**??Which Remote to Use??** (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 26, 2005
Larimore ND.
Re: re: Remote Wonder

etnpnys said:
Well, it doesn't look like the Remote Wonder will work as it is RF (radio frequency). I already have a custom remote control that has every other remote I have in it. But it needs IR remotes to work ....


I have the MX-700 (last year's version of the MX-850) and it's programmed via a PC. I can learn any remote into it as long as it is IR.

It didn't look to me like the Remote Wonder has an IR option, unless I'm missing something?

The Remote Wonder is RF (i hate having to point at the stupid computer to do anything) but like I stated in my previous post if you use a third party application like uICE or Girder you'll be able to overcome Mediaportal not recognizing it!

I'm using uICE and simply have it setup to send the keys to MP.

In case anyone is wondering, I have about a 20ft range with the remote, either thru walls or direct line of sight.


Portal Member
March 26, 2005
Larimore ND.
Sorry I should have also mentioned that you'll need to install the drivers for the remote wonder to use uICE (Just disable the 'Remote Manager') but I'm not certain about how Girder would be setup for use with it!


Portal Member
January 17, 2006
Southern California
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Re: Remote Wonder


Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of RF and the fact that you don't have to point it at anything for it to work. But you have to understand: I'M NOT GOING TO BE ACTUALLY USING THE REMOTE AT ALL. I'm going to transfer the IR codes into my main remote so that I *still* only have one remote.

The problem with RF is that I simply cannot put the codes into my existing remote (we charge about $400 for this remote after custom programming). So what I'm actually looking for is a good IR receiver that plugs into the computer and a really really cheap crappy remote to get the codes off of it. Then the remote is gonna sit in a drawer and only be looked at again when I make changes to the main remote.


Portal Member
January 12, 2006
I have found a $10 application called Bluetooth Remote Control (http://www.bluetoothshareware.com/bluetooth_remote_control.asp) and I control my MP using my mobile phone, I wouldn't change it for anything. 21 buttons on my phone are more than enough, it's super fast (like a keyboard) and doesn't require line-of-sight. You'll probably want to use a remote anyway for the TV/whatever but I post this just so you're aware of this program...

By the way, doesn't your TV tuner card have an IR receiver? You can get such a card for less than $50, it comes with a receiver (make sure the card works with MP out of the box) and a remote you can throw away.


Portal Member
January 17, 2006
Southern California
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re: Tuner

Well, see, the funny thing is that I don't actually even have a TV Tuner in the system. I'm a DirecTV guy. ...And I honestly wouldn't give up my TiVo for anything. Love it.

Now, I understand that I can go and put a tuner in the system, use a stand-alone Sat receiver and use an IR emitter coming out of the PC going to the receiver to control its channel changing and what-not, but that's not gonna give me:

1: S-Video out for standard def programs and
2: (most importantly) 2-TUNER capability. No way will I be stuck with only one tuner being able to record something. I almost need 4 tuners sometimes, and I DON'T EVEN WATCH TV!!! I watch Lost, The Office, and football games. There's the occasional thing that comes on about football and Lost at the same time, hence the 2-tuner need.

Anyway, I actually do have a TV Tuner, but it's an old Hauppauge (don't even know the model) that only has RF in (coax). I might throw it in the system when I get cable for my internet/some TV, but for right now, the HTPC is a DVD playing, game playing, file serving, media serving machine.

...But I still need a friggin remote. I think I'm gonna look more into that Creative one that somebody mentioned earlier... I think I found that thing on Froogle for like $6...


Portal Member
January 17, 2006
Southern California
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United States of America United States of America
Ok, lemme see if I get this: if I can acquire a remote that connects to my PC, can I have a program like Girder or whatever remap commands to keys on the keyboard?

If this is so, I can essentially get any crappy remote that connects to my PC and just remap the buttons/IR codes to things that work... Is that what I am to understand?

Now, I'm sure also that there are some exceptions - like remotes that use crazy high frequencies or something - but would remotes like these work??




These are crazy cheap (exactly what I'm looking for) and I think they will work if I can just remap the buttons to something, no?


Retired Team Member
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  • November 14, 2004

    If you're a bit handy with a soldering iron, or know someone who's handy with one, you can take the cheapest route: http://home.swiftdsl.com.au/~tmccoy/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=11&Itemid=26

    Next, install WinLIRC ( http://winlirc.sourceforge.net/ ) and get yourself Girder including the WinLIRC plugin for Girder. Beware: Girder is not freeware.

    Next tasks would be:

    - find a spare remote you never use (or borrow the neighbours' ;) )
    - record all desired remote keys in WinLIRC
    - configure Girder to map the WinLIRC remote commands to keyboard commands, which are sent to mediaportal.exe
    - program all the remote's keys to your universal learning remote

    I've succesfully controlled my HTPC that way for over a year. And you really can't get it any cheaper. BTW the IR receivers mentioned in your links usually don't work with Girder. However, if they do come with software that works the same way Girder does, you're all set & done.

    EDIT: Damn, the first link is even a IR receiver which should be supported by WinLIRC. You can't build your own receiver for that money! :shock:

    Kind regards,


    Portal Pro
    August 13, 2005
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    Afghanistan Afghanistan
    If you are just mapping remote keys to keyboard keys you shouldn't need to buy Girder. WinLIRC will work with freeware programs such as AutoHotKey.

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