[fixed] [4378] Issues accessing network share using the service (1 Viewer)


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  • December 17, 2010
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    I've tried the build DEV-04-11-2013--21-52 but had some issues.
    Could not do an update as some plugins (TvWishList.Ver. and MySQLDatabase_WinterRelease) are not working with this build. Especially the MySQL Plugin is a pity as I can't use any data from previous MP2 Server this way.
    So I tried a clean install, by deinstalling MP2 Winter release and manually deleting all MP2 related folders in Program Files and ProgramData...
    At first everything seems to work now. Then I wanted to setup new shares with SQLCE DB and the new MP2Server as Service feature... This did not work as my Media are on a different PC (NAS) and it was not possible to access the share on my NAS.
    [2013-04-18 18:53:13,252] [88166  ] [30	  ] [WARN ] - SOAPHandler: Error invoking UPnP action 'GetChildDirectoriesData'
    MediaPortal.Utilities.Exceptions.IllegalCallException: Unable to access resource '//SPOCK/D'
      bei MediaPortal.Extensions.ResourceProviders.NetworkNeighborhoodResourceProvider.NetworkNeighborhoodResourceAccessor..ctor(NetworkNeighborhoodResourceProvider parent, String path)
      bei MediaPortal.Extensions.ResourceProviders.NetworkNeighborhoodResourceProvider.NetworkNeighborhoodResourceProvider.TryCreateResourceAccessor(String path, IResourceAccessor& result)
      bei MediaPortal.Common.ResourceAccess.ResourcePath.TryCreateLocalResourceAccessor(IResourceAccessor& result)
      bei MediaPortal.Common.Services.ResourceAccess.UPnPResourceInformationServiceImpl.OnGetChildDirectoriesData(DvAction action, IList`1 inParams, IList`1& outParams, CallContext context)
      bei UPnP.Infrastructure.Dv.DeviceTree.DvAction.FireActionInvoked(IList`1 inParams, IList`1& outParams, CallContext context)
      bei UPnP.Infrastructure.Dv.DeviceTree.DvAction.InvokeAction(IList`1 inParameters, IList`1& outParameters, Boolean checkSignature, CallContext context)
      bei UPnP.Infrastructure.Dv.SOAP.SOAPHandler.HandleRequest(DvService service, Stream messageStream, Encoding streamEncoding, Boolean subscriberSupportsUPnP11, CallContext context, String& result)
    As far as I know the path has to be "//Spock/D/" instead of "//Spock/D" with "Spock" as the name of my NAS and "D" as the name of the share with my Media files... Full path I want to access is "//Spock/D/Serien1/" but I can't choose it in MP2 GUI. An error message in such case would be nice but didin't show up. Instead MP2 Client did nothing...

    BTW I can't install MP2 Server on my NAS (running on Linux) so I stuck with those network shares.

    Is there something more I should test before switching back to the working Winter Release installation? (have a backup from this ;) ... )


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  • October 5, 2004
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    Is there something more I should test before switching back to the working Winter Release installation? (have a backup from this ;) ... )
    Please check whether it helps if you enter your credentials in Settings > ServerSettings > Network Credentials.
    For the beginning try the first setting only. If you have/ need credentials to access the shares you also have to select the second option and enter them.

    /offtopic/: oh man we need more documentation of all the stuff. Pasting a link would be much easier than writing it. Especially thinking about the Alpha 2 release and the fact that more user might face that issue./offtopic/

    @morpheus_xx: Could we also let the server run the scan / check twice automatically? Once without and once with interactive user setting?
    Are we able to open a message box if network provider has been selected, but server did not found / access a share?
    A message box with info that connection was not possible and user should enter the credentials, if he has some.
    After closing the message box the credential settings are opened.

    Not sure if this required fundamental changes.


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  • December 17, 2010
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    For the beginning try the first setting only. If you have/ need credentials to access the shares you also have to select the second option and enter them.
    If I have checked none of them, I don't see anything in Shares settings. If I have checked one of them (no matter which one) or both I can see all PC in my network and can open any of them, but can't access any deeper path. Only if I choose a network path on the local machine (is listed there also as usual) I can go deeper. I've tested the Network Credentials multiple times, they are entered correctly.


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  • December 17, 2010
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    BTW, the new Shutdown Menu and the possibility to configure it as I like is great (y)

    I just translated the Shutdown menu items to German. XML is attached.


    • strings_de.xml
      891 bytes
    Last edited:


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  • March 24, 2007
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    Could not do an update as some plugins (TvWishList.Ver.
    This should be checked by @huha, could please take a look what might be wrong? It could be that dev is still missing a branch which was included in public release (like ImproveSlimTvZapping).
    This one should work. One problem with trying different releases is, that in case of changes in MediaAspects the old values won't be visible in new builds: i.e. your imported Movies won't show up if the MovieAspect has been changed (it get's a new ID and thus a new table in DB). This helps to keep compatibility to revert to older versions, but leads to a re-import of shares. This is on TODO-list already (create imports that only update extended information).

    MediaPortal.Utilities.Exceptions.IllegalCallException: Unable to access resource '//SPOCK/D'
    How did you choose the path? Usually UNC paths are using \\ instead of //.

    You can make a test: in windows management/services/MP2-Server you can let the service run under your username. Then the service behaves like normal program (in terms of access rights).

    But I really would like to solve you issue with NAS, can we make a remote debugging session this weekend? (btw, my Buffalo Link Station and other Windows PCs are working fine)

    @morpheus_xx: Could we also let the server run the scan / check twice automatically? Once without and once with interactive user setting? Are we able to open a message box if network provider has been selected, but server did not found / access a share? A message box with info that connection was not possible and user should enter the credentials, if he has some.
    I'm afraid this won't work: in a normal windows environment the enumeration of network resources work without errors, but simply does not return computers. So we don't know if really no computers are there or the account has no network access.


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  • December 17, 2010
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    ou can make a test: in windows management/services/MP2-Server you can let the service run under your username. Then the service behaves like normal program (in terms of access rights)
    Tested this, did not work. No network Computer is shown in MP2 GUI also all are accessible in windows.


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  • October 5, 2004
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    I also want to get my "merge pending list" to get smaller ;)
    Nice :) Since we seem to lack of @Testers all my "Ready for testing" issues are also finished from my pov :p

    BTW, the new Shutdown Menu and the possibility to configure it as I like is great (y)
    I am glad you like it.

    I just translated the Shutdown menu items to German. XML is attached.
    We use Transifex for MP2: http://wiki.team-mediaportal.com/2_MEDIAPORTAL_2/8_Contribute/Localization/Translation_Guide
    So I am sorry, but your attachment can not be considered :p
    Thanks anyways :) But seriously, it's worth to sign up at Transifex, if you haven't already.

    If there are string missing at Transifex, it might because of an issue I have currently to push latest English files to Transifex, which I am investigating together with morpheus.


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  • December 17, 2010
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    lack of @Testers
    So maybe I will wait until those merges are done and then test a new Build. I'm not able to download the whole source code (due to my limited Internet Account) but every now and then a new Build is no problem.

    We use Transifex for MP2
    I know this and I've signed up there already.

    your attachment can not be considered
    No prob, it was just a spontaneous idea and a matter of some seconds while I had a look into the plugin folder. I will try if this new menu will work with Winter Release when I change back later today. I'm using MP2 on a regular basis as you know. MP1 I only use for things that are not working jet (TV, Watched Management, Hourly weather forecast). So I'm in a need for a working MP2 installation.

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