcf-maxpayne.avi
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.134540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Parse speed : 0.3
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.134540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: FrameRate : 25
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.134540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Width : 656
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.134540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Height : 272
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.134540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: AspectRatio : widescreen
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.134540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: VideoCodec : XVID [ "xvid.png" ]
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.134540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Scan type : progressive
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.135540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: IsInterlaced : False
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.135540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: VideoResolution : SD
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.135540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: VideoDuration : 5736720
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.135540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: AudioRate : 48000
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.135540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: AudioChannels : 2 [ "stereo.png" ]
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.135540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: AudioCodec : MPEG AUDIO VERSION 1 LAYER 3 [ "mpeg audio version 1 layer 3.png" ]
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.135540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: HasAudio : True
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.135540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: HasVideo : True
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.136540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: HasSubtitles : False
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.136540 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: NumSubtitles : 0
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.136540 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.Play - Mediatype Unknown, forcing detection as Video
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.154541 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: RefreshRateChanger.AdaptRefreshRate: 'auto refreshrate changer' disabled
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.155541 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.Play(C:\Ungesehen\Filme\Max Payne Line Dubbed Germ\vcf-maxpayne.avi Video)
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.171542 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Loading external players plugins
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.190543 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: found plugin:MediaPortal.FoobarPlugin.FoobarPlugin in C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.191543 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: player:Foobar2000. author: int_20h/rtv
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.191543 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: found plugin:MediaPortal.ITunesPlayer.ITunesPlugin in C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.191543 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: player:iTunes. author: Frodo
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.191543 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: found plugin:MediaPortal.WinampPlayer.WinampPlugin in C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.192544 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: player:Winamp. author: int_20h
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.192544 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: PlayerFactory: Successfully created player instance for file - C:\Ungesehen\Filme\Max Payne Line Dubbed Germ\vcf-maxpayne.avi
    2010-11-23 19:30:57.206544 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer:play C:\Ungesehen\Filme\Max Payne Line Dubbed Germ\vcf-maxpayne.avi
    2010-11-23 19:30:58.259605 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2010-11-23 19:30:58.304607 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: added EVR Renderer to graph
    2010-11-23 19:30:58.748633 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Now active
    2010-11-23 19:30:58.748633 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Renderer successfully added
    2010-11-23 19:30:58.750633 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Filter: ffdshow Video Decoder - try to connect: Out
    2010-11-23 19:30:58.767634 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2010-11-23 19:30:58.774634 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayerVMR9: No VobSub filter in the current graph
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.062650 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Added filter: DirectVobSub to graph
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.062650 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayerVMR9: VobSub filter added to graph
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.065651 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Connect VobSub's video pins
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.067651 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.068651 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Vobsub's video pins connected
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.069651 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Setting DirectVobsub parameters
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.131654 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer:Duration:5736,72021484375
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.133655 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Subtitle_shown; Name=Show Subtitles, Filter=DirectVobSub, Id=0, PDWGroup=6590033
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.134655 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Subtitle_hidden; Name=Hide Subtitles, Filter=DirectVobSub, Id=1, PDWGroup=6590033
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.134655 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Unknown; Name=Original Picture, Filter=DirectVobSub, Id=2, PDWGroup=6590034
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.134655 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Unknown; Name=Flipped Picture, Filter=DirectVobSub, Id=3, PDWGroup=6590034
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.166656 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Audio; Name=Audio - MP3, stereo, 48000 Hz (libmad), Filter=ffdshow Audio Decoder, Id=0, PDWGroup=1
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.167656 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Unknown; Name=A: [Undetermined], Filter=ffdshow Video Decoder, Id=0, PDWGroup=1
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.167656 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Unknown; Name=No subtitles, Filter=ffdshow Video Decoder, Id=1, PDWGroup=2
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.204659 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Video; Name=V: [Undetermined], Filter=C:\Ungesehen\Filme\Max Payne Line Dubbed Germ\vcf-maxpayne.avi, Id=0, PDWGroup=0
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.205659 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Audio; Name=A: [Undetermined], Filter=C:\Ungesehen\Filme\Max Payne Line Dubbed Germ\vcf-maxpayne.avi, Id=1, PDWGroup=1
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.205659 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Subtitle_hidden; Name=No subtitles, Filter=C:\Ungesehen\Filme\Max Payne Line Dubbed Germ\vcf-maxpayne.avi, Id=2, PDWGroup=2
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.210659 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.OnStarted() C:\Ungesehen\Filme\Max Payne Line Dubbed Germ\vcf-maxpayne.avi media:Video
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.337666 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: I.F.C.: reset default view mode: Stretch
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.341666 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: I.F.C.: Thread starting...
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.343667 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: I.F.C.: Thread started!
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.347667 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: g_Player: ShowFullScreenWindow
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.351667 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player: ShowFullScreenWindow switching to fullscreen video
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.359667 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Wait for player...
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.363668 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles deinit
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.398670 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.537678 [Debug][(21)]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.599681 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: screen setup starting...
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.600681 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: RenderBlackImage: False
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.602681 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.603681 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: set default view mode: Normal
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.607682 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.609682 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.609682 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.609682 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.609682 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.609682 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.610682 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.611682 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.612682 [Info.][(22)]: PlaneScene: Crop: top:1, bottom:1, left:1, right:1
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.619682 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFullscreen init
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.622683 [Info.][(22)]: PlaneScene: Crop: top:2, bottom:2, left:2, right:2
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.631683 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.632683 [Info.][(22)]: PlaneScene: Crop: top:3, bottom:3, left:3, right:3
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.642684 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Screen Setup done!
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.642684 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: ToggleMode: Auto
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.645684 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.650684 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.881697 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loading AR modes from "movies" section...
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.917699 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9Helper: Playing -> Repainting, Frames 57
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.933700 [Info.][(20)]: planescene:presentImage() frame:57 enabled:True allowed:False
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.934700 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: PlaneScene: crop T, B : 3, 3
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.935700 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: PlaneScene: crop L, R : 3, 3
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.935700 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PlaneScene: video WxH : 656x272
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.935700 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: PlaneScene: video AR : 41:17
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.935700 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PlaneScene: screen WxH : 1920x1080
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.935700 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.935700 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.936700 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: PlaneScene: src : (3,3)-(653,269)
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.936700 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: PlaneScene: dst : (0,147)-(1920,933)
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.971702 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.SeekAbsolute() - Preparing to seek to 0:26:30
    2010-11-23 19:30:59.988703 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.SeekAbsolute() - Preparing to seek to 0:26:30
    2010-11-23 19:31:00.020705 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Repainting -> Playing, Frames: 58
