5061: Music Database doesn't show all Data... (1 Viewer)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    You can not see errors in this Log?
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,858] [Error  ] [12       ] [ERROR] - SQLiteClient:  cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:MISUSE/NOMEM detailed:out of memory query:select * from tracks where strartist like '%| Juliette Lewis |%' and strTitle like 'Born Bad'
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,907] [Error  ] [12       ] [ERROR] - musicdatabase exception err:SQLiteClient:  cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:MISUSE/NOMEM detailed:out of memory query:select * from tracks where strartist like '%| Juliette Lewis |%' and strTitle like 'Born Bad' stack:   bei SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ThrowError(String statement, String sqlQuery, SqliteError err)
       bei SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.Execute(String query)
       bei MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.GetSongsBySQL(String aSQL, List`1& aSongs)
    О! Looks like the new procedure works more correctly with problems. There are understandable errors in the log. That's a good thing.

    Now that's strange:
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,559] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby
    [2021-01-13 17:39:36,206] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [WARN ] - SQLiteClient: ReadpVm (-15,3263393) Exceeded sampling time, may not have received all the data.
    [2021-01-13 17:40:53,687] [Log    ] [23       ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Free GCHandle for stream -2147483629
    [2021-01-13 17:40:58,499] [Log    ] [12       ] [DEBUG] - GUIMusicPlayingNow: Calling Last.FM to get similar Tracks
    [2021-01-13 17:40:58,679] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - SQLiteClient: Closing database: MusicDatabaseV14.db3
    [2021-01-13 17:40:58,859] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - SQLiteClient: Closing database:
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,003] [Log    ] [12       ] [DEBUG] - GUIMusicPlayingNow: Number of similar tracks returned from Last.FM: 89
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,456] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - SQLiteClient: Closing database:
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,858] [Error  ] [12       ] [ERROR] - SQLiteClient:  cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:MISUSE/NOMEM detailed:out of memory query:select * from tracks where strartist like '%| Juliette Lewis |%' and strTitle like 'Born Bad'
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,907] [Error  ] [12       ] [ERROR] - musicdatabase exception err:SQLiteClient:  cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:MISUSE/NOMEM detailed:out of memory query:select * from tracks where strartist like '%| Juliette Lewis |%' and strTitle like 'Born Bad' stack:   bei SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ThrowError(String statement, String sqlQuery, SqliteError err)
       bei SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.Execute(String query)
       bei MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.GetSongsBySQL(String aSQL, List`1& aSongs)
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,910] [Log    ] [12       ] [INFO ] - MusicDatabase: Opening database
    [2021-01-13 17:41:02,282] [Log    ] [12       ] [DEBUG] - IntegrityCheck: the C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database\MusicDatabaseV14.db3 is OK
    [2021-01-13 17:41:02,283] [Log    ] [12       ] [INFO ] - MusicDatabase: Database opened

    You turn your laptop off or just put it to sleep or something like that. From the log, it looks like sleep, and not a very correct exit from sleep. :coffee:

    @doskabouter What do you think:
    The SQLITE_MISUSE return code might be returned if the application uses any SQLite interface in a way that is undefined or unsupported. For example, using a prepared statement after that prepared statement has been finalized might result in an SQLITE_MISUSE error.

    SQLite tries to detect misuse and report the misuse using this result code. However, there is no guarantee that the detection of misuse will be successful. Misuse detection is probabilistic. Applications should never depend on an SQLITE_MISUSE return value.

    If SQLite ever returns SQLITE_MISUSE from any interface, that means that the application is incorrectly coded and needs to be fixed. Do not ship an application that sometimes returns SQLITE_MISUSE from a standard SQLite interface because that application contains potentially serious bugs.

    The SQLITE_NOMEM result code indicates that SQLite was unable to allocate all the memory it needed to complete the operation. In other words, an internal call to sqlite3_malloc() or sqlite3_realloc() has failed in a case where the memory being allocated was required in order to continue the operation.

    The SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM error code is sometimes returned by the VFS layer to indicate that an operation could not be completed due to the inability to allocate sufficient memory. This error code is normally converted into SQLITE_NOMEM by the higher layers of SQLite before being returned to the application.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,858] [Error  ] [12       ] [ERROR] - SQLiteClient:  cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:MISUSE/NOMEM detailed:out of memory query:select * from tracks where strartist like '%| Juliette Lewis |%' and strTitle like 'Born Bad'
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,907] [Error  ] [12       ] [ERROR] - musicdatabase exception err:SQLiteClient:  cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:MISUSE/NOMEM detailed:out of memory query:select * from tracks where strartist like '%| Juliette Lewis |%' and strTitle like 'Born Bad' stack:   bei SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ThrowError(String statement, String sqlQuery, SqliteError err)
       bei SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.Execute(String query)
       bei MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.GetSongsBySQL(String aSQL, List`1& aSongs)
    О! Looks like the new procedure works more correctly with problems. There are understandable errors in the log. That's a good thing.

