Recent content by Senior47

  1. S

    ISO's With Multiple Movies Won't Scrape

    Multiple Movies in any Single Video File Won't Scrap! All my Drive-In Videos, have multiple movies and won't scrap, it doesn't matter what container they are in. Drive-in - Ads + Short + Movie 1 + Movie2.mp4 It doesn't matter if its Double, Triple or Marathon Feature (Many Movies) scrapers...
  2. S

    ISO's With Multiple Movies Won't Scrape

    I Just noticed that ISO's with two or more Movies, The Scrapers don't index any Graphics or Info if the ISO is named as: Movie Name (1967) + Movie Name (2018) + Movies Name (1989).ISO or Movie Name (1967) - Movie Name (2018) - Movie Name (1989).iso And Scrapers won't even index info or art...
  3. S

    Media Portal2 vs Kodi vs PlayerFabFree7028

    Kodi, Media Portal 2 & PlayerFabFree are all quality products. Non Technical and Media Beginners sometimes appear to prefer Player Fab Free User Interface, Due to its simplicity. Scrapers of Media Graphics & Media Information often achieve less than total accuracy when using all three software...
  4. S

    Movie Serials - Scrapers Don't Show Chapters

    Oooh! Ok thanks. I am old age 75, and don't know anything about Computers, I just like watching old movies and TV shows, Thats why Media Portal2 and kodi are great for old age pensioners. I have given up driving its too complicated nowerdays and may give up on computers they are advancing so...
  5. S

    Movie Serials - Scrapers Don't Show Chapters

    Nope ! hyphens don't work, its back to tagging. Python database does not appear to hold info on the Chapters (episodes) of the thousands of old 1940s Movies Serials
  6. S

    Movie Serials - Scrapers Don't Show Chapters

    Adventures Of Captain Marvel (1941) Chapter 01 Curse Of The Scorpion Adventures of Red Ryder (1940) Chapter 01 Murder on the Santa Fe Trail Adventures Of The Flying Cadets (1900) Chapter 01 Batman (1943) Chapter 01 Battling With Buffalo Bill (1900) Chapter 01 Cornered By Redskins Black...
  7. S

    Movie Serials - Scrapers Don't Show Chapters

    Thank you for your reply, your Wiki info is great! Will tag or treat as if Movie Serials are a TV Series, but would love to get rid of the hyphens sometime in the future. Wiki Series Created by ge2301, last modified on Sep 11, 2022 File name conventions File names Series episodes are best...
  8. S

    Movie Serials - Scrapers Don't Show Chapters

    Scrapers find and Index Movie Serials in Medial Portal2 & Kodi But still don't Show Chapter Numbers or Chapter title if applicable. My Movies are in the format. Movie Name (0000) Actor, Actor The (0000) is the year released. Actor is the name of the first two principal actors in the movie...
  9. S

    Media Portal2 vs Kodi vs PlayerFabFree7028

    The latter is not quite a Full Media Centre yet, but its good for the Developers of Media Portal2 And Kodi to be aware of whats else is out there with a simpler user interface and indeed a smarter response and look. I would like MP2 to offer the same as kodi in displaying media, kodi shows...
  10. S

    How To Add TV Series

    Database Scrapers don't index my TV Series single files in the following containers MP4, MOV, AVI, ASF, WMV, MKV, FLV, TS, MTS, M2TS, DAT, MPG, MPEG, DIV, DIVX, VOB, ISO, TRP I use the following simple format for container ISO (ISO's are full copies of DVD with all warnings, info, even...
  11. S

    How To Add TV Series

    My Tv Series are in the Format. TV Series Name 00x00 Episode Name The First 00 is the Series Number The Second 00 is the Episode Number Some don't have an episode name. But Media Portal2 and Kodi can't find any info from any databases, and index my collection. I would prefer not to have to...
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