General Development (no feature request here!) (130 Viewers)

Working on your own plugin and got stuck? Post your codeing question here.
Hello, in the subversion directory "TvEngine3/Filters/sources" there are currently several subdirectories. Namely "MPWriter", "RtspSource", "StreamingServer", TsReader" and "TsWriter". Furthermore the "RtspSource" directory has some sub dir "LiveMedia555" which contains a subset of files from its upper directory. Could anyone...
Hello, in the subversion directory "TvEngine3/Filters/sources" there are currently several subdirectories. Namely "MPWriter"...
Hello, in the subversion directory "TvEngine3/Filters/sources" there are currently several subdirectories. Namely "MPWriter"...
Thank you Maschine, now my configuration setup works, my TVcard is here. The Dir was ...MediaPortal\xbmc\bin\Debug. Wladi
Thank you Maschine, now my configuration setup works, my TVcard is here. The Dir was ...MediaPortal\xbmc\bin\Debug. Wladi
Hello community, I am using MP and I like the ideas which are realized by it a lot. I am a very good C# programmer...
Thank you very much for the quick answers. As Visual Studio 2005 costs at least 300 euro this would maybe be worth mentioning in the FAQ on the WIKI. Bye, Moorhuhn
Thank you very much for the quick answers. As Visual Studio 2005 costs at least 300 euro this would maybe be worth mentioning in...
Hi, I would like to have a look at the TVServer-sources and followed the instructions in the FAQ, chapter 6. Because I didnt...
MP1 MP2 New fields in tv db DE
I submitted a patch to sf a while ago with some additional fields for the program db, rtv pointed out that there are different methods in various countries of populating some of those fields if they even apply to that specific country. I dont think the sf patch comments is a great place to discuss it and I would like to get some input...
I submitted a patch to sf a while ago with some additional fields for the program db, rtv pointed out that there are different...
I submitted a patch to sf a while ago with some additional fields for the program db, rtv pointed out that there are different...
  • Locked
but... it DOES work again, look at the link 2 messages up this bye
but... it DOES work again, look at the link 2 messages up this bye
Before to post on this thread you have to know and understand this simple rules: THE THREAD MUST NOT DISCUSS THE ILLEGAL...
well I did and I posted it in the other thread, thats why I got confused here? //Lasse
well I did and I posted it in the other thread, thats why I got confused here...
Tv Player is a network rtsp player for TVEngine3. I have fixed some bug and work nice. You can connect to an rstp url for view...
All the Dev's will be involved (and maybe more). Arn't we all, seriously though, AFAIK MP will be a small stable program, with lots of plugins, unlike now where most things are actually integrated into MP. So you will have MPNG installed, this will allow you to link to existing\new updated plugins (option to download...
All the Dev's will be involved (and maybe more). Arn't we all, seriously though, AFAIK MP will be a small stable program, with...
Who is working on this project? I tried to find more information on the forum, but I couldn't find anything useful. Now that I'm...
MP1 MP2 Front Panel Display DE
Have you tried looking up the external display plugin by Joe Dalton? Should be able to help you.
Have you tried looking up the external display plugin by Joe Dalton? Should be able to help you.
When I load a DVD or play radio or digital TV in Windows Media Center 2005, the front LCD panel on my MSI Mega 865 lights up and...
MP1 MP2 DVD Backup DE
Mencoder can both rip DVD and encode to a different format. It is also open source. I had tried making this type of plugin for Meedio back in the day, but never finished it. I don't think it would be to hard. You just need to be able to begin the mencoder process in the background after the user has defined the encoding settings.
Mencoder can both rip DVD and encode to a different format. It is also open source. I had tried making this type of plugin for...
Has anyone thought about possibly making a DVD backup plugin? I like to store all of my DVDs in xvid format on my server so I can...
MP1 MP2 MySQL option (1 Viewer) DE
Tried to setup the Gentle.Net framework to create a logfile of what it was doing. Couldn't figure it out. :S I think it uses "log4net" and it should be possible to add some lines to either Gentle.config or some other config file. The settings I added was read, I could see the TvService shutdown and write an error.log. Hehe...