    2010-11-23 19:31:03.170885 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:06.672086 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:10.172286 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:13.672486 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:13.681487 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:31:13.682487 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:13.682487 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:13.683487 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:13.683487 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:13.683487 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:13.684487 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:13.684487 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:31:13.685487 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:31:17.185687 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:20.685887 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:24.187088 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:27.687288 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:31.187488 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:31.187488 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:31:31.188488 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:31.188488 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:31.189488 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:31.189488 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:31.189488 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:31.190488 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:31.190488 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:31:31.191488 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:31:34.691688 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:38.191889 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:41.692089 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:45.192289 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:48.692489 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:48.692489 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:31:48.693489 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:48.694489 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:48.694489 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:48.694489 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:48.695489 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:48.695489 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:31:48.695489 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:31:48.696489 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:31:52.196690 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:55.696890 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:31:59.197090 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:02.697290 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:06.197490 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:06.197490 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:32:06.198490 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:06.198490 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:06.199490 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:06.199490 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:06.199490 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:06.200491 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:06.200491 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:32:06.202491 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:32:09.702691 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:13.203891 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:16.704091 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:20.204292 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:23.704492 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:23.704492 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:32:23.705492 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:23.705492 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:23.706492 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:23.706492 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:23.707492 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:23.707492 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:23.707492 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:32:23.708492 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:32:27.208692 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:30.708892 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:34.209093 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:37.710293 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:41.210493 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:41.210493 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:32:41.211493 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:41.211493 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:41.212493 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:41.212493 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:41.213493 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:41.213493 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:41.213493 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:32:41.214493 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:32:44.714693 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:48.214894 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:51.715094 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:55.215294 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:58.715494 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:32:58.715494 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:32:58.716494 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:58.716494 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:58.717494 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:58.717494 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:58.717494 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:58.718494 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:32:58.718494 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:32:58.718494 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:33:02.219695 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:05.719895 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:09.220095 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:12.720295 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:16.220495 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:16.220495 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:33:16.221496 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:16.221496 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:16.222496 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:16.222496 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:16.222496 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:16.223496 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:16.223496 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:33:16.224496 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:33:19.724696 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:23.224896 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:26.725096 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:30.225296 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:33.726497 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:33.727497 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:33:33.727497 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:33.728497 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:33.728497 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:33.728497 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:33.729497 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:33.729497 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:33.730497 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:33:33.730497 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:33:37.230697 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:40.730897 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:44.231098 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:47.731298 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:51.231498 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:51.233498 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:33:51.234498 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:51.234498 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:51.234498 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:51.235498 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:51.235498 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:51.236498 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:33:51.236498 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:33:51.237498 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:33:54.737699 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:33:58.237899 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:01.738099 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:05.238299 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:08.738499 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:08.738499 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:34:08.738499 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:08.739499 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:08.739499 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:08.739499 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:08.739499 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:08.739499 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:08.739499 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:34:08.740499 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:34:12.240700 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:15.740900 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:19.241100 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:22.741300 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:26.241500 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:26.241500 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:34:26.243501 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:26.245501 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:26.246501 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:26.246501 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:26.246501 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:26.247501 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:26.247501 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:34:26.248501 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:34:29.748701 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:33.248901 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:36.749101 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:40.249302 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:43.749502 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:43.750502 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:34:43.750502 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:43.750502 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:43.751502 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:43.751502 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:43.752502 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:43.752502 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:34:43.752502 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:34:43.753502 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:34:47.253702 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:50.753902 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:54.254103 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:34:57.754303 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:01.254503 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:01.255503 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:35:01.255503 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:01.255503 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:01.256503 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:01.256503 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:01.257503 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:01.257503 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:01.257503 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:35:01.258503 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:35:04.758703 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:08.258904 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:11.759104 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:15.259304 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:18.759504 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:18.759504 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:35:18.760504 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:18.760504 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:18.761504 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:18.761504 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:18.762504 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:18.762504 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:18.762504 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:35:18.763505 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:35:22.263705 