Winfast TV 2000 XP RM ( no FM ) how to get working (1 Viewer)


New Member
January 28, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
I have Googled etc, newest drivers installed. This is a Conextant 878 chipset that works with damn near any prog or OS. It detects it but says it can't make a graph. Any help on this. ( detects as winfast TV 2000 XP, no RM)
Using this card with Intervideo WinDVR and functions fine on same PC !!. I like this media Portal .Using on XP SP3, Intel PESO865 mobo. I "DO" know when I use this Under ubuntu Linux,I have to enter the Tuner# etc and possibly this card detects as PAL,However KMPlayer and WinDVR pick it right up. HELP. Not buying another card as this one is non-DRM and works great with 95/98/ME/W2K/XP/Vista?W7 and Linux, Should work !!!.
P.S. To be stand alone HTPC, No streaming.
Thanks in advance..

Never mind, I see this TV Card NOT compatible with MP, Oh well, I'm out a here ......

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