MP2 - V2.1 500 movies missing (1 Viewer)

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  • January 13, 2009
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    I am working on a system for my father which is win7 standalone with a bunch of individual hard drives and only movies on them. He just pointed out to me that he can't find some movies. There are 2080 listed under browse media but only 1578 under movies. I think this is an ongoing issue, I reported it back in 2015 on my own system and think its still happening but can't really tell with 200TB of stuff unless I am looking for something specific.

    Anyways, his system is standalone and was on the spring release when he noticed the movie Fences missing. I used it as an excuse to upgrade him to pre2.1 with a full new import. The movies all have an imdb.txt file with the tt number and the mod to NfoMovieMetadataExtractorSettings.xml to support that file name. The movie Fences was still missing, moving it to a different drive or renaming it with filebot made no difference.


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  • May 16, 2008
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    The movie Fences was still missing, moving it to a different drive or renaming it with filebot made no difference.
    We can't tell for sure what is happening because your logs have been taken at INFO level. Can you please set log level to DEBUG (this can be done from within the GUI), repeat the above and then post new logs?

    Obviously the movie "Fences" is not recognized. The automatic importer (i.e. not taking nfo's into account) is capable of identifying any movie, provided its name is unique. To help overcome ambiguities I am adding the imdb number (tt.....) to the movie file name. It could also be that your nfo file is not working for some reason, so uploading the specific information might also give a hint to us if there is something wrong.


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  • January 13, 2009
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    I have been doing a bit of testing and think I have a partial reason for the import failing. I created a blank win7 test system with a fresh unmodified installation of pre2.1 and a remote client because Mediaportal client doesn't like running in a VM. I placed three random movies from my own collection with a mixture of movie.nfo and movie.txt files containing tt numbers. All three movies imported fine. I then copied one of the movies changing the file name and tt number to match my fathers system and just like his system it was only available under browse media. I renamed the file with a different filebot option from fences.mkv to fences 2016.mkv and it works. Digging through the logs it looks like mediaportal is ignoring the movie.txt file and attempting to match off file name which results in fences 2013 and finds too many matches.

    So now the question is how can I force the TT number in a txt or nfo file to be the first option for the importer to look at? A TT number in the file name would be great but fixing 2080 files on his system would just plain suck especially now that I took the time to count the 4683 movies in my collection that only sees 4221 movies.


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  • January 11, 2014
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    txt files are not supported. I think this is also the case for most other HTPC software. MP2 expects nfo files and I'm using Tiny Media Manager for that.


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  • January 13, 2009
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    Are you sure about that, the MediaPortal.Extensions.MetadataExtractors.NfoMetadataExtractors.Settings.NfoMovieMetadataExtractorSettings.xml shows support for .nfo, .xml and .txt extensions.

    -<Property Name="MovieNfoFileNames">
    -<ArrayOfString xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    -<Property Name="NfoFileNameExtensions">
    -<ArrayOfString xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">


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  • January 13, 2009
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    You may be onto something, I just tried tinymediamanager and the nfo for that works no matter how I name the file or folder and it also works if the nfo is changed to txt. The key seems to be in the formatting of the txt or nfo file. The tinymediamanager format works but just the tt numer or the imdb link in a txt or nfo file isn't working but it used to work. Something changed which explains why it has become more difficult to get movies to import over the last few releases. I will try to hunt down some previous releases to see if I can pinpoint when the change was made unless someone knows off hand.


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  • January 13, 2009
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    Getting closer, I think it was implemented in Jira MP2-505. So sometime after 2.0.0-Summer Release '15 Update 1 something changed.


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  • January 13, 2009
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    I haven't had much time to work on this lately but in MediaPortal.Extensions.MetadataExtractors.NfoMetadataExtractors.Settings.NfoMovieMetadataExtractorSettings.xml for the 2.0.0-Summer Release there appears to be a line looking for a pattern (tt\d{7}) to find imdb numbers. Pre 2.1 is missing this line. There may be some other changes needed to make it work but I think this may be the cause of the mass import failures I am seeing on a few systems I have helped people build.
      <Property Name="ImdbIdRegex">


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  • January 13, 2009
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    Well there appears to be a significant improvement with adding the lines above. I can see all the movies in the logs finding the tt number. On the downside I can see many movies with a valid tt number that "could not be found or does not represent a movie on". I enabled and for online sources to use for new media and restarted the import. With a little luck that will find more of the movies but I won't know till tomorrow due to a issue remoteing into the system while its monitor is off.

    So for now, can someone with access please make sure MediaPortal.Extensions.MetadataExtractors.NfoMetadataExtractors.Settings.NfoMovieMetadataExtractorSettings.xml is updated on the next build to include the code in my previous post. I don't know why it got removed in 2.1 but it certainly broke a few things on import. I put a copy of the file in the logs below for an example.


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  • February 16, 2012
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    So for now, can someone with access please make sure MediaPortal.Extensions.MetadataExtractors.NfoMetadataExtractors.Settings.NfoMovieMetadataExtractorSettings.xml is updated on the next build to include the code in my previous post.
    As far as I can see it is already included and always has been (since it was introduced).
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