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:25.764905 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:29.265105 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:32.766305 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:36.266506 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:36.266506 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:35:36.267506 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:36.267506 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:36.268506 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:36.268506 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:36.270506 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:36.270506 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:36.270506 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:35:36.271506 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:35:39.771706 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:43.271906 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:46.772107 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:50.272307 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:53.772507 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:35:53.773507 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:35:53.773507 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:53.773507 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:53.774507 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:53.774507 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:53.775507 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:53.775507 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:35:53.775507 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:35:53.776507 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:35:57.276707 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:00.776908 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:04.277108 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:07.777308 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:11.277508 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:11.277508 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:36:11.278508 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:11.278508 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:11.279508 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:11.279508 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:11.280508 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:11.280508 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:11.280508 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:36:11.281508 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:36:14.781709 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:18.281909 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:21.782109 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:25.282309 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:28.782509 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:28.783509 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:36:28.783509 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:28.784509 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:28.784509 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:28.784509 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:28.785510 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:28.785510 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:28.786510 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:36:28.786510 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:36:32.286710 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:35.786910 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:39.287110 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:42.787310 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:46.287511 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:46.287511 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:36:46.288511 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:46.288511 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:46.289511 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:46.289511 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:46.289511 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:46.290511 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:36:46.290511 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:36:46.290511 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:36:49.791711 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:53.291911 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:36:56.792111 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:00.292312 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:03.792512 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:03.792512 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:37:03.793512 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:03.794512 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:03.794512 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:03.794512 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:03.795512 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:03.795512 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:03.796512 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:37:03.796512 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:37:07.296712 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:10.796912 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:14.297113 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:17.797313 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:21.297513 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:21.297513 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:37:21.299513 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:21.299513 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:21.300513 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:21.300513 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:21.300513 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:21.301513 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:21.301513 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:37:21.301513 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:37:24.802714 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:28.302914 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:31.803114 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:35.303314 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:38.803514 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:38.803514 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:37:38.804514 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:38.804514 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:38.805514 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:38.805514 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:38.806515 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:38.806515 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:38.806515 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:37:38.807515 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:37:42.307715 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:45.807915 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:49.308115 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:52.808315 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:56.308516 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:37:56.308516 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:37:56.309516 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:56.309516 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:56.310516 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:56.310516 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:56.311516 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:56.311516 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:37:56.312516 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:37:56.312516 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:37:59.812716 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:03.312916 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:06.813116 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:10.313317 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:13.813517 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:13.813517 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:38:13.814517 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:13.814517 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:13.815517 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:13.815517 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:13.815517 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:13.816517 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:13.816517 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:38:13.817517 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:38:17.317717 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:20.817917 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:24.318118 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:27.818318 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:31.318518 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:31.318518 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:38:31.319518 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:31.319518 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:31.320518 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:31.320518 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:31.320518 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:31.321518 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:31.321518 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:38:31.321518 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:38:34.822718 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:38.322919 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:41.823119 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:45.323319 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:48.823519 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:48.823519 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:38:48.823519 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:48.824519 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:48.824519 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:48.824519 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:48.824519 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:48.825519 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:38:48.825519 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:38:48.825519 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:38:52.325720 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:55.825920 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:38:59.326120 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:02.826320 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:06.326520 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:06.327520 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:39:06.327520 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:06.327520 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:06.328520 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:06.328520 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:06.329521 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:06.329521 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:06.329521 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:39:06.330521 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:39:09.830721 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:13.330921 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:16.831121 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:20.331321 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:23.831522 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:23.831522 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:39:23.832522 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:23.833522 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:23.834522 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:23.834522 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:23.834522 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:23.835522 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:23.835522 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:39:23.836522 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:39:27.336722 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:30.837922 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:34.338123 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:37.838323 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:41.338523 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:41.338523 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:39:41.339523 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:41.339523 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:41.340523 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:41.340523 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:41.341523 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:41.341523 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:41.342523 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:39:41.342523 