I've a Pinnacle PCTV USB2 that have problems with Media Portal (and most 3d part applications, maybe all : *NO AUDIO* in playback mode. M$ Windows have no audio control for device playback (one control for device recording) and maybe pinnacle media center let tv audio out go directly in direct sound device.- Update for capture card definition indicated in wiki page causes error (lenght cannot be less than zero); this error comes when I insert a video/audio encoder (pinnacle or intervideo) . :evil:- Graphedit hangs :evil: :evil:Finally reading old posts I found something like "release 1.0.5 ok, 1.0.7 sucks.." and it's true: No problems with release 1.0.5!!! :lol: My HTPC is now operative :lol:
I've a Pinnacle PCTV USB2 that have problems with Media Portal (and most 3d part applications, maybe all : *NO AUDIO* in playback mode.
M$ Windows have no audio control for device playback (one control for device recording) and maybe pinnacle media center let tv audio out go directly in direct sound device.
- Update for capture card definition indicated in wiki page causes error (lenght cannot be less than zero); this error comes when I insert a video/audio encoder (pinnacle or intervideo) . :evil:
- Graphedit hangs :evil: :evil:
Finally reading old posts I found something like "release 1.0.5 ok, 1.0.7 sucks.." and it's true: No problems with release 1.0.5!!!
:lol: My HTPC is now operative :lol: