My Anime 3 (10 Viewers)


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  • March 9, 2008
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    could you please be a little bit more specifuc what you want to use?

    For installation, see link in first post



    Portal Member
    June 22, 2008
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    Silly me, I updated MP to 1.7.1 a few weeks ago, and since then MyAnime3 causes wierd lockups.
    It usually happens after playing an episode or anything through MA3, then the video finishes, and when you select another episode/whatever you get this windows error message saying something about a 'suicideForm', with the options to continue or quit the program.

    Continuing does nothing, so you have to quit. And then it gives you the ol' "Blah blah has stopped responding, wait for it to respond, close program, or help" window to close MP. Then you can restart MP for another round.

    I've found that sometimes I can avoid the problem by starting an episode, then pausing, exiting all the way out of the MA3 plugin, and refocusing the video and playing. I found that even this is not a guaranteed workaround, as sometimes it still manages to pop the same error.

    I've been putting off posting about this for a while, but it's late now, so I'm not going to gather my logs or anything. But Does anyone even need more info on this? Has anyone else had this issue? Or is lwerndly already aware of it?


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  • May 14, 2007
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    Silly me, I updated MP to 1.7.1 a few weeks ago, and since then MyAnime3 causes wierd lockups.
    It usually happens after playing an episode or anything through MA3, then the video finishes, and when you select another episode/whatever you get this windows error message saying something about a 'suicideForm', with the options to continue or quit the program.

    Continuing does nothing, so you have to quit. And then it gives you the ol' "Blah blah has stopped responding, wait for it to respond, close program, or help" window to close MP. Then you can restart MP for another round.

    I've found that sometimes I can avoid the problem by starting an episode, then pausing, exiting all the way out of the MA3 plugin, and refocusing the video and playing. I found that even this is not a guaranteed workaround, as sometimes it still manages to pop the same error.

    I've been putting off posting about this for a while, but it's late now, so I'm not going to gather my logs or anything. But Does anyone even need more info on this? Has anyone else had this issue? Or is lwerndly already aware of it?
    me me me me :) - normaly it happens after the first episode played and than the next - woom. MP dead. And a good way to kill it is to say "yes" when it askes you if you want to start from begining or with last sees positin (sowmehere around 0.32) for the episode crashing your MP. But no idea why MP is triggereing (or should trigger that - it only starts the player ... and without Logs - no chamce to nail it down (and I didn't get the logs either ...)


    MP Donator
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  • March 9, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Silly me, I updated MP to 1.7.1 a few weeks ago, and since then MyAnime3 causes wierd lockups.
    It usually happens after playing an episode or anything through MA3, then the video finishes, and when you select another episode/whatever you get this windows error message saying something about a 'suicideForm', with the options to continue or quit the program.

    Continuing does nothing, so you have to quit. And then it gives you the ol' "Blah blah has stopped responding, wait for it to respond, close program, or help" window to close MP. Then you can restart MP for another round.

    I've found that sometimes I can avoid the problem by starting an episode, then pausing, exiting all the way out of the MA3 plugin, and refocusing the video and playing. I found that even this is not a guaranteed workaround, as sometimes it still manages to pop the same error.

    I've been putting off posting about this for a while, but it's late now, so I'm not going to gather my logs or anything. But Does anyone even need more info on this? Has anyone else had this issue? Or is lwerndly already aware of it?

    Had the same issue for months and nagged lwerndly for quite a time until I stumbeld over the solution by chance

    Just look at with the Jira entry and a patched 1.8.0 Pre in Install this version for the time being until 1.8.0 comes out
    After installing this branch I got no crashes anymore in MA



    Portal Member
    June 22, 2008
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    Had the same issue for months and nagged lwerndly for quite a time until I stumbeld over the solution by chance

    Just look at with the Jira entry and a patched 1.8.0 Pre in Install this version for the time being until 1.8.0 comes out
    After installing this branch I got no crashes anymore in MA


    Oh, cool. So good to know it's a problem with MP in general, and therefore we don't have to bother lwerndly about it. I also now remember reading that it had something to do with the refresh rate changer when it first started happening, but then I forgot about that. Thanks for the tip!
    I probably won't install any dev builds tho, since historically they reign havoc on my settings, dbs, and customizations and are more trouble than they're worth. Guess I can try the DLL. Guy in the thread says it caused some other issues though?
    EDIT: Lol, nope, not worth 8fps playback. I'll wait for Stable.
    Last edited:


    Portal Member
    March 14, 2009
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    Norway Norway
    When I press B to close playback in MP, MyAnime3 will start searching for any episode under that anime that contains a B. Is there any way to stop this behaviour? It's very annoying.

    *edit* managed to disable search by text with ctrl-m, which solved it. Is there a way to search without switching back now?
    Last edited:


    Portal Member
    February 14, 2011
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    United States of America United States of America
    Help Please.
    I finally converted my Anime collect from MA2 to MA3 and after about a week It is saying I am now banned. something that never happened to me in the entire time I've been on MA2 (3-4 years if not more) everything thing I see on the ANIDB site says to contact the developer for help. I'm not sure why I was banned but I did see there where 5000+ items queued for ANIDB and i have just shy of 1000 series. Can anyone help with getting why i was banned figured out? I've waited like several hours and tried and it still showed banned then waited around 12hours and still says banned.

    My second question is when I first started I used SQLLITE as my DB then read that if you have more than 200 series to use MySQL, I installed mySQL but it looks like it won't migrate the DB crom SQLLITEto MySQL itself and it wants to redo my entire collection. is there a way to migrate the DB to MySQL? or am I going to have to rescan all my files again?

    Thank you


    Portal Member
    August 14, 2010
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    France France
    Hello, I made this migration from SQLLite to MySQL using "ESF Database Migration Toolkit - Professional (Trial)". I don't remember exactly, but didn't have any problem doing it, it was pretty simple.

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