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:39:44.842723 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:48.342924 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:51.843124 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:55.343324 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:58.844524 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:39:58.845524 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:39:58.845524 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:58.846524 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:58.846524 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:58.847524 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:58.847524 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:58.848524 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:39:58.848524 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:39:58.848524 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:40:02.349725 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:05.849925 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:09.350125 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:12.850325 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:16.350526 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:16.350526 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:40:16.351526 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:16.351526 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:16.352526 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:16.352526 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:16.352526 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:16.353526 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:16.353526 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:40:16.353526 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:40:19.854726 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:23.354926 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:26.855126 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:30.355327 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:33.856527 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:33.856527 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:40:33.857527 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:33.857527 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:33.858527 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:33.858527 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:33.858527 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:33.859527 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:33.859527 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:40:33.859527 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:40:37.360727 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:40.860927 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:44.361128 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:47.861328 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:51.361528 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:51.361528 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:40:51.362528 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:51.362528 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:51.363528 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:51.363528 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:51.363528 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:51.364528 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:40:51.364528 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:40:51.365528 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:40:54.865728 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:40:58.365929 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:01.866129 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:05.366329 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:08.867529 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:08.867529 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:41:08.868529 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:08.868529 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:08.869529 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:08.869529 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:08.870529 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:08.870529 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:08.870529 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:41:08.871530 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:41:12.371730 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:15.871930 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:19.372130 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:22.876331 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:26.377531 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:26.377531 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:41:26.378531 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:26.378531 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:26.379531 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:26.379531 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:26.379531 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:26.380531 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:26.380531 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:41:26.380531 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:41:29.881731 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:33.381931 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:36.883132 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:40.383332 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:43.883532 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:43.883532 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:41:43.884532 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:43.884532 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:43.885532 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:43.885532 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:43.885532 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:43.886532 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:41:43.887532 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:41:43.887532 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:41:47.387733 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:50.887933 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:54.388133 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:41:57.888333 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:01.388533 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:01.388533 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:42:01.389533 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:01.389533 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:01.390533 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:01.390533 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:01.390533 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:01.391534 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:01.392534 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:42:01.392534 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:42:04.892734 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:08.392934 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:11.893134 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:15.393334 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:18.893535 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:18.894535 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:42:18.894535 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:18.894535 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:18.895535 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:18.895535 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:18.896535 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:18.896535 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:18.896535 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:42:18.897535 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:42:22.397735 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:25.897935 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:29.398135 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:32.898336 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:36.398536 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:36.398536 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:42:36.399536 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:36.399536 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:36.400536 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:36.400536 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:36.401536 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:36.401536 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:36.402536 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:42:36.402536 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:42:39.902736 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:43.402936 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:46.903137 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:50.403337 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:53.903537 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:42:53.903537 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:42:53.904537 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:53.904537 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:53.905537 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:53.905537 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:53.906537 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:53.906537 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:42:53.907537 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:42:53.907537 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:42:57.407737 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:00.907938 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:04.408138 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:07.908338 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:11.408538 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:11.408538 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:43:11.409538 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:11.409538 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:11.410538 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:11.410538 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:11.410538 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:11.411538 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:11.411538 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:43:11.412538 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:43:14.912739 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:18.412939 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:21.913139 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:25.413339 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:28.913539 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:28.913539 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:43:28.914540 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:28.914540 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:28.915540 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:28.915540 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:28.916540 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:28.916540 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:28.917540 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:43:28.917540 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:43:32.418740 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:35.918940 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:39.419140 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:42.919341 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:46.419541 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:46.419541 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:43:46.420541 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:46.420541 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:46.421541 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:46.421541 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:46.421541 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:46.422541 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:43:46.422541 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:43:46.423541 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:43:49.923741 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:53.423941 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:43:56.924142 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:00.424342 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:03.925542 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:03.926542 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:44:03.926542 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:03.927542 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:03.927542 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:03.927542 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:03.928542 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:03.928542 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:03.929542 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:44:03.929542 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:44:07.429742 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:10.929943 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:14.431143 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:17.931343 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:21.431543 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:21.431543 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:44:21.432543 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:21.432543 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:21.433543 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:21.433543 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:21.433543 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:21.434544 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:21.434544 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:44:21.435544 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:44:24.935744 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:28.435944 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:31.936144 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 2, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:35.436344 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 3, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:38.936545 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 4, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:38.936545 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: 21:9 detected
