Thanks for the work you've done on this Laban - it's a big step forward.
I've come across a couple of problems using a tvguide.lst file to import multiple xml listings :
The tvguide.lst file seems to be locked until I stop the tvservice so I can't change the modified date to trigger a new import.
The "Delete old data .. " option is cool but with multiple files it seems to be invoked for each file rather than just once at the start of the import.
The "Load/Refresh" button on the mappings tab gives and error about not being able to find the tvguide.xml file - looks like it doesn't recognise a .lst file with multiple xml listings.
I hope you can solve these - I'd hate to have to give up your improvements to this plugin.
I've come across a couple of problems using a tvguide.lst file to import multiple xml listings :
The tvguide.lst file seems to be locked until I stop the tvservice so I can't change the modified date to trigger a new import.
The "Delete old data .. " option is cool but with multiple files it seems to be invoked for each file rather than just once at the start of the import.
The "Load/Refresh" button on the mappings tab gives and error about not being able to find the tvguide.xml file - looks like it doesn't recognise a .lst file with multiple xml listings.
I hope you can solve these - I'd hate to have to give up your improvements to this plugin.