Hi !
I have just managed to figure out how to get AD10 remote to work.
It was pretty simple.
Install IRSS, set up green button as described in the Wiki.
Replace the text in the "Philips.xm" located in "X: \ ProgramData \ IR Server Suite \ IR Server \ Abstract Remote Maps \ Philips MCE USB IR Receiver-Spinel plus"
<RemoteTable RawCode="020000B2" AbstractButton="Record" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="020000B0" AbstractButton="Play" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="020000B4" AbstractButton="Rewind" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="020000B1" AbstractButton="Pause" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="020000B3" AbstractButton="FastForward" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="020000B5" AbstractButton="NextChapter" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="020000B7" AbstractButton="Stop" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="020000B6" AbstractButton="PreviousChapter" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="020000E9" AbstractButton="VolumeUp" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="020000EA" AbstractButton="VolumeDown" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="0200009C" AbstractButton="ChannelUp" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="0200009D" AbstractButton="ChannelDown" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="0300000D" AbstractButton="Start" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="02000224" AbstractButton="Back" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="020000E2" AbstractButton="Mute" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="0300005B" AbstractButton="Red" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="0300005C" AbstractButton="Green" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="0300005D" AbstractButton="Yellow" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="0300005E" AbstractButton="Blue" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="0300005A" AbstractButton="Guide" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="02000209" AbstractButton="Info" />
<RemoteTable RawCode="0200008D" AbstractButton="Teletext" />
Or make a new "Phillips.xml" and backup and rename the original.
Now, all buttons function as intended.
And a big thanks to belcom who wrote "Philips MCE USB IR Receiver-Spinel plus" and updated IRSS.
/ Mats
I put some initial stuff on my ZBOX AD 06 into it - more may come as I have time.