    2010-11-23 19:44:38.937545 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: CropSettings before stabilizing Top: 0, Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:38.937545 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:38.938545 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:38.938545 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:38.938545 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilizer: 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:38.939545 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stabilized CropSettings Top 0, Bottom 0, Left 0, Right 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:38.939545 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Final calced CropSettings Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
    2010-11-23 19:44:38.939545 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Last faded crop settings: Top: 3, Bottom: 3, Left: 3, Right: 3
    2010-11-23 19:44:42.440745 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 0, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:45.940945 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: Stop Counter: 1, Stop Counter End: 5
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.330968 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Stopping media
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.332968 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.doStop() keepTimeShifting = False keepExclusiveModeOn = False
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.333968 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.OnStopped()
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.338968 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: GUIVideoFiles: OnPlayBackStopped idFile=213 timeMovieStopped=1835 resumeData=
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.341968 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIVideoFiles: OnPlayBackStopped store resume time
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.343968 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: I.F.C.: Thread stopping...
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.344968 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: I.F.C.: processingThread.IsBusy True, processingThread.CancellationPending True
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.344968 [Debug][(22)]: I.F.C.: stopped by cancel the thread - perform processing
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.344968 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: I.F.C.: Thread stopped!
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.346968 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.doStop() - stop
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.346968 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer:ended C:\Ungesehen\Filme\Max Payne Line Dubbed Germ\vcf-maxpayne.avi
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.346968 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer9: Cleanup DShow graph
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.354969 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Dispose
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.357969 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: SubtitleRenderer: starting cleanup
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.359969 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: SubtitleRenderer: cleanup done
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.359969 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Inactive
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.362969 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: Enhanced Video Renderer 2
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.362969 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: Default DirectSound Device 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.364969 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: DirectVobSub 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.379970 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: ffdshow Audio Decoder 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.397971 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: ffdshow Video Decoder 0
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.398971 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: C:\Ungesehen\Filme\Max Payne Line Dubbed Germ\vcf-maxpayne.avi 1
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.399971 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.403972 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Windowmanager: Goto previous window
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.403972 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFullscreen deinit
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.405972 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
    2010-11-23 19:44:46.601983 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles init
    2010-11-23 19:49:46.636144 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Main: Idle timer is entering power save mode after 300 seconds of inactivity
    2010-11-23 20:31:03.431809 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\topbar.xml image id:1 width:0 height:0 gfx:empty.png
    2010-11-23 20:31:03.446809 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\topbar.xml image id:1 width:0 height:0 gfx:empty.png
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.213025 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Exit requested
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.347033 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Stopping FrameMove
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.350033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:0 debug
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.351033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:1 font10
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.352033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:2 font11
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.352033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:3 font12
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.352033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:4 font13
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.352033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:5 font14
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.352033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:6 font15
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.353033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:7 font16
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.353033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:8 font17
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.353033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:9 font18
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.353033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:10 dingbats
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.353033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:11 font32
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.353033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:12 font48
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.354033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:13 font60
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.354033 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIFont:texture disposing:14 fontSVT
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.355033 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1999
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.626049 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1998
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.759056 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1997
    2010-11-23 20:31:07.961068 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1996
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.079074 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Main: SaveLastActiveModule - enabled False
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.080074 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Exiting
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.089075 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PlugInManager.Stop()
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.089075 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PluginManager: stopping MediaPortal.Plugins.BDHandler.BDHandlerPlugin
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.091075 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PluginManager: stopping IntelligentFrameCorrection.IntelligentFrameCorrection
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.094075 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: I.F.C.: reset default view mode: Stretch
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.095075 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PluginManager: stopping MediaPortal.ProcessPlugins.MiniDisplayPlugin.MiniDisplay
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.096075 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MiniDisplay.Stop(): called
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.097075 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MiniDisplay.Settings.Load() - Loading default settings
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.116077 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MiniDisplay.Settings.Load() - Loaded default settings
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.122077 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MiniDisplay.DoStop(): Called.
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.122077 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MiniDisplay.DoStop(): ERROR - background thread not running.
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.123077 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MiniDisplay.Stop(): completed
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.123077 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PluginManager: stopping MediaPortal.MusicShareWatcher.MusicShareWatcherPlugin
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.123077 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MusicShareWatcher Plugin 0.3 stopping.
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.123077 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: fonts.SafeDispose()
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.124077 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: Dispose()
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.124077 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker:Dispose()
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.124077 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Windowmanager: closing current window
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.128077 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles deinit
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.133078 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.371091 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: FolderDatabase3.db3
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.371091 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.373091 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: TVSeriesDatabase4.db3
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.375091 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: movingpictures.db3
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.377091 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: MusicDatabaseV11.db3
    2010-11-23 20:31:08.378092 [Info.][(2)]: Playlist: Saving default playlist default.m3u