    Now that's strange:
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,559] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby
    [2021-01-13 17:39:36,206] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [WARN ] - SQLiteClient: ReadpVm (-15,3263393) Exceeded sampling time, may not have received all the data.
    [2021-01-13 17:40:53,687] [Log    ] [23       ] [DEBUG] - BASS: Free GCHandle for stream -2147483629
    [2021-01-13 17:40:58,499] [Log    ] [12       ] [DEBUG] - GUIMusicPlayingNow: Calling Last.FM to get similar Tracks
    [2021-01-13 17:40:58,679] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - SQLiteClient: Closing database: MusicDatabaseV14.db3
    [2021-01-13 17:40:58,859] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - SQLiteClient: Closing database:
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,003] [Log    ] [12       ] [DEBUG] - GUIMusicPlayingNow: Number of similar tracks returned from Last.FM: 89
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,456] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - SQLiteClient: Closing database:
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,858] [Error  ] [12       ] [ERROR] - SQLiteClient:  cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:MISUSE/NOMEM detailed:out of memory query:select * from tracks where strartist like '%| Juliette Lewis |%' and strTitle like 'Born Bad'
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,907] [Error  ] [12       ] [ERROR] - musicdatabase exception err:SQLiteClient:  cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:MISUSE/NOMEM detailed:out of memory query:select * from tracks where strartist like '%| Juliette Lewis |%' and strTitle like 'Born Bad' stack:   bei SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ThrowError(String statement, String sqlQuery, SqliteError err)
       bei SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.Execute(String query)
       bei MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.GetSongsBySQL(String aSQL, List`1& aSongs)
    [2021-01-13 17:40:59,910] [Log    ] [12       ] [INFO ] - MusicDatabase: Opening database
    [2021-01-13 17:41:02,282] [Log    ] [12       ] [DEBUG] - IntegrityCheck: the C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database\MusicDatabaseV14.db3 is OK
    [2021-01-13 17:41:02,283] [Log    ] [12       ] [INFO ] - MusicDatabase: Database opened

    You turn your laptop off or just put it to sleep or something like that. From the log, it looks like sleep, and not a very correct exit from sleep. :coffee:

    @doskabouter What do you think:
    I think people should stop using sleepmode when mediaportal is running. Nothing but headaches from that :)


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 2, 2011
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    You turn your laptop off or just put it to sleep or something like that. From the log, it looks like sleep, and not a very correct exit from sleep.

    :confused: No, it's always on when creating log-Files with watchdog

    Maybe it's this? --> e.g. When returning from <now playing> screen to Music View, most times it takes veeeeery long (10-20 seconds), during this time the program seems to "hang" - screen freezes.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    When returning from <now playing> screen to Music View, most times it takes veeeeery long (10-20 seconds), during this time the program seems to "hang" - screen freezes.
    I.e. you choose one album, let's say 10 tracks on the screen, then you start playing, go to the window now playing, then press ESC and wait 10-20 seconds to return to the track list?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    In log, return time less then second:
    [2021-01-13 17:39:13,706] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - Windowmanager: Goto previous window
    [2021-01-13 17:39:14,031] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Music.GUIMusicPlayingNow deinit
    [2021-01-13 17:39:14,037] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:14,086] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [WARN ] - GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Titan\mymusicgenres.xml' is missing control id 8 (window property: btnSearch)
    [2021-01-13 17:39:14,087] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [WARN ] - GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Titan\mymusicgenres.xml' is missing control id 12 (window property: btnPlayCd)
    [2021-01-13 17:39:14,303] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Music.GUIMusicGenres init
    [2021-01-13 17:39:14,306] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - MusicDatabase: GetSongsByFilter - SQL: select * from tracks where strArtist like '%| ZZ Top |%' and strAlbum like 'Hit Giganten Partyklassiker' and iDisc like '1' and strAlbumArtist like '%| Various Artists |%'  order by strTitle asc, Filter: tracks
    [2021-01-13 17:39:16,600] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - MusicDatabase: GetSongsByFilter - SQL: select distinct * from tracks where strArtist like '%| ZZ Top |%' and strAlbum like 'Hit Giganten Partyklassiker' and strAlbumArtist like '%| Various Artists |%' group by strAlbum, strAlbumArtist, iDisc   order by iDisc asc, Filter: tracks
    [2021-01-13 17:39:16,826] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - MusicDatabase: GetSongsByFilter - SQL: select distinct * from tracks where strArtist like '%| ZZ Top |%' group by strAlbum, strAlbumArtist   order by strAlbum asc, Filter: album
    [2021-01-13 17:39:17,998] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:20,564] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - MusicDatabase: GetSongsByFilter - SQL: select * from artist  order by strArtist asc, Filter: artist
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,517] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,518] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: New user input detected - set time of last user activity to 17:39:20
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,519] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,531] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,532] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,533] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting MusicDB Reorganisation: 13.01.2021 18:00:00
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,534] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: 14.01.2021 06:00:00
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,548] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Set wakeup timer to wakeup system at 13.01.2021 17:59:00
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,549] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,556] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,557] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,558] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented)
    [2021-01-13 17:39:22,559] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby
    [2021-01-13 17:39:36,206] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [WARN ] - SQLiteClient: ReadpVm (-15,3263393) Exceeded sampling time, may not have received all the data.
    [2021-01-13 17:39:36,343] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:37,561] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval
    [2021-01-13 17:39:37,562] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer
    [2021-01-13 17:39:37,575] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:37,577] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:37,578] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting MusicDB Reorganisation: 13.01.2021 18:00:00
    [2021-01-13 17:39:37,579] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: 14.01.2021 06:00:00
    [2021-01-13 17:39:37,592] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Set wakeup timer to wakeup system at 13.01.2021 17:59:00
    [2021-01-13 17:39:37,593] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:37,604] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer
    [2021-01-13 17:39:37,606] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented
    [2021-01-13 17:39:37,608] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented)
    [2021-01-13 17:39:37,610] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby
    [2021-01-13 17:39:46,526] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - MusicDatabase: GetSongsByFilter - SQL: select distinct * from tracks where strArtist like '%| Barry Adamson |%' group by strAlbum, strAlbumArtist   order by strAlbum asc, Filter: album
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,557] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,612] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: StandbyWakeupThread triggered by check interval
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,613] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: New user input detected - set time of last user activity to 17:39:46
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,614] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Signal client activity to the remote TvServer
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,651] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,652] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,653] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting MusicDB Reorganisation: 13.01.2021 18:00:00
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,654] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Inspecting Reboot: 14.01.2021 06:00:00
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,666] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: Set wakeup timer to wakeup system at 13.01.2021 17:59:00
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,667] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: CheckForStandby()
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,673] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface is not idle: Media is playing - reset time of last user activity and system idle timer
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,674] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: User interface not idle: StandbyPrevented
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,675] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetStandbyMode(StandbyPrevented)
    [2021-01-13 17:39:52,676] [Log    ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: System is busy and should not go to standby
    [2021-01-13 17:39:54,869] [Log    ] [AutoDJ   ] [INFO ] - Auto DJ: Matched 28 local songs.  Attempting to add 5 tracks
    [2021-01-13 17:39:54,871] [Log    ] [AutoDJ   ] [INFO ] - Auto DJ: Added to playlist: Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
    [2021-01-13 17:39:54,873] [Log    ] [AutoDJ   ] [INFO ] - Auto DJ: Added to playlist: Eric Clapton | Blind Faith - Can't Find My Way Home
    [2021-01-13 17:39:54,875] [Log    ] [AutoDJ   ] [INFO ] - Auto DJ: Added to playlist: Queen - Keep Yourself Alive
    [2021-01-13 17:39:54,877] [Log    ] [AutoDJ   ] [INFO ] - Auto DJ: Added to playlist: Steve Miller Band - The Joker
    [2021-01-13 17:39:54,882] [Log    ] [AutoDJ   ] [INFO ] - Auto DJ: Added to playlist: Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends
    [2021-01-13 17:39:55,468] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - MusicDatabase: GetSongsByFilter - SQL: select distinct * from tracks where strArtist like '%| Barry Adamson |%' and strAlbum like 'Natural Born Killers: A Soundtrack For An Oliver Stone Film' and strAlbumArtist like '%| Various Artists |%' group by strAlbum, strAlbumArtist, iDisc   order by iDisc asc, Filter: tracks
    [2021-01-13 17:39:55,497] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - MusicDatabase: GetSongsByFilter - SQL: select * from tracks where strArtist like '%| Barry Adamson |%' and strAlbum like 'Natural Born Killers: A Soundtrack For An Oliver Stone Film' and iDisc like '0' and strAlbumArtist like '%| Various Artists |%'  order by strTitle asc, Filter: tracks
    [2021-01-13 17:39:55,859] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
    [2021-01-13 17:40:02,384] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [WARN ] - GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Titan\DialogMenu.xml' is missing control id 2 (window property: btnClose)
    [2021-01-13 17:40:02,387] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [WARN ] - GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Titan\DialogMenu.xml' is missing control id 5 (window property: lblHeading2)
    [2021-01-13 17:40:02,396] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - WindowManager: route MediaPortal.GUI.Music.GUIMusicGenres:504->MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu:2012
    [2021-01-13 17:40:02,397] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [DEBUG] - DialogWindow: MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu init


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 2, 2011
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    I.e. you choose one album, let's say 10 tracks on the screen, then you start playing, go to the window now playing, then press ESC and wait 10-20 seconds to return to the track list?
    In general -> Yes - (although most times I use X-Key to return - but i think causes the same...)
    But I'm just not sure if the screen freezes allready on <now playing> screen or when it's back on Music view :unsure: (can't test - not at home now:()
    Precice: this is what happens:
    • on now playing screen
    • ESC-Key (or X)
    • "hangs" on >now playing scren" / takes ??? seconds
    • returns to music view
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Very strange, i dont see any long waitings between screen switch.

    -- Tapatalk | WBR, ajs

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