Win XP Embedded (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
November 12, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Has anyone tried, or even considered trying, run media portal as a dedicated set top box type device running XPEmbedded as the O/S? I'm no programmer, but as a hardware guy, I am tempted to give it a shot. Any imput from someone crazy enough to try it would be greatly appreciated.


Portal Member
November 12, 2006
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BTW- This is the first time ive posted anything anywhere. So if im not following some rule or violating some law of posting, please feel free to chastise me at will so I won't make the same mistake twice. I am really serious about this and have spent several months working on this project before coming here. I value any information I can get and will share any information I have that can help anyone achieve their goals as well.


Portal Pro
July 18, 2005
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Denmark Denmark
Has anyone tried, or even considered trying, run media portal as a dedicated set top box type device running XPEmbedded as the O/S? I'm no programmer, but as a hardware guy, I am tempted to give it a shot. Any imput from someone crazy enough to try it would be greatly appreciated.

Haven't tried it with MP, but back in the days when MyHTPC was the Frontend to use - I did do a setup with XP Embedded... You can do a very clean install if you can be bothered to spend the time doing it...

But I've found that a clean XP install, services.msc and XP Lite will get you 98% of the way. <- And that can be done legally - The price of XP embedded is a small fortune :-|



Portal Member
November 12, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
XPE Expense?

I am a licensed microsoft partner and work a lot with CE devices providing medical EMO systems over WAN with WBT's. So forgive me if I came off as trying to do something "cheap" by getting around any licensing, etc.
What I'm trying to do is build a better STB (set top box). In my system, I would like to put the tv server in my garage (read, SERVER FARM) with multiple tuners, and then use media portal on an embedded device to view my cable tv, stored media, photos, home video, etc. while im on my business trips. I am also using a semi custom built api based online media storage solution that is a no brainer for streaming all my content, so It's available to me from any location. I'm away from home for weeks at a time, so it would also help me stay in touch, through video even, with my twin girls at home. Since this would be a "purpose built" system, I can get an XPe load down to around 250 mb (using windows ce 6.0 around 35mb!), and without a tuner, I am running a nano-itx board with DVI out to a 37in plasma in HD from a custom built box on my mantle with a 5.5"x4.5"x2" with NO FANS, 6ch Dolby Surround, and using a MS MCE Remote. It runs well with xp pro now, but if I could run it with xpe, then I could throw out the 4gb disk on rom drive and go totally driveless. With xppro running on the 8000mhz processor, it runs well, but I can only imagine what it would do if I could run media portal on an embedded OS all out of ram. I can do this now with MS Media Player and dvds look great. I have also run a linux media player, but no matter what I try, it's still linux. Also, if I make it work on an embedded system, then the next step is to push it to my cell, pda, etc. Also, with a decent connection from my Cingular aircard, I'm already streaming most of my content to a car pc running xp pro, so I'm basically there, and as a MS partner, I have access to plenty of XP Pro licenses to "play" with. But I've been doing this for a dozen or so years, embedded is the way to go, just not sure if I need to wait another year or if its time for me to get a couple of people together and "make" something.
I just REALLY like Media Portal. I must, this is the first time (well, second) Ive ever posted anything, anywhere.
Just thinking that Media Portal, with it's tv server environment, sort of lends itself to a "thin" set top box type configuration. Then all we have to do is "web enable" the tv server.....and take over the world.
Anyone with me?


Portal Member
November 12, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Sorry guys...

Just looked at my post, wow, talk about long winded. Ill try to keep them short and sweet from now on.
BTW- The runtime image for a copy of xpe is about 70-80 bucks, cheaper than xppro, and much cheaper than MCE. Also, the development software is available as a free download from microsoft and allows you to build images that are good for 60 days i think on demo. and the license for the new CE 6.0 is like 15 bucks. so it can cut down on end user costs. and my stb cost me about 300. not bad for HD and 6ch sound.


Portal Member
November 12, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Hmmmm That would be fast- that's an extra "0"

Do I detect a hint of sarcasm? Its ok, here are the specs on the board. I typed an extra zero on the end of Eight Hundred Mhz to make it Eight Thousand Times Faster. If only it were that easy.....[/URL]


Portal Pro
July 9, 2006
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hey, not run it on XPe but i did at one point add ewfmgr on a basix xp install c: and MP on an unprotected d: and it ran fine (much quicker too!) as this is kind of the same theory then i cant see why it wont


Portal Pro
July 9, 2006
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Just rered your post. got me thinking
I run MP form a tower in the next room and wired up to my tv & amp. I have huge databases 18k songs (with thumbs!), over 700 vid files. Sometimes MP is a bit slow. I like the idea of running it all from ram but ive only got 1gb and with a 650mb MP install & the smallest xp install ive had being 400mb its not possible!
Id like to get your input on running it all out of ram if poss as ive no experience of xpe. Used to support & dev touchscreen epos systems but never touched the embedded side. I know some paths can be changed so speed critical chunky stuff can be kept aside.

Any thoughts??


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