Hello and good morning!
I am working since a couple of day to find out something about a shutdown issue in Mediaportal:
Here is the sysconfig:
Mainboard: Intel DH77DF
CPU: Core i3, DualCore@3.9 GHz
Grafics: internal HD4000
SystemDisk: Seagate Momentus XT
Recording Disk: Hitachi
OS: Windows 8 Prof, 64 Bit
Memory: 8 GB
Tuners: Pinnacle 460e (DVB-S2)
MediaPortal: 1.2.3 (Release)
Shutdown: powerscheduler + powerscheduler++ both tested
Condition: System is working fine, recording, playbayck, access to NAS everything is working fine
Issue description:
System is going to sleep and waking up the way as expected. Tested for Ps and ps++ in S3 and S4 mode.
If MediaPortal.exe is running shutdown is taking a very long time and windows will finally doing a internal crash. Computer is going down to off. After restart system is booting from scratch in Windows Logfile the message "unclean shutdown" appears.
After that the computer (of course) won't start automatically for recordings.
Migration to 1.3 alpha won't work - it is not running on windows 8 prof 64 (failure message, additional problems).
For more information please see logfiles attached. Error condition at end of the file (tryied a last check
) ).
Will be thankfull for any kind of idea.
Best regards
... upload seems not to work in firefox ..
I am working since a couple of day to find out something about a shutdown issue in Mediaportal:
Here is the sysconfig:
Mainboard: Intel DH77DF
CPU: Core i3, DualCore@3.9 GHz
Grafics: internal HD4000
SystemDisk: Seagate Momentus XT
Recording Disk: Hitachi
OS: Windows 8 Prof, 64 Bit
Memory: 8 GB
Tuners: Pinnacle 460e (DVB-S2)
MediaPortal: 1.2.3 (Release)
Shutdown: powerscheduler + powerscheduler++ both tested
Condition: System is working fine, recording, playbayck, access to NAS everything is working fine
Issue description:
System is going to sleep and waking up the way as expected. Tested for Ps and ps++ in S3 and S4 mode.
If MediaPortal.exe is running shutdown is taking a very long time and windows will finally doing a internal crash. Computer is going down to off. After restart system is booting from scratch in Windows Logfile the message "unclean shutdown" appears.
After that the computer (of course) won't start automatically for recordings.
Migration to 1.3 alpha won't work - it is not running on windows 8 prof 64 (failure message, additional problems).
For more information please see logfiles attached. Error condition at end of the file (tryied a last check
Will be thankfull for any kind of idea.
Best regards
... upload seems not to work in firefox ..