Which USB DVB-S2 Card an CI for MP in Win7? (1 Viewer)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Some channels keep stuttering and I don't know why. I think the (pretty cheap) Skystar HD 2 is the problem, so i am looking for a better one.

    There are *many* things other than the TV tuner that are far more likely to be the problem:
    - codecs
    - CI
    - video card drivers

    I advise you to check all these things before you decide to buy a new tuner, otherwise you may find that you buy the new tuner but the problems are still there!


    Portal Member
    February 23, 2011
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    I have tried so many things.... Different drivers for my ATI 5450, all kinds of codecs, including SAF 4 and SAF 5. I have to say that my DVB viewer software displays an error about the MPEG 2 video and DivX 4 codec but I cannot fix them... It should be included in the SAF, right?

    When I test the channels with the preview option in TV configuration, some channels also stuttering. This look likes a sound codec issue? I am using the codecs as described in SAF v5.00 experimental.

    Maybe we can continue troubleshooting in my own topic? This is a little bit off-topic :p


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    It is *really* important to realise that preview does not necessarily use the codecs that you choose in MediaPortal configuration. It actually uses the codecs with the highest merit in the system. The reason for that behaviour is that MediaPortal is not necessarily installed on the same computer as the TV Server, so the codecs that you can choose in MediaPortal configuration are not necessarily available to TV Server. It cannot just assume they are available.

    If you want to know whether a channel is working properly (to check for stutter, pixellation, etc.) then you must test with MediaPortal. The preview function in TV Server is only a quick test to allow you to check if the channel is available and the TV tuner is working...


    Portal Member
    February 23, 2011
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Tanks for helping me so far.

    My current settings are attached to this post. I tried several codecs but there's not difference. What else should i try to exclude a codec problem?


    • MP.png
      67.7 KB


    Portal Member
    April 13, 2009
    Hi Vlaves and lbhifi

    In the interests of helping other users and improving MediaPortal, I'd really appreciate it if one of you would take the time to describe the stability problems that you have with the TT3650. The team would like to make MediaPortal the best it can be, but we need your help sometimes to make improvements.


    Sorry, I don't have the 3650 in my system anymore.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Stefanovic45: try using the Microsoft codec for audio instead of the FFDShow one. Remember that for testing, you *must* use MediaPortal, *not* preview in TV Server configuration. For DVBViewer, you need to go into the codec settings and choose the codecs that you wish to use. Installing SAF 4/5 (or any other codec pack) does not mean that the codecs are automatically configured.


    Portal Member
    February 23, 2011
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Sorry for the late reply. I really do use MP for testing now... I tried the microsoft decoder for my audio, but nothing changed. I've installed SAF 5.0 unlocked for the PDVD decoder, still nothing changed...


    Portal Pro
    July 8, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    AW: Which USB DVB-S2 Card an CI for MP in Win7?

    ich muss mal diesen thread aus der vergessenheit holen.

    Bei mir läuft es folgendermaßen:

    Sky V13 in Unicam, Sky kanäle gehen zwar, der tv service kackt aber in unregelmäßigen abständen ab, entweder beim channel wechsel oder wenn tv garnicht an ist. wenn ein kanal an ist, hab gerade 2 stunden discovery HD angehabt, kein problem, kein ruckeln, läuft super. sobald ich aber kanal wechseln will schmiert der tvService ab. oder wenn ich von sky auf fta oder umgekehrt schaten will. und zwar nicht immer, manchma kann ich 3-4 mal umschalten und dann geht es ab. oder der zeigt "timeshift kann nicht gestartet werden" oder "graph kann nicht gestartet werden" auf kanälen die ich gerade vorher an hatte. neustart vom tvservice hilft meistens nicht, sondern nur neustart vom rechner.

    windows/hardware fehler kann ich ausschiessen, da es ohne cam tadellos funktioniert. incl. standby, wakeup zum aufnehmen, wakeup vom client aus, und alles andere. tv ist ruckelfrei usw. also muss was mit der cam zu tun haben.

    einstellungen sind wie folgt:

    im tv server menü sind alle empfänger (iptv und webradio) bis auf die tt s2 3650 deaktiviert.

    im cam menü ist natürlich cam enabled, simultaneous decoding auf 1 channel, CAM model auf astoncrypt 2 (gibt nur noch default zur auswahl), allow epg grabbing ist an, allow card to be preloaded ist auch an und idle state stop card ist aktiviert. preffered network provider ist auf dvbs gestellt.

    falls noch informationen benötigt werden, bitte melden.
    @mm1352000bei den logs weiß ich nicht welche ich reinstellen soll ( ich habe mehrere gefunden, wie zb. tv.log, epg.log, error.log, streaming server.log, mehrere tswriter logs).

    ich hoffe die experten können mir weiterhelfen. ich möchte ungerne wieder einen blöden reciever in der wohnstube haben.


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2006
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    Hi Enko :)

    English in this part of the forum. Please translate.


    Portal Pro
    July 8, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    AW: Which USB DVB-S2 Card an CI for MP in Win7?

    Yes, I'm so sorry, I'veoverseen that. ok. i have following issue with my mp: tv is running smooth, no stuttering or anything else. standby/wakeup and sheduling also works perfect. only since i've put the unicam and sky v13 card in it, i have some irregular crashes of tv service. sometimes as soon as i turn on sky channel, or i can switch 3 or 4 times before it crashes. sometimes even the whole pc crashes (tv turns black, but the htpc is stil running. only power cable unplug works. not even reset button) when one channel is tuned in, i can watch it as long as i will without problems. for exampe today 2 or 3 hours of discovery hd. absolutely smooth.

    i have following configuration of my cam module: sim. decoding: 1 channel, cam module: astoncrypt 2, epg grabbing is on, allow card to be preloaded is on and also stopping card when idle. preffered network is dvbs.

    an can someone tell me which logs i should post? i have so many in my tv server folder.

    thanks for help.

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