    hier noch mal die Config.log

    2010-10-13 20:22:56.507125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Configuration v1.1.0.0 is starting up on Windows 7 [6.1.7600.0]
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.507125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Verifying DirectX 9
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.507125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Using Directories:
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.507125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Base - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.507125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Log - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Log
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.507125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Skin - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.507125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Language - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.507125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Database - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.507125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Plugins - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.507125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Thumbs - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.507125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Cache - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.507125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Weather - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Weather
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.522725 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: CustomInputDevice - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.522725 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Config - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.522725 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: CustomInputDefault - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\defaults
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.522725 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: BurnerSupport - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Burner
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.522725 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Installer - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Installer
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.522725 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Assembly creation time: 15.07.2010 07:55:14 (UTC)
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.538325 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Thumbs: MediaPortal is using high quality thumbnails
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.538325 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Create new standard setup
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.569525 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SettingsForm constructor
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.600725 [Info.][ConfigSplashscreen(3)]: Version: Application
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.647525 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Loading localized Strings - Path: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language Culture: de Language: German Prefix: False
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.647525 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Loading strings file: strings_de.xml
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.741125 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: ExtendedChars = False, StringChars = 255
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.741125 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Loading strings file: strings_en.xml
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.741125 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: ExtendedChars = False, StringChars = 255
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.756725 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add project section
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.787925 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add general section
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.787925 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add skins section
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.912726 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add video section
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.928326 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add video shares section
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.928326 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add video database section
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.975126 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add video player section
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.975126 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add video zoom section
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.975126 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add video extensions section
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.990726 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add video views section
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.990726 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add video postprocessing section
    2010-10-13 20:22:56.990726 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add DVD section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.006326 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add DVD player section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.006326 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add DVD zoom section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.006326 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add DVD postprocessing section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.021926 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add music section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.037526 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add music shares section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.037526 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add music database section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.053126 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: MusicDatabase: Opening database
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.053126 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: using sqlite
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.053126 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: MusicDatabase: Database opened
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.053126 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add music import section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.084326 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add music extensions section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.084326 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add music views section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.084326 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add music sort section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.084326 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add music dsp section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.131126 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add music asio section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.131126 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add pictures section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.193526 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add DirectInput section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.193526 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: DirectInput: not enabled
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.255926 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add Video codec section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.411926 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: - videoCodec =(ffdshow Video Decoder)
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.411926 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add TV codec section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.427526 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add DVD Discs/Images codec section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.427526 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add Renderer section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.474326 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add weather section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.474326 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add plugins section
    2010-10-13 20:22:57.489927 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add third party checks section
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.519528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: settingsform constructor done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.519528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SKIN : C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.519528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: start application
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.550728 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Load settings
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.550728 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Project
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.550728 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.550728 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - General
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.550728 [Info.][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Initialize BASS environment ...
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.581928 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.581928 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Skin
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.581928 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Skin selected: Blue3 (screenWidth=1920, screenHeight=1080, screenRatio=1,777778)
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.581928 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.581928 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Thumbnails
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.581928 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.581928 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Volume Settings
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.581928 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: load volume
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Keyboard shortcuts
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Keys and Sounds
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Screensaver
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - On-Screen Display
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Skip steps
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Startup Delay
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Watchdog
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Virtual Drive
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - File Menu
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.597528 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Dynamic Refresh Rate
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.628729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.628729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Videos
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.644329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.644329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Folders
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.737929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.737929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Database
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.737929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.737929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Player
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.737929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.737929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Zoom
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.737929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.737929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Extensions
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.737929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.737929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Views
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.753529 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.753529 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Post Processing
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.815929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.815929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.815929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.815929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images Player
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.815929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.815929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images Zoom
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.815929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.815929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images Post Processing
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.847129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.847129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.862729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.862729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music Folders
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.925129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.925129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music Database
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.925129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.925129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music Import
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.925129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.925129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music Extensions
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.925129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.925129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music Views
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.925129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.925129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music Sort
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.925129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:58.925129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music DSP
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.034329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.034329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music ASIO
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.034329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.034329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Pictures
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.034329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.034329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Picture Folders
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.112329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.112329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Picture Database
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.112329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.112329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Picture Extensions
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.112329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.112329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Remote
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.127929 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: MAP: using custom mappings for Hauppauge HCW
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.159129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Process: Configuration
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.159129 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: HCW: AllowExternal
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.174729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: X10 debug: Could not get interface
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.174729 [Warn.][Config Main(1)]: x10Remote: Can't initialize
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.174729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: FireDTV: FiresatApi.dll could not be found on your system!
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.174729 [ERROR][Config Main(1)]: FireDTV: FiresatApi.dll could not be found on your system!
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.174729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.174729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Direct Input
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.174729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.174729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - USBUIRT
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.174729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: USBUIRT: Setting configuration control values
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.174729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.174729 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - SerialUIR
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - WINLIRC
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - RedEye
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Codecs and Renderer
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Monogram AAC Decoder
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - MPC - MPA Decoder
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - PowerDVD Decoder
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - MPC - MPEG-2 Decoder
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Weather
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Plugins
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Additional 3rd party checks
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.190329 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Load settings done
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.205930 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Visualization Window: Loading skin settings...
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.205930 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: BASS: Creating visualization...
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.221530 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Visualization Manager: Closing current visualization plugin...
