WorldWeather plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (2 Viewers)


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  • December 17, 2010
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    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Right now I also can't get any information about Australian cities. The last days this was working, sorry.

    I've tested some other Cities. Lima, Peru with both negative and Mombasa Kenya with positive long and negative lat is showing up correctly. So this is definitely nothing about negative long/lat values. Seoul did not show up any information here also. Same for Tokyo, Japan. So it seems not related to Australia. It's more about the "eastern folks"... Possibly about 3 digit Longitude values...


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 30, 2008
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    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Hi Alexander!

    With the newest version i have an issue whith loading the "GeoClock"!
    Log Entry:
    2011-12-17 12:40:54.529132 [ERROR][(8)]: World Weather: Error loading geoclock image. (Error Code: System.ArgumentException: Ungültiger Parameter.
       bei System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename)
       bei WorldWeather.Core.GeoClock.GeoClock.GetBitmap(DateTime time)
       bei WorldWeatherPlugin.WorldWeather.RefreshGeoClockImageDataStart(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e), Ungültiger Parameter.)
    If you need full Debug Logs, please let me know!

    Best regards and Thanks for your great work,



    Super Moderator
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  • April 21, 2010
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    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Hier hatte jemand das gleiche Problem und scheint es gelöst zu haben:

    "Yeah, fixed the GeoClock error! I copied the day and night images to the media/animations folder :) Thank you mbuzina"

    Ich denke, es ist auf jeden Fall ein Skin Problem und keins des Plugins. Mal den Default Skin testen und schauen, ob der error auch dort passiert.
    Ansonsten gibt es hier neue Skinfiles: =)

    Damn it. Sorry for the german....


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 30, 2008
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    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Ich denke, es ist auf jeden Fall ein Skin Problem und keins des Plugins. Mal den Default Skin testen und schauen, ob der error auch dort passiert.
    Ansonsten gibt es hier neue Skinfiles: =)

    Damn it. Sorry for the german....

    Hi Holzi!

    Thanks for reply! Installing the new skinfiles of mbuzina solves the issue, but now sattelite images doesn't work! Unfortumately i haven't time today to make further tests (christmas schopping :()

    Best regards


    Super Moderator
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  • April 21, 2010
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    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Hehe.. have fun in overcrowded shops with crazy people. =) I'm going to christmas market later. Hopefully it's not to crowded there...

    Maybe mbuzina can give you a small hint what could be wrong with the satellite images.


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 30, 2010
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    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    the requested translations are added to newest build

    Hi Micropolis,

    Please find attached an updated translation file for Dutch. (The translation for 'Current' was incorrect (Probably you used Google Translate :)). Also some other corrections are included.


    I'm sory to say Lbr_Lion,

    but I think your language file contains some wrong translations..


    <String id="100">new moon</String>
    <String id="101">waxing crescent</String>
    <String id="102">first quarter</String>
    <String id="103">waxing gibbous</String>
    <String id="104">full moon</String>
    <String id="105">waning gibbous</String>
    <String id="106">last quarter</String>
    <String id="107">waning crescent</String>

    Has to be:

    <String id="100">Nieuwe maan</String>
    <String id="101">Toenemende halve maan</String>
    <String id="102">Eerste kwartaal</String>
    <String id="103">Toenemende maan</String>
    <String id="104">Volle maan</String>
    <String id="105">Afnemende maan</String>
    <String id="106">Laatste kwartaal</String>
    <String id="107">Afnemende halve maan</String>

    And not:

    <String id="100">Nieuwe maan</String>
    <String id="101">Wassende maan</String>
    <String id="102">Eerste kwartier</String>
    <String id="103">Wassende halve maan</String>
    <String id="104">Volle maan</String>
    <String id="105">Afnemende maan</String>
    <String id="106">Laatste kwartier</String>
    <String id="107">Afnemende halve maan</String>

    The official translation of "waxing" is "wassen" or "wassende" But that's really old Dutch.. I've looked at what wikipedia said, and they talked about "Afnemende maan" .. I think that'better, because that's the opposite of waning crescent (afnemende halve maan) (Wassende maan - Wikipedia)

    Also crescent means "half moon" (halve maan) and gibbous means "full moon" (volle maan)

    About the quarter; you translated it with "kwartier" well, both translations are right, but I think they mean "kwartaal" in this case

    But some other translations are better.. I didn't know that "mist" is "motregen" So, thanks for that one.. Also Next daylight translated as "Wintertijd" make sence.. :)

    Please let me know your opinion.. Maybe we can learn some stuff from each other and can work together for a good translation.. :)



    • strings_nl.xml
      3.4 KB


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
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    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Dear community,
    today in the morning I'd tried to reproduce the sunset/sunrise issue for the other side of our earth. It seems, that the calculation routine does not work correctly in some situations, so it is required to refactor this.
    The refactoring of this routine is very critical for me, because 1) it is a core routine, 2) other plugins use this routine also and 3) there can be some side effects, which I must analyse in a longer session. To solve the issue on a low level, you can find a new build here. This fixes a race condition, introduce more hardening for geoclock routines, full localized support for Korea and the problem, that no weather details can be displayed, if longitude/latitude has "invalid" values (e.g. for Australia).
    As you can see, I'm working of this, but I need more time to find a well working solution. There are 2 opportunities now: I'll take the time and postpone the final version v0.3.0 to an unknown date or some peoples accept the calculation problem.
    Any feedback is welcome, thanks to Lehmden to show me the right way.

    Helios61: I cannot reproduce the image issue here. Please post your WorldWeather profile here, thanks.

    Best regards, Micropolis


    Portal Pro
    February 16, 2008
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    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    I think the longitude / latitude issues may affect lots of people. I too am having this issue in North America (Longitude: -123.31 Latitude: 44.92). I would vote to wait for the release to fix this issue. It's a pretty big known issue to still call something "stable". As always, JMHO and thanks for your hard work.


    Super Moderator
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  • April 21, 2010
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    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    I would also consider to wait with the final release.

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