Why open source fails and Integration wins for complex programs (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
December 1, 2015
Home Country
Australia Australia

You got much further that I did as I cannot complete an install getting the dreaded. -
"MP2-Server failed to start. Verify you have sufficient privileges to start system services"
I have already got the .NET Framework 4.7.1 installed so that solution will not work for me.
I downloaded and installed the DirectX end-user runtime too and that aalso made no difference.
My computer is also on the internet an it was no help to me.

I agree with your feedback the installation programs should 1st search for prerequisites and if possible download them automatically if connected to the internet.

I tried to use MP2 about two years ago and I had the world of pain.

Its a shame that careful feedback is not taken at face value and the basic understanding that such programs need to be usable by ordinary people is a base level before too many features are added. It should be easy to install and configure base live tv, EPG and streaming functionality before the bells and whistles are added. Its trying immediately to do too much and cannot get the basics right.

Having a setup program fail with incorrect "privileges" errors reported when I am logged in as administrator is really unacceptable and a catastrophic failure off the solution.


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  • May 16, 2008
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    You got much further that I did as I cannot complete an install getting the dreaded. -
    "MP2-Server failed to start. Verify you have sufficient privileges to start system services"
    This is the third thread where you bring this up. We can't help you if you don't provide logs. As I put out in my other answer to you: please start the installer using the setuplogging.bat and upload the log.

    I agree with your feedback the installation programs should 1st search for prerequisites and if possible download them automatically
    This is what happens. However, in very few cases it is no working. The most common reason is a PC that has not been fully updated.

    Having a setup program fail with incorrect "privileges" errors reported when I am logged in as administrator is really unacceptable and a catastrophic failure off the solution.
    Being administrator doesn't mean that you can do everything. It just means that you can provide yourself the rights to do everything. The software is normally installing correctly. What you report here makes me believe that you downloaded the package and ignored the new Microsoft Windows feature where internet downloads will have limited privileges unless ticked off in the file properties. So before launching the installer, check out the properties and look for something like "allow access"


    Portal Pro
    August 29, 2018
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    Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
    You got much further that I did as I cannot complete an install getting the dreaded. -
    "MP2-Server failed to start. Verify you have sufficient privileges to start system services"

    When I upgraded to 2,2 pre release I also got the "MP2-Server failed to start" error. I eventually fixed it with the help of the forum users, in particular @aspik , In my case it wasn't any of the usual issues. Another piece of software had already installed a service which grabbed one of the communication ports required by MP2.2 Luckily it was possible to disable this service without any side effects. You can read all about it here.

    To be fair, since I wrote my comments on this thread I have also had my fair share of problems with MP2, but so far I have been able to solve most of them (and all the serious ones) with help from this forum.


    Portal Pro
    December 1, 2015
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Thanks for the feedback Digsy, most appreciated.
    I'm not clear how I'm going to work out where the port conflict is assuming that is my problem.
    it looks like the install program does not check for port assignment when installing the MP2 service although if it does not I wonder why there are not widespread installation errors reported.


    Portal Pro
    December 1, 2015
    Home Country
    Australia Australia

    I also though I had already posted confirmation that "Allow Access" was enabled on the file that was downloaded before running setup.


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 16, 2008
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    Anecdotal testimonies are not helpful. If you guys would like to continue this chat, I'll move this thread to the Café section.

    I'm not clear how I'm going to work out where the port conflict is assuming that is my problem.
    The discussion about your issues is taking place here: Installation failing

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