What are the highest priorities of MP? (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
April 23, 2006
Mountain View, CA USA
Maysider : is what you are asking for is a "to-do" list or a roadmap for MP? There are other threads asking the same question. I, like you, am looking more for stability, speed and consistency across the current feature set rather than new features. mPod and infinityloop : I know you guys are major contributors of MP, is there any information on the MP roadmap?


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  • January 7, 2005
    Personally i dont see it as that big an issue, im more interested in basics like reliability and subtitle support for example :)

    [20:19] <@Seveni> I hope tourette is already somewhat wasted or he will catch me just drinkin' here instead of coding the godforbidden filter...

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