Tried to setup the Gentle.Net framework to create a logfile of what it was doing. Couldn't figure it out. :S I think it uses...
Hi fellow developers I'm rather new to MediaPortal and C# But I've been programming C++, PHP for a while. I want to use and...
If times haven't changed you have to contact them to get documentation. Good luck. Way back I tried to get SDK stuff for their remote parts (in the name of Team Mediaportal!!!) - no luck. One reaction was: "Please stand by, I'll talk to our technicians and see what we can do for you." That was all... Well, in my case it turned out...
If times haven't changed you have to contact them to get documentation. Good luck. Way back I tried to get SDK stuff for their...
Hi guys, where may I get the SDK for the Hauppauge PVR 150 MCE. I saw that the Videobitrate is not set corretly when quality...
Well, I was hoping to add additional fields to the Program table, allthough I was thinking about it more and it might serve better in its own table (programmetadata)...The most important field I am looking to support is the first air date of a program, but also I was wondering why other fields are not supported currently, ie...
Well, I was hoping to add additional fields to the Program table, allthough I was thinking about it more and it might serve better...
I am looking to make some additions to the db schema for the tvengine...looking to add support for more fields in the program table...
From what I seem to remember on attempting something like this is that TVEngine3 will actually lock a stream to a given IP address, and therefore if you try to tune a separate channel, it will reuse the same RTSP address and replace the stream with the new one, because you are using the same IP address. So I might be wrong here...
From what I seem to remember on attempting something like this is that TVEngine3 will actually lock a stream to a given IP address...
I am really in need of a client that will pull multiplke streams from the tvserver. Specifically I have four tuners installed...
the devs changed something yesterdays, so I have to update it.Will do it tomorrow and start a sep thread Hopefully the guy who created the player will fix his issues too. How do we sync?? client updated on page 2 in this thread. //Lasse
the devs changed something yesterdays, so I have to update it.Will do it tomorrow and start a sep thread Hopefully the guy who...
The tv server is great. I am using it with vlc. However i would like to connect vlc to an existing stream at the "live position...
MP1 MP2 TV Thumbnails DE
It take forever if you have enabled direct x exlusive mode. Because thmbnails needs it own graph (including renderer). Having two renders blocks the second one when you have exlusive mode. The thumb creation is triggered when you browse your recordings, often TV is on at this time, so you will have the above problem. MrHipp
It take forever if you have enabled direct x exlusive mode. Because thmbnails needs it own graph (including renderer). Having two...
Hi, Could someone explain to me what may cause the creation of a thumbnail for TV programs to take a very long time. I notice from...
It is not flexible enough, sorry. Regards Ralph
It is not flexible enough, sorry. Regards Ralph
Hi, the attached patch adds a skin property to the MyTVRecordedTV screen, where the available space for recordings is shown...
Sorry haven't been around for a while. We stopped looking at this as we could not get it to start streams at the "live" point in the stream. We are currently going to pick it up again soon.
Sorry haven't been around for a while. We stopped looking at this as we could not get it to start streams at the "live" point in...
My partner and I have been working with this for a day or so. What we are trying to create is an application that starts 2 streams...
MP1 MP2 Goodbye draktheas DE
Samantha, sincere condoleances to you and your family... Jelte The Netherlands
Samantha, sincere condoleances to you and your family... Jelte The Netherlands
Hi, as some of you may know a user named draktheas was working on some features for Mediaportal. Although you knew him as...
Thanks, I'd answered/asked in the other thread. This could be closed...
Thanks, I'd answered/asked in the other thread. This could be closed...
Hi, I'm delveloping an own Application and want to use the TVLibrary to capture/stream my DVB-Streams. Currently I'm able to...
When rename a TV channel the relative column "Name" on "tuningdetail" table are nut update and the recording button in the manual control of SETUPTV.EXE dont record the channel. If I rename manually the channel name on database it work. I think that the bug is in FormEditChannel.cs in buttonOk_Click. The code not set the channel...