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.221530 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Visualization Manager: Visualization plugin close not required - nothing loaded
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.221530 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: BASS: Create visualization failed
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.221530 [Info.][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Loading audio decoder add-ins...
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.221530 [Debug][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basscd.dll
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.221530 [Debug][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bassflac.dll
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.221530 [Debug][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bassmidi.dll
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.221530 [Debug][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basswma.dll
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.221530 [Debug][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basswv.dll
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.237130 [Debug][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_aac.dll
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.237130 [Debug][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_ac3.dll
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.237130 [Debug][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_alac.dll
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.237130 [Debug][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_ape.dll
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.237130 [Debug][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_mpc.dll
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.237130 [Info.][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Loaded 10 Audio Decoders.
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.252730 [Debug][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Loading DSP plugins ...
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.252730 [Debug][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Finished loading DSP plugins ...
    2010-10-13 20:22:59.283930 [Info.][BassAudio(6)]: BASS: Initializing BASS environment done.
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.640749 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Project
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.640749 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.640749 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - General
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.703150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.703150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Skin
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.703150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.703150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Thumbnails
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.703150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.703150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Volume Settings
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Keyboard shortcuts
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Keys and Sounds
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Screensaver
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - On-Screen Display
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Skip steps
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Startup Delay
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Watchdog
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Virtual Drive
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - File Menu
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.718750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Dynamic Refresh Rate
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.734350 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.734350 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Videos
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.734350 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.734350 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Video Folders
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.827950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.827950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Video Database
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.827950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Video Player
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Video Zoom
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Video Extensions
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Video Views
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Video Post Processing
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images Player
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images Zoom
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images Post Processing
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Music
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.843550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Music Folders
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.905950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.905950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Music Database
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.905950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.905950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Music Import
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.905950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.905950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Music Extensions
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.905950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.905950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Music Views
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.905950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.905950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Music Sort
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.905950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.905950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Music DSP
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.921550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.921550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Music ASIO
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.921550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.921550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Pictures
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.921550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.921550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Picture Folders
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.999550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.999550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Picture Database
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.999550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.999550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Picture Extensions
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.999550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:10.999550 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Remote
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.015150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.015150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Direct Input
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.015150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.015150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - USBUIRT
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.015150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.015150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - SerialUIR
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.015150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.015150 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - WINLIRC
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - RedEye
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Codecs and Renderer
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Monogram AAC Decoder
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - MPC - MPA Decoder
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - PowerDVD Decoder
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - MPC - MPEG-2 Decoder
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.030750 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Weather
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.061950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.061950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Plugins
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.061950 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\Cornerstone.dll
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.093150 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\Cornerstone.MP.dll
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.108750 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\Dialogs.dll
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.124350 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\IntelligentFrameCorrectionUI.dll
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.124350 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - IntelligentFrameCorrectionUI.Enabled.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.124350 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - IntelligentFrameCorrectionUI.Disabled.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.139950 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\MovingPictures.dll
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.155550 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.Resources.Images.icon_normal.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.155550 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.Resources.Images.icon_faded.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.155550 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MainUI.MovingPicturesGUI, window plugin, does not implement "ISetupForm" and "GUIWindow" in the same class
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.155550 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.186750 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIBurner.Burner.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.186750 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIBurner.BurnerDisabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.186750 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIDisc.DVD.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.186750 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIDisc.DVDDisabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.217950 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.Home.Homemenu.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.217950 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.Home.Homemenu_disabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.217950 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: GUIMusicPlayingNow: Viz disabled - ShowViz False, VizName None
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.217950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Playlist: Loading default playlist default.m3u
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.249151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIMusic.Music.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.249151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIMusic.MusicDisabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.249151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIPictures.Pictures.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.249151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIPictures.PicturesDisabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.249151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIRadioLastFM.BallonRadio.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.249151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIRadioLastFM.BallonRadioDisabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.264751 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIRSSFeed.rssicon.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.264751 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIRSSFeed.rssicon_disabled.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.264751 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUISettings.Settings.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.264751 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUISettings.SettingsDisabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.264751 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUINumberPlace.NumberPlace.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.264751 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUINumberPlace.NumberPlaceDisabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.264751 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUITetris.Tetris.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.264751 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUITetris.TetrisDisabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.264751 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUITopbar.Topbar.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.264751 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUITopbar.Topbar_disabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.280351 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIVideoFiles.Video.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.280351 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIVideoFiles.VideoDisabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.280351 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIWeather.Weather.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.280351 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIWeather.WeatherDisabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.280351 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIWikipedia.Wikipedia.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.280351 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIWikipedia.WikipediaDisabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.295951 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.VideoEditor.VideoEditor.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.295951 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.VideoEditor.VideoEditor_disabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.295951 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: MediaPortal.GUI.Home.GUIHome, window plugin, does not implement "ISetupForm" and "GUIWindow" in the same class
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.295951 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: MediaPortal.GUI.RSS.GUIRSSFeed, window plugin, does not implement "ISetupForm" and "GUIWindow" in the same class
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.295951 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: MediaPortal.Topbar.GUITopbar, window plugin, does not implement "ISetupForm" and "GUIWindow" in the same class
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.295951 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: WindowPlugins.VideoEditor.GUIVideoEditor, window plugin, does not implement "ISetupForm" and "GUIWindow" in the same class
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.295951 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\subtitle\SubtitlePlugins.dll
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.295951 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\externalplayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.295951 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - ExternalPlayers.Foobar.foobarlogo.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.295951 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - ExternalPlayers.Foobar.foobarlogodisabled.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.295951 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - ExternalPlayers.Itunes.iTunesLogo.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.295951 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - ExternalPlayers.Itunes.iTunesLogoDisabled.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.311551 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - ExternalPlayers.Winamp.WinampLogo.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.311551 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - ExternalPlayers.Winamp.WinampLogoDisabled.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.311551 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\process\BDHandler.dll
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.311551 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - MediaPortal.Plugins.BDHandler.Resources.BDHandler.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.311551 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - MediaPortal.Plugins.BDHandler.Resources.BDHandlerDisabled.png
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.311551 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\process\PowerSchedulerClientPlugin.dll
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.327151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - MediaPortal.Plugins.Process.PowerScheduler.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.327151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - MediaPortal.Plugins.Process.PowerScheduler_disabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.327151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.327151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - ProcessPlugins.Audioscrobbler.Audioscrobbler.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.327151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - ProcessPlugins.Audioscrobbler.AudioscrobblerDisabled.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.327151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - ProcessPlugins.MiniDisplay.MiniDisplay.lcd.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.327151 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - ProcessPlugins.MiniDisplay.MiniDisplay.lcd_deactivated.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.342751 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - ProcessPlugins.MusicShareWatcher.MusicShareWatcher.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.342751 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - ProcessPlugins.MusicShareWatcher.MusicShareWatcher_deactivated.gif
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.358351 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.358351 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings() - Additional 3rd party checks
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.358351 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SaveSectionSettings done()
    2010-10-13 20:23:11.373951 [Info.][(2)]: Playlist: Saving default playlist default.m3u


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • December 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    AW: Welche IR für newbie

    OK normalerweise postet man ja auch das File als solches und nicht den Log als Text im Forum, aber lassen wir das.
    Ich dem Config.Log hast du aber nicht versucht das Plugin zu öffnen oder? Ich sehe keinen Fehler.

    Du schreibst das du das Plugin in der Config nicht öffnen kannst, aber im Log ist kein fehler.

    OK, die XML soll ja laut dem Pluginersteller in folgenden Ordner: MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\Defaults
    Ich dachte das war nur bei mir am client so da ich im Moment ein etwas "spezielles" Windows drauf hat, aber versuche mal die XML in den folgenden Ordner zu packen: MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings

    Also ohne Defaults. Evtl hat sich da ja ein Fehler in dieser MP Version eingeschlichen.

    Gib bitte bescheid obs jetzt klappt.
    Ansonsten öffne bitte die Config und versuche das MEssageplugin in der Config zu öffnen. Wenn es nicht geht bekommst du ja warscheinlich einen Fehler. Falls man auf "weiter" klicken kann dann tu das und beende die Config.

    Dann post die Datei(!!!). Falls das nicht geht lade diese bitte gezippt hoch.



    Portal Member
    June 9, 2010
    AW: Welche IR für newbie

    Den Ordner für die xml habe ich richtig gewählt. Die Variante habe ich nicht probiert, da diese nirgends dokumentiert ist. Ich habe sogar versucht, diese nur unter Benutzer abzulegen, dh im Windows Anwender Verzeichnis.


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • December 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    AW: Welche IR für newbie

    Leider kann ich mit der Anwort nicht viel Anfangen. Sorry

    Hast du jetzt probiert die XML in MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings kopiert?
    Funzt das oder nicht?
    Wo ist die Log Datei?
    Was erscheint für eine Fehlermeldung?

    Entweder du willst eine Hilfestellung oder nicht? Deine Entscheidung.
    Bitte denke immer daran das wir NICHT vor deinem Rechner sitzen sondern du. Wir haben immer nur die Infos die DU uns gibst.
    Was denkst du was ich der einzige bin der Antwortet. Du hast nicht mal deine Systemconfig ausgefüllt. Also: Keine Sysinfos, keine richtigen Logs, keine Antworten auf fragen.


    Ist nicht böse gemeint, aber denk mal darüber nach, wie soll man dir Helfen können ohne Infos.
    ICh würde gerne wissen ob du das Auto bekommst das di willst wenn du beim Autohändler auf die frage was es dein sein soll Antwortest: "Ein grünes".

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