When rename a TV channel the relative column "Name" on "tuningdetail" table are nut update and the recording button in the manual...
When rename a TV channel the relative column "Name" on "tuningdetail" table are nut update and the recording button in the manual...
It looks like I was a bit hasty here :) I should have looked at the TVBusinessLayer, as it is there where the GetPrograms() I needed lives. That'll teach me :) Using this method as opposed to the GetProgramAt() saves me a lot of code and gains me a nice bit of performance :) Cheerio! AL
It looks like I was a bit hasty here :) I should have looked at the TVBusinessLayer, as it is there where the GetPrograms() I...
Hi guys, first of all, let me thank you for all the great work you are doing on MediaPortal! Right, I am writing a small...
Thanks TomTom....I will try that and see if it works. Cheers GeoV
Thanks TomTom....I will try that and see if it works. Cheers GeoV
Hi All I have made a number of changes to some of the PNG-images on the skins I use, but media portal still shows the original...
Hi, I've being doing some testings with the TVServer and plug-in in order to help improving the zapping mechanism. Hope some ideas can popup and maybe help frodo in this area. First, the setup used: Server - Sempron 2600+, 512Mb Ram, 100Mpbs - PVR500 + MCE Blaster. Client - AMD X2 3800, 1Gb Ram, 1Gbps LAN. The...
Hi, I've being doing some testings with the TVServer and plug-in in order to help improving the zapping mechanism. Hope some...
Hi, I've being doing some testings with the TVServer and plug-in in order to help improving the zapping mechanism. Hope some...
MP1 MP2 HID bluetooth remote control (1 Viewer) DE
The plugin for Remote control HID bluetooth Hi ... here I leave the HID file with the plugin... BY the people that want to test it. Greetings.:) Hola... aqui les dejo el archivo HID con el plugin... para la gente que quiera probarlo. saludos. :) :thx:
The plugin for Remote control HID bluetooth Hi ... here I leave the HID file with the plugin... BY the people that want to test...
English: This file HID (Human Interface Device) allows you to control remotely with any phone with bluetooth a computer. Its HID...
thank u all for the replies. I just thought it would work since there was a tvEvent.Recording.Title Me wrong.... Thanks again //Lasse
thank u all for the replies. I just thought it would work since there was a tvEvent.Recording.Title Me wrong.... Thanks...
Hi trying to write a TV server plugin that just GETS the title of the recorded show when it just starting to record. How do I get...
SVN (as of today) seems to have cleared up the problem. Thanks.
SVN (as of today) seems to have cleared up the problem. Thanks.
The DirecTV tune plugin I wrote for the TV Server doesn't seem to receive the OnTvServerEvent when channels are changed. I have...
MP1 MP2 Deleting subtitles DE
This would indeed be a handy feature. But i think an even more handy feature would be something which shows if subtitles for a movie are available on the harddisk. Now, when watching dvdrips, i must remember if i already downloaded the subs or if they where included with the rip.:wtf:
This would indeed be a handy feature. But i think an even more handy feature would be something which shows if subtitles for a...
In My videos there is a possibility to delete the file after seeing the video. I also think the cover picture is deleted. But not...
Hi, did'nt know why, but now the TestApp works. I could search Channels and i found channels. But there I have a question: Could i preview/watch a channel in the TestApp to verify that it receive a correct stream? And the second thing: I wrote a own Application referred to DirectShowLib, TVLibrary and TVLibrary.Interfaces...
Hi, did'nt know why, but now the TestApp works. I could search Channels and i found channels. But there I have a question...
Hi, I'm currently working on my diploma work and there we need to develop our own DVB and Video streaming server in C#/.net. I...
Well Duh! You'd think I could've guessed that! Thanks heaps :D Rhys
Well Duh! You'd think I could've guessed that! Thanks heaps :D Rhys
For MediaPortal I just point my TortoiseSVN client to...
Yep. Look here: Sam
Yep. Look here: Sam
Can I use Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition to make plugins or would I have to have a full version of Visual